Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

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Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

Unread post by Devastated »

This was more like it.

Champions made a lot of money right?

That mattered!

Fuck that noise! All that mattered was that Alyssa was itching. The blond could feel it, it was as nails were pricking her all over, she was antsy and eager, she was sick and yet healthier than ever before! Was this the what they called thrill?! Fuck, it felt good. In a sense this was like any other match, she hadn't made it into the tournament yet, but this feeling was as exhilarating as anything she'd felt while training MMA. No wait...more!

"FUCK!" Alyssa shouted out as she stood at the Gorilla position, it wasn't out of anger, she was actually excited. She cranked her head to the right, cranked it to the left. She brought her right hand up as a fist and cranked her fingers against her left hand, she repeated the action with her left fist against her right palm. She looked as if she was right about ready to sock one of the workers.

The blonde bounced lightly on her feet, rolling her shoulders...her energy felt boundless.

The last time she felt like this she was a kid in school, no older than thirteen years of age and at that point she had downed about six cans of energy drinks. Her heart racing and yet her mind was still with one single thought.

The all clear signal then came her way. The stage workers giving her to go sign as she would step out onto the ramp. A loud but mixed reaction came her way as this qualifier match was about to be on it's way at any moment, and as she made her appearance on the ramp, just a second or two before her music queue. Five Finger Death Punch's Trouble being her brand new theme for this occasion. Alyssa started to march her way down the ramp, her heavy black boots stomping on the ramp as she made her way to the ring, pulling her jacket off and unlike most times...she'd toss her jacket off towards the crowd. Which quickly got hands grabbing at it. It was a rather impulse move of hers, as she slid in under the bottom ropes next and got up to her feet. A quick bounce on her feet as she would throw a two punch shadow box combo before pivoting and looking up at the ramp. She'd back up, making her way all the way to the ropes of the opposite side of the ring where she would lean back, arms outstretched as if she was trying to hold herself against those ropes to prevent herself from running at the first sight of an opponent she got.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

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"Another day, another match and maybe even another cute girl to face.
Lucy said to herself as she prepared herself to fight in her first qualifier match. She was quite new to LAW and thats why she wasn't sure what an opponent she would face. As the bluenette was thinking what her opponent would be like she got a few shivers down her spine but not really because she was scared, it was more because Lucy was getting excited.

The bluenette went to the entry and waited for her signal. She would breath in and out to conentrate herself. Then a few moments later her song started to play. Lucy started to smile and started to walk.

The small girl wasn't much of a showmaker and she didn't really cared to make a big entry. Everything that mattered for her was the fight. The bluenette grabbed the middle rope and jumped high into the air. Then she would land on the middle rope with her feets and from there on she would jump again over the top rope. Lucy would then land in the ring.

"You could call this a semi big entrance afterall. Well whatever."
She again talked with herself as she was now in the ring.

The bluenette would then see her opponent and walk straight towards her. She watched carefully at her and would walk around her. With this she wanted to get a view at her body. Out of fun the bluenette would giver her opponent a small slap on her butt and laugh for a moment.
"Hehe. Hello my name is Lucy. Let us have a good match."
She would say to her opponent and watching her in her eyes.
Lucy in her bunny outfit
Last edited by Rougue on Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

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Alyssa would pull on the ropes behind her, leaning forward but her eyes kept focus on the top of the ramp as she awaited her opponent. She watched closely and carefully as she would then see the blue haired woman step out of the corner. Watching her make her way down to the ring and even decided to a jump, or a hop. Which seemed...fitting, considering her opponent's attire.

The whole ordeal and outfit took Alyssa out of her dead set focus for a moment. She shook her head, released the ropes and straightened out as she would watch the bluenette walk towards her. After Alyssa had stepped away from the ropes and walked towards the center of the ring, the blue haired girl walked around her, seeming as if she was inspecting the body of the blonde.

Lucy brought her finger tips up to her cheek, giving them a light scratch as she didn't really understand what her opponent was doing. Then suddenly a firm spank was sent to her denim covered rear. Forcing Alyssa to jump up a little and release a soft yelp in surprise. She would turn and look over at her opponent, an angry growl escaping from her mouth.

" The hell was that for, you git!? You lost the plot or what?" Alyssa said as she would throw a rather annoyed glare over to her opponent. " Why don't you hop on out of here before I hurt you, scrubber." Alyssa said as she would keep her eyes peeled at the blue haired woman this time, to avoid another spank like that.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

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Lucy knew that a reaction like this would come from her opponent. The girl just couldn't resist her nature when she was facing a cute girl in the ring. Lucy was just smiling at her opponent as Alyssa was telling her to go away.
"Iam sorry but when I see a cute girl with a great behind like yours I just can't resist it."
She was telling her opponent and would make small steps backwards to her side. Lucy would still watch her opponent. She didn't want to let her out of her eyes.

"How about we have a drink and something to eat after the match?"
Lucy offered her opponent.

