Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout
It had been some time since Mizuki's last match in LAW. Part of that wasn't under her control. She was, after all, only wrestling part-time so she could pursue college, and things had been getting busier than ever lately, so she had focused her attentions on studying. But even when she did have more time, she was hesitant to get right back into the ring. Her defeat against Kira Kusangi - one that had been especially painful and humiliating even by Mizuki's standards - had scared her away from returning to the competition if that was what she could expect to await her. Besides, she had her job as a waitress at the Wolf and the Bunny, so she was making a decent amount of money.

Not enough to pay her way through college, though. So she knew it was inevitable that she would need to get back in the ring - and tonight, that was exactly where she found herself.

She was supposed to be up against someone relatively new to LAW, and someone she didn't have any prior experience with - so, she realized, that could go either way. For all she knew, Yuna might turn out to be nice. But she could also be a brutal foe. Maybe even worse than Kira...no, she soon shook that thought aside; no one could be worse than Kira. Still, she hoped it didn't go as badly as it could have.

When the lights on the ring went up, Mizuki was already in the ring, a clear sign that no one expected her to win the match - but she still got her fair share of laughter and mocking jeers, something that made her knees knock together as she backed into the corner with a gulp, blushing hard. Her attire certainly didn't help. Since she had been using her old school swimsuit to wrestle in, she didn't have anything in the way of proper gear...and Kira had destroyed that swimsuit in her last match. She could ask for something new, but that would've cost money she didn't have right now, so she had no choice but to go out to the ring in her bra and panties. It wasn't the skimpiest thing she'd ever had to wrestle in, but it was no less embarrassing to think that so many people could see her underwear right now, and it did little to protect her against the draft in the arena. Hugging her arms closer to herself, Mizuki could only hope this wouldn't be too hard...
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Re: Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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Eventually after a moment in the midst of everyone hawking at Mizuki. A spotlight shined at the entrance to the ring, shining it down on a blonde lady in a very skimpy and detailed outfit. As she walked to the ring, Mizuki got a better look at her and the more a chill crawled down her spine from just her appearance alone and the crowd cheering for her. She already was getting a name for herself after beating her last opponent in a hentai match and is quickly gathering popularity… mainly due to her looks. She’s given herself the title of “The Sadist Queen” and is said she’s willing to play dirty just to win, making her the perfect heel wrestler

“Oh my, what do we have here?~”
*Yuna jumps into the ring starts to observe her opponent. She couldn’t help but slightly laugh at her appearance and her attire. She can also tell by Mizuki’s expression she wasn’t so confident in this match*
“Ohohohoho!~ First a maid and now some girl in a swimsuit? This will be yet another easy one, I think. Sorry hun~”
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Re: Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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The moment the lights shone down at the top of the ramp, Mizuki sucked in a gulp. She might have never come face to face with Yuna Auburn before, but just one look at this woman told her everything she needed to know. Her body was so much more shapely and curvaceous that Mizuki couldn't help but feel inadequate by comparison, which wasn't helped by how much of hers was on display; a blush came to her face and she instinctively moved to try and cover herself a little just at the thought of Yuna seeing her own smaller frame. She didn't want her to have any more ammunition to use against her when it came to her taunts. But the elaborate lace trim of the blonde's attire spoke to an air of class and sophistication, one that was matched by her commanding entrance. She seemed regal and imposing and proud - all things Mizuki was not. She was all but assured now that any match between the two of them could only end in disaster.

Yuna certainly didn't help her case when she came waltzing down to the ring, already mocking Mizuki from the first moment she laid eyes on her. A shudder went through the brunette's body, and she shrank back against the ropes, trying to get as far away from her opponent as the confines of the ring would allow her to. Even when she spoke, the disdain in her voice wasn't in the least bit lost on Mizuki. Some wrestlers would react with defiance and pride at being called out like this...but though Mizuki clenched her teeth, she didn't take a step forward. She already knew everything Yuna said was true, and not even she thought she had a chance...she just hoped she wouldn't be hurting too badly by the end of it.

Even when Mizuki did step forward, her steps were half-hearted and shaky, and she held her arms protectively in front of herself as though already expecting a blow while her knees trembled. "I'm...s-sorry I can't be the opponent you w-want, miss..."
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Re: Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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“Awwwww… are you sure? My manager told me told me I was fighting a lady called Mizuki Sakura. You’re her, yes? Admittedly I expected someone with a lot more… poise”

*Yuna then slightly swayed her body around while staring at Mizuki with a look of appeal to her. Seemingly oblivious to her nervousness. It seemed the title of “Sadist Queen” wasn’t an overstatement. Her attire and personality alone could make herself the center of the room, plus it’s been rumored she’s bound to play dirty just to win*

“Why so nervous? Are you scared how this fight is going to go? I don’t bite too hard now~“

