Trying To Rebound

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Trying To Rebound

Unread post by Highfly »

Hinata was in the LAW gym, fresh off a loss.... her fourth in a row.... against the cockiest woman she had ever wrestled against. The former MMA fighter was having trouble adjusting to wrestling it seemed after her hot start. Her opponents had figured her out and she needed to adjust in turn. Hinata was wearing a pair of black sneakers, white spandex shorts and an orange sports bra as she stepped up to the treadmill setting it to an incline and starting her warmup as she mentally went through trying to plan out her morning workout. She was going to come back later because she needed to, she had to. She had to get back on track and start winning matches.

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Re: Trying To Rebound

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Quetzalcoatl had just had another victory against a younger woman but as strong as her. The fight was hard but the sun goddess ended up winning this match hands down. Despite this, Quetzalcoatl did not let go of her training, she had to continue to become stronger and more resistant because her opponents would also become more and more powerful. She decided to train in the LAW gym, there was the necessary equipment to strengthen her body and her muscles.
She started off with a little warm-up and noticed someone she knew, the opponent from her last match. What luck ! Quetzalcoatl did not expect to meet this woman again in a place other than the ring. She was extremely happy, a little too much even because she didn't think of what her adversary might think of her.

She shouted to get the woman's attention and approached her with a big smile on her face and waving her hand. She almost interrupted the warm-up of the young woman which could perhaps annoy her.

"How are you? I didn't expect to see you anywhere other than in the ring! But now I understand where your strength comes from, even though you're not as powerful as me!~"

She continued to smile to show that she was happy to see this woman again. Quetzalcoatl had a rather odd way of speaking, she loved making friends and was very caring, but certain phrases could make it seem like she was mocking or provoking, whereas for her it was encouragement!
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Mon May 22, 2023 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trying To Rebound

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Hinata heard a voice.... that voice.... calling out. She looked over and rolled her eyes. Quetzalcoatl wasn't being cocky and as flippant as they were in the ring but they still had that edge of arrogance to what they said. Even the compliment seemed like an empty compliment. Hinata stopped and looked over at Quetzalcoatl. "I think pretty much every woman on the roster spends time in the gym, are you really that surprised?" Hinata asked with her hands on her hips. "I imagine you are here for training just like I am." Hinata said to Quetzalcoatl wondering if she would go on her way or if she would keep talking.

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Re: Trying To Rebound

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Quetzalcoatl kept her smile looking at Hinata, despite the fact that she answered her quite coldly.

"Yep! I train every day! I need it to maintain my goddess body!~"

She starts laughing at her words and slams both her hands in the air, she had an idea in mind.

"Oh my! If we trained together? We have almost the same fighting style and the same strengths, we should have the same training right?~"
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Re: Trying To Rebound

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Hinata was speechless for a moment. Maybe this lady just sucked, totally and entirely sucked at reading the room? Maybe she was clueless when it came to dealing with people and she really wasn't arrogant for the sake of it? Hinata blinked and shook her head trying to figure out what her deal was. "Different people train different ways regardless if they have the same style." Hinata said recalling her fathers training to her moms and her own.

Still..... this lady did beat her clean. She still hated admitting after a 5-1 start in LAW she lost 4 matches in a row and this lady handed her her last loss but perhaps she could pick up on something. "You know what? Fine. Lets do that." Hinata said begrudgingly.

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Re: Trying To Rebound

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Quetzalcoatl's smile grew more and more following the acceptance of her proposal. She grabbed Hinata by the shoulders and shook her slightly in excitement, for the first time she was going to train with someone other than her teammate, Astrea, with whom she had a few lessons. boxing.

"It's great!! We're going to have fun you'll see, it's better than being alone!!"

She then let go of her opponent and began to think, Quetzalcoatl's training was rather regular and she was not used to changing it.

"Well... I mostly do a lot of weight training and cardio, today I had to work the chest with sets of bench presses... But I can adapt to your training if you want!"
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Wed May 24, 2023 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trying To Rebound

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Bench pressing wasn't part of what Hinata generally did. She was all about strikes movement and not really pure lifting. She was still confused by this woman. Did she not know how arrogant, cocky and downright bitchy she came across inside the ring during matches? She seemed different to the point she either had no people skills, or maybe she had some split personality?

Hinata blinked and moved Quetzalcoatl's arms away and nodded to her. "Sure that sounds fine with me." Hinata said as she let her newfound training partner lead the way.

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Re: Trying To Rebound

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Quetzalcoatl smiled at her new gym partner and set off for a free bench. She also took a 2kg bar before installing fists around this bar. She was putting on her weights as usual, humming quietly, putting on 60 kilograms of weight. In all, it was 62kg to carry, which was still quite heavy but useful for Quetzalcoatl. By dint of training with this kind of weight, she could carry certain heavy weights.
She lifted the barbell with both hands and put it on the bench, smiling at her partner.

"I let you start !~ I support you to help you wear it at the end of each series or if you can't take it any longer, it would be silly if you hurt yourself!"
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Re: Trying To Rebound

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Hinata wasn't a bench press expert but looking at the weight... she could handle this. "Ok but I think I will be fine." Hinata said as she settled down on the bench. Hinata was ready, reaching up and grabbing the bar. She lift it up off the hooks and then began to press. The first few she felt great and the wear started to set in on the 9th or 10th rep. Hinata grunted and wanted to do more though, pressing and pushing as she made 15 reps before setting the bar back on the rack, wiping her forehead then getting up wiping off the bench.

"That was pretty good eh? Your turn now." Hinata said getting ready to stand in spotting position for Quetzalcoatl.

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Re: Trying To Rebound

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Quetzalcoatl watched the young woman train without too much problem, she noticed all the same that she had a little trouble on the last rehearsals.

"Well, that's not bad! I had the same difficulty a few years ago~"

She smiled as the small woman stood up and Quetzalcoatl took her place and took the tiller to carry her, beginning her reptitions. She managed to do 25 repetitions, the last 5 were slightly longer than the others the sun goddess managed to be consistent. She stood up, wiping the sweat from her forehead with her towel and smiled again at her opponent.

"Let's continue? This time don't hesitate to ask me for help if you can't carry the bar~"
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