Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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Piper huffed boredly as she sat on a bench in the LAW gym. Apparently today was some kinda open exhibition for local talents to try and get hired and as part of the screening process they needed established LAW wrestlers to sit in and.. observe. Normally Piper would be considered too inexperienced for this, but given how she had come up through the young lioness program, as well as her recent infamy, it was suggested by the higher ups to have a more.. heelish personality here to test the aspiring talents ability to work under pressure. Or at least thats how Angie had explained it to Piper when she 'asked' her to do this. Which was honestly the only reason Piper agreed since she wanted to stay on the woman's good side.

But holyyyy hell these bitches were boring. "Pick up the pace losers! I swear I've seen dmv workers faster than you two!" Piper shouted out, earning a glare from both girls running the ropes in the ring, as well as the coach, the latter of whom couldn't do anything since Piper outranked them. Naturally as well the yell drew some weird look from the regular gym goers not that Piper minded. "Seriously you guys suck! I guarantee I could have beaten you both even when I sucked!" Piper yelled again drawing another annoyed look before the two went back at it, trying to tune Piper out as she thought of more insults and taunts for them.

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Re: Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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Kaori heard there would be some new faces in the gym today and being part of the young lioness program, she was advised to be there in case someone needed a sparing partner or something like that. She honestly couldn't care less, the only reason she was even a part of the program was the person she was targeting and even then, management wouldn't let that fight happen. At least there would be some punchable faces around.

The two she saw in the ring when she came out of the locker room were really something else. She knew such things were for rookies to come and try their hands but they were reaching some new low here. And it seemed like she wasn't the only one who thought so. "Are you two trying to trip over your own legs?!" She called out, coming closer "I swear my grandma would do it better and she is dead" She continued, earning her a look from the coach and everyone around. She just looked to the coach and flashed a wide grin, knowing perfectly well they'd do nothing given how her first day at the gym went.

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Re: Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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Piper never thought the day would come. But here she was, actually about to get bored of name calling and teasing people she saw as less than her. How could this be. Just before she'd pull her phone out to mentally check out completely Piper would look up as she heard someone else talk some smack.. that actually was pretty decent! Looking up Piper saw the other girl and smirked slightly, her own passion somewhat reignited as she gained a devious glint in her eye. "Yeah you two come on! How about I go dig up my great grandpa for you to practice against? Someone more you're level!" PIper called out, glad for the new material given by.. "What's your name?" Piper asked suddenly to the girl that joined her, not sure of her name but at least liking her attitude if nothing else.

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Re: Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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Kaori laughed, seeing one of the girls fall over during the exercise, which was impressive in its own way, not everyone could fuck it up so bad going at such a low speed. "I think they would have to get two on one to even get a chance. Maybe they could pin a turtle though, a little one!" She continued, extending her hand to the other girl for a fist bump "Kaori. And those rejects are?" She introduced herself skipping over asking for Piper's name, she saw her before even if only on tv, still, it already seemed like they would get along.

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Re: Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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Piper chuckled softly hearing the now named Kaori's reply back. Girl was clever. "I'm assuming you know my name already so I'll just say nice to meetcha." Piper said, bumping fists with Kaori before focusing on the ring when asked about the two there. "Pfft hell if I know. All I know is there a couple of loooooosersssssssss!" Piper called out loudly towards the end. "Honestly I'm just here cause I have too. How bout you? Don't think I've seen you on tv much." Piper asked with genuine curiosity, surprised she missed someone like Kaori debut given their apparent similarities.

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Re: Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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Kaori paused for a few moments after being asked the question, raising her three fingers and folding them one by one, when the count reached zero, one of the girls tripped, tried to catch herself while still moving and ended up sliding between the middle and the top rope, only stopped by her foot catching on the rope. The ensuing laughter from Kaori was so intense she had to bend forward, taking a few moments to stop herself and wiping the tears from her eyes. "They can at least be decent comedians I guess." She said, taking a deep breath and turning to Piper again. "New here and stuck in a kid's pool. had I known people in the program were so bad I wouldn't have bothered. And only had one match so there is that.

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Re: Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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Piper took a momentary break from focusing on Kaori to check back in on the rookies... Just in time to see that massive botch between the two. "Pahahahahahahaha oh my goddd!" Piper cackled out loudly, tilting her head back as her hands rested over her stomach almost in tandem with Kaori leaning forward from the force of her own laughter.

Taking a few deep breaths to control herself Piper would nod with Kaori. "Pfft more like rodeo clowns than comedians." Piper added to the girl's comment before nodding along at what she said almost instantly piecing together what she meant. "Ohhh you in the young lioness program huh? Yeah it's a load of horse shit but if you play ball enough you can get out from under it pretty quick, speaking from personal experience." Piper said with an understanding nod to the girl.

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Re: Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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For the moment, the coach and the other girl were too busy helping the girl hanging from the ropes to pay them much mind or provide more cause for ridicule. At that moment Kaori turned to Piper again. "Yeah, I know I just expected at least some of that "young talent" and all I saw so far was a bunch of losers not much better than the two of them here... At least their screams are satisfying~" she said with a devious grin.

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Re: Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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Piper nodded to Kaori, briefly turning her focus to her as the two wanna bes in the ring get re situated after such a bad botch. "Like I said preaching to the choir here, the new batch especially seem really lame. Cept that one chick Kate Zawledick or whatever her name is. She actually seems decent. Too bad she has the personality of a brick wall." Piper said absentmindedly, managing to insult one of the current young lionesses while complimenting her at the same time, but the tone of her voice made it clear she thought little of the purple haired woman.

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Re: Mean Girls (For ThatPolishDude)

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At the mention of that name, Kaori froze for a brief second, her hand absentmindedly going to the left side of her jaw, where a nearly visible scar from surgery was, now further covered by makeup. Ten stitches, a bone graft and all the teeth on that side changed for implants, and that was just the jaw. If one was to ask anyone else, she had it coming and more but still, she was not the person to let it simply slide. Which was doubly funny since there was a time she wouldn't think twice about punching Piper for that last comment, but that was ages ago. "She is good, alright" She said simply, in a tone just slightly betraying the seriousness. "Well, not gonna look so good if I get my hands on her~" She returned to her prior, casually sadistic tone, it that match was to happen she certainly had plans...

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