Then the bluenette remembered herself that she hadn't have intruced herslef to Alyssa.
"I almost forgot. My name is Lucy I am really happy to meet you."
She said to her opponent and licked her lips. After this she would go into her fighting stance by pulling her right leg a bit behind her others. Her arms would Lucy then put infront of her. After this the buenette would wait for the match to start.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

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" Tch!...who the hell goes around spanking people they've just met?" Alyssa let out in an annoyed tone of voice. She would glare over at the blue haired opponent of hers. She would shake her head a little, as she couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed. Still, she knew that this was the kind of opponents she generally had to deal with around here. So she would have to bear with it.

" Eh? Hmm...if you want to drink with the person who kicked your ass, I don't mind." Alyssa told her opponent as she would turn herself towards her opponent. This was one of the more friendly wrestlers she'd met in this league. So far they had all been either very silent and stoic like, or they had been utter bitches.

" Alyssa. So what's your poison of choice?" Alyssa questioned as she would raise her right arm and then her left. Starting to get into her fighting stance, open left palm and closed right fist. She would bend her knees slightly. The bell would ring and with it Alyssa would be quick to step forward and try to send a quick right hook aimed right at the blue haired woman's pretty face.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

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"At first. Everything that happens in a match should stay in the match and should not get in the way of two people especially not when both are really cute. Because of that I would totally like to drink something with you."
Lucy was asnwering her opponent. Telling her that she was totaly ok if she would kick her butt.

Before she could answer her opponent again the bluenette was immeadiatly attacked by her. The blond woman started to try and hit her right in the. As the hook connected with her face the bluenette stumbled a few steps back holding her face with one hand.

"And here I thought we would get to know each other first."
Lucy would reply before she would start to ran at her opponent. The blue haired woman wanted to spear Alyssa down on the ground because she was way better in grappling and ground fights.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

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Alyssa could get behind this girl's thinking. If they could really keep the match as the match and everything else be something else, then Alyssa didn't mind going out drinking with her. She nodded her head, smirking at Lucy as she would step forward. She came in and threw that strong punch aimed right at Lucy's cheek.

Connecting with it and sending Lucy stumbling backwards, Alyssa would throw on her usual wild grin. " Hah! I get to know people by fighting!" Alyssa let out as she then was caught by surprise as Lucy came charging at her, something that the Brutish Brawler hadn't expected. The bluenette came in in hard, driving her shoulder right into the blonde's stomach.

" Guuh!" Alyssa cried out as air and a few drops of spittle rushed out of her mouth as she was taken off of her feet and down onto her back by that nasty spear of Lucy.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

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"You get to know people bye fighting with them? Thats cool I like that. I even bet that you are popular with boys Allie."
Lucy was telling her opponent. She was right now on her opponents stomach and was watching down right into the blondes eyes. The bluenette would like her lips as she watched her opponent from close.

Lucy would then at first take one finger of her right hand and would then brush over her opponents lips.
"To bad that we didn't meet under other match conditions."
Lucy would say to her opponent in a kinda flirty way.

Then the small girl would grab her opponents hair with both hands and try to stand up. The blue haired wrestler pulled on her opponents blond hair. She wanted to lift her opponent up in the air agains so both woman would be standing again. Lucy would then go with Alyssa towards the ropes. Smilling about the fun thinks she could do with Allsa after the match.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

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Being taken down by Lucy, the blonde would let out a groan as she felt that finger upon her lip, shaking her head a little and releasing a low growl at the feeling of those hands gripping her hair, yanking and pulling the Brutish Brawler up towards her feet, she would glare a bit at Lucy for going for that hairpull right away. Though if that was how this girl wanted to play things, then Alyssa would more than happily comply.

Getting pulled right up to her feet, she felt how Lucy was trying to push and guide her towards the ropes. Not exactly willing to be pulled towards the ropes. Alyssa would attempt a quick and simple wrestling move for once. Trying to wrap her arms around Lucy's frame, pressing their fronts together as she would hug Lucy tightly. Then tried to lift the woman up off of her feet and spin around to throw the blunette down with a belly to belly suplex attempt.

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Re: Alyssa Monroe Vs. Lucy

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Lucy was getting her opponent to the ropes by her hair. She wasn't really the type to grab other peoples hair and pull them but she had to admitt that this was really easy to guide someone into a certain direction. Lucy was walking happily until Alyssa decided to attack. She wraped her arms around Lucy. The bluenette started to blush as she was suddenly pulled closer to her opponent. She got lifted up by her and slammed down on the canvas by her blond foe.

Lucy would groan in pain as she would make contact with the canvas. She rolled around trying to get control over the pain. Lucy would roll from site to site and slowly calm down. When the bluenette would have her pain under controll she would look at her opponent and watch into her eyes.
"You sure are stronger then you look like. I like that."
Lucy would talk to her opponent.

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