*As soon as she said that, suddenly the bell rang across the ring, signaling for the fight to begin as it struck even more fear into Mizuki. Yuna got into a fighting position and readied herself*
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Re: Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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As her opponent went about preening and posturing before her, all Mizuki could do was take in a gulp. The contrast between the two of them was like night and day - she was small, weak, and mousy; Yuna was the picture of confidence, with her scanty attire showing off her pride in her curvaceous, eye-catching figure, and her bombastic attitude drawing the attention of everyone in the arena while Mizuki was trying desperately to shrink into the corner unnoticed. Mizuki was only here because she had no other choice. If she had another means of employment in order to make ends meet, preferrably one that didn't cause her to risk both her body and her dignity on a regular basis, she'd surely take it. But Yuna, on the other hand, wanted to bask in the attention - and she wanted to be noticed. When those things collided...it could only be a disaster.

For all Mizuki knew she was hopelessly outmatched, though, she wasn't liking the way Yuna was talking to her one bit. The blonde had no doubt latched onto that hesitation in her, and she was holding a mirror up to it - making sure everyone knew just how frightened Mizuki was, and putting it on display for all to see. The girl's cheeks went red, and she began to tremble as she squeezed her fists tighter to try and steady herself. She was all but assured she was walking into a trap, now, if she was to go ahead and engage her opponent, but...she had no choice. She had to stand up for herself. If she didn't, she'd only be making herself out to be even more hopeless than she already felt. There were a lot of things that had happened that she was ashamed by, but she at least hoped that this one wouldn't be quite as bad as some, and if she let Yuna point out all her fears to the world, it would definitely be up there. And worse yet...if the promoters knew she was this hesitant, would they even grant her another payday?

With a gulp, Mizuki closed her eyes and took in a deep breath to steady herself - but then, she stepped forward to close in on Yuna. "I'm...I'm not s-scared!" she said, very unconvincingly. But she had to save face somehow. Now that the match was beginning, she wouldn't have a choice. She stepped up to Yuna, leaning in to grab her by the hands and pushing back at her to open the match with a traditional lockup. If she was going to get things over with, she might as well do it now. She was sure this was going to hurt in the end...she could only hope it wouldn't hurt too badly.
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Re: Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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As the match started, Yuna let herself get into Mizuki’s lockup as a way to test her strength. She still couldn’t believe that she was fighting an opponent like her, thinking she had something up her sleeve. Yuna then easily managed to break out of her lockup and starts bear hugging Mizuki as tight as she can

“Hah, your strength looks like it can’t catch up with me. I thought maybe you were hiding something up your sleeve. I’m gonna have fun with you now~”

Despite Mizuki’s obvious showing of how scared she is to do this match, the entire crowd was paying attention to Yuna with her sexy outfits and dominant nature. They just couldn’t get enough of her

“Now to really start the match… take this!”

*Yuna then threw Mizuki to the ropes of the ring, she then bounced off the ropes and instantly flung back to Yuna as she punched her in the gut as she trembled down. Yuna then laughed with glee as she started doing sexy poses to the crowd as they roared in in excitement. It seems she was more focused on pleasing the crowd then actually fighting her opponent*
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Re: Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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It was apparent from the moment that Yuna and Mizuki locked hands that the brunette had no chance of even coming close to what her opponent could do. Her grip was little more than a light tap against her foe, and that was enough to tell Yuna how powerless she was to stand against her. Yuna saw her chance, and in a flash, she moved in for the kill - throwing her arms around Mizuki's sides to pull her in for a bear hug! The girl cried out in shock, her legs kicking wildly at the air as she was hoisted off the ground; she let out a few raspy coughs as her lungs were squashed flat against her ribs. But even worse was that Yuna knew that she had Mizuki at her mercy and her whims - and she was going to make use of that. Mizuki knew that from her taunts, and it was enough to make her suck down a gulp, a shudder running through her from head to toe. Things could only get worse from here.

And so they did - when Yuna let her down, it was only to fling her from one side of the ring to the other, as she sent her running in an Irish whip! Mizuki yelped as her legs were kicked up into motion, propelling her toward the ropes faster than she could keep track of. She flailed her arms blindly in front of her, but it wouldn't slow down her charge - and when she bounced off the ropes, she came right back into a well-placed punch from Yuna, one that knocked the air right out of her!

At once, her momentum was brought to a screeching halt. Her voice dying down to a hoarse wheeze, Mizuki sputtered a few times as she doubled over forward against Yuna's outstretched arm. Her legs trembled beneath her before they at last gave out, leaving her dropping to her knees at Yuna's feet. As she grew tense, Mizuki bit at her lip, trembling at the thought of whatever Yuna might do to her. Was this another Kira? No, no, she reminded herself; no one was as bad as Kira. She thought. She hoped...

But to Mizuki's relief, rather than follw through on the advantage, Yuna was showboating for the crowd. Maybe it left her feeling a little inadequate, but if Yuna's attention was elsewhere, there was a chance Mizuki would be able to slip away undetected. Maybe that was a vain hope, but it gave her something to hold onto! Clutching at her stomach to dull the pain, and panting for breath with each inch she moved, Mizuki went to drag herself across the ring, toward the ropes. If she could get there, she thought, she'd be able to pull herself back up. She was too sore and too dizzied to stand on her own feet, but if she could get a leg up, she just might be able to make it...
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Re: Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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In the midst of Yuna showboating in front of the crowd, she managed to catch a glimpse of Mizuki trying to escape. Preventing this from happening she goes over to her and grabs her by the back. Sending shock throughout her body and then proceeds to hold her high in the air as she prepares her signature move she thought of by herself, the Queen Drop

“Awwww… you’re really trying to escape? How about I finish you off now then! TAKE THIS!”

Yuna then proceeded to slam Mizuki on the floor of the mat with as much force as she can as a load *BANG* rang throughout the arena from how much force she threw her to the floor

“Now… if I may do the honors~”

Yuna then started to pin her down to finish the first. Holding her arms and legs as she put her body on her. 1….2…3… the bell then rang to signify the match was over and Yuna was victorious
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Re: Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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It was Mizuki's last saving grace. If Yuna was too caught up with posing and showing off, all in the name of soaking in the adoration of the crowd, then she would have as good a chance as any of crawling away to safety. She knew that if Yuna caught her, she would no doubt have hell to pay - but when she seemed this eager to flaunt to the fans, Mizuki knew that if there was ever a time her eyes were off of her, it would be now. She reached her arm out as far as it could go, dragging herself across the canvas; as she body rubbed along the mat, she winced and shuddered from all the aches and pains reawakened through her weary muscles. Still, she had to keep going, she told herself. This was the last chance she had to escape.

But unfortunately for Mizuki, not even that would be enough. It was just then that she heard the blonde's footsteps behind her, and at that, she froze. A chill ran through her body as her muscles locked up, leaving her paralyzed right where she was, with one hand hanging in the air before her. She already knew this was going to hurt. Rather than try and avoid her fate, the best she could do was prepare herself for it - and when she felt Yuna's hands grab her from behind, her eyes squeezed shut as she shuddered with fear, sucking in a gulp.

Even then, though, when Mizuki found herself hoisted into the air, it was enough to exceed even her expectations! Finding herself high off the mat, she let out a scream, flailing her arms and legs in a desperate attempt at taking back control. But it was hopeless - everyone already knew that Yuna would show no mercy! "Wait!! WAIT! Please, don't, I-!" Mizuki begged - but it was no use. Yuna slammed her hard against the mat, and the landing was enough to rattle the ring!

Crying out in pain and shock, Mizuki's legs kicked into the air, and she bounced back up before she fell limp against the mat below. She panted lazily for breath, and her eyes rolled up into her skull as her limbs lay in all directions around her. Yuna had gotten down on her to go for a pin, but the brunette may as well have already been out cold, when she didn't even budge. The referee made the count - and, with the bell ringing, the match was over before it had begun!

"Here is your winner, by way of pinfall - YUNA AUBURN!" The referee stepped to Yuna's side to hold up her arm in triumph, and the blonde was, no doubt, just as eager to celebrate!
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Re: Mizuki Sakura vs. Yuna Auburn

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“I. Win! Ohohohohoho!~ That poor, little lady didn’t stand a chance”

*Yuna laughed and boasted in her victory while Mizuki payed there taking in all the humiliation as Yuna ran to one of the sides of the ring and leaned on the ropes, showing her boobs to the crowd*

“You like me! And you like all this, don’t you!~”

*the crowd kept cheering on, eventually starting to chant Yuna’s name. She could easily infatuate the entire crowd with her looks, and people enjoy that out of her. As she walked to the other side she then took a look at Mizuki, laying there and not saying a word*

“Ohohohoho… huh?”

*Yuna’s expression suddenly changed to flee to concern. She took a look at Mizuki and surprisingly felt pity and a sense of concern if she’s alive or not. She then gets down on her knees and puts her fingers on her neck to check for a pulse. She then breathed a great sigh of relief feeling a pulse*

“Oh thank God… I didn’t kill you”

*Yuna seemingly changed her act for a quick second. Dropping her Sadist Queen act, she whispered into Mizuki’s ear*

“I know I humiliated you here really badly… but I think I can help you improve. I’ll be in touch~”

*Yuna stood back up and faced the crowd. Going back to her Sadist Queen persona she continued to show off to please the crowd until eventually hopping out the stage and down the wall out the arena, still doing that “Ohohoho” laugh*
Last edited by Hexmint on Sat Jun 24, 2023 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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