Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

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Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

It had been a while since the last time Ryan wrestled here in LAW. Ever since the Shadow Fortress was established, Ryan had been working as one of coaches there, teaching the younger wrestlers on how to wrestle. But tonight, he would return in the ring, and he admittedly felt a bit sluggish because he hadn't been wrestling a real match for so long. So, he might be feeling a little rusty tonight.

In addition to that, there was also the fact that his wife, Michelle, was still on a break after giving birth to their daughter, Rhea Ashford. Admittedly, Ryan had some mixed feelings about the whole things. Michelle had been taking charge of the whole thing, and while he was grateful for it, he still felt a bit indecisive about what he thought regarding the whole affair.

Michelle had been quite successful as a professional wrestler, even without attaching the name Ashford to her own name. As her husband, he was glad for that, but he also wished that he could at least do something to Michelle. With Michelle taking charge of everything, it felt like he didn't contribute anything to her. As far as he was aware, he might as well be a non-entity in their relationship.

Shaking his head, Ryan tried to focus on the upcoming match. Now clad in his wrestling trunks which had the signature Ashford leopard print at the sides, Ryan made his entrance. He received a rather modest reaction from the crowd, and it was mostly due to his association with the Ashford family. Still, he strode on confidently, making his way down the ramp, heading over to the ring.
Ryan Ashford
Entering the ring, Ryan would do some light stretches. His hunky appearance was certainly something that the female audience appreciated. After that, he waited at his corner, looking at the entrance. From what he had heard, his opponent for tonight would be someone named Lovestar, a newcomer in LAW.

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Re: Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

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'Oh boy...my opponent is a hunk~ whoever is married to him is extremely lucky~'

Lovestar said to herself as she was watching Ryan's enterance backstage. This was the Luchadora's first intergender match solo ever and she was curious how she would do against a male wrestler.

Lovestar was already dressed and ready to go as she wore a pink and silver styled brassiere and shorts, white knee pads and boots, and a pink neck collar with stars.

The important thing that she made sure never came off was her beloved Luchadore mask which was pink and white and has a star with a white heart in the center of the star.

As Lovestar waits for her que she wondered why the bookers would have her wrestle against Ryan. Then an idea lights up as the Luchadora theorizes that since she is new and Ryan was coming off from an hiatus maybe this would he a perfect match up for both parties. Either way any chance to wrestle in the big stage was always a plus for Lovestar!

"Alright your up next."

A staff member would inform her as Lovestar had a smile plastered on her face and waits for her que.

And now! Wrestling from Carolina, Puerto Rico! LOVESTAR!!!!!
When Lovestar's theme was starting to play, the pink luchadora came out with her hands on her hips and started to hip sway her way to the ring. She gave some blow kisses to the people in ringside as she walks up the steel steps and swiftly climbs to the top turnbuckle. She stared around the arena delivering another blow kiss before jumping inside the ring.

When she turn her gaze to Ryan she would wave at him and wink at him to get his attention. As her enterance was complete she would go to her corner and do some stretches while the referee checks on both combatants for any brandish weapons. The check was all clear and everything seemed to be in order. Once the ref went back to the center of the ring he would wait a couple of seconds before calling for the bell to ring!


The match would begin but Lovestar wasent intrested in starting just yet as she wanted to meet with Ryan in the center of the ring to talk to him.

"Hey Ryan~ Pleasure to meet you...I'm guessing your a married man?"

Lovestar would ask as she smiles and places her hands on her hips indicating that she is no rush to wrestle just yet.

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Re: Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

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Ryan looked at the woman who would be his opponent for tonight. From what he could tell, this woman, Lovestar, was a luchadora, so he might need to watch out for any lucha moves in this match. He waited for Lovestar to enter the ring, keeping his eyes on her. Once Lovestar was in the ring, Ryan would wait until it was time for the match. The referee made sure that the two of them had no hidden weapon in their persons before the bell was sounded.

Hearing Lovestar's words, Ryan raised an eyebrow. Well, him being married wasn't exactly a secret. "Yes, that I am." He answered neutrally. "What of it?" He would take a stance, raising both his hands as he would get ready to clash with the luchadora before him. Considering that he was bigger, taller and heavier than his opponent, he was sure that he would be able to overpower her in terms of pure strength, but there were other factors that he needed to consider. So, for the time being, he would wait for Lovestar to make her first move.

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Re: Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

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"Oh nothing...just wanna say that your wife is a lucky woman~ she is probably watching live too~ so let's try to put on a good show~"

Lovestar would place a hand out to shake with Ryan. Whether or not he shakes it, the Luchadora would take a step back from Ryan to start a proper square off. Being this is the first time Lovestar fought in a intergender match she knew how different it would be to wrestle up with a man...the strength difference was in no question, so when Lovestar started off she instantly went to jump and hit Ryan with a few Forearm shots to the face, backing him off before running backwards to the ropes to bounce off and rebound for a Jumping Clothesline to knock him to the canvas early.

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Re: Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

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Hearing Lovestar's words as she mentioned his wife, Ryan smiled slightly, and he accepted the handshake. Stepping back, Ryan would prepare himself for the match, waiting for the match to begin. As soon as the match started, Lovestar immediately jumped into action, jumping and hitting Ryan right in his face with forearm smashes to his face. He grunted each time he took the hit.

Scrunching up his brow, Ryan would try to keep himself upright and ready himself to fight back, but Lovestar was on the roll as she made her way to the ropes, rebounding from them and returning back to where Ryan was. Grimacing, Ryan would force himself to look at Lovestar's direction as she leaped up in her attempt to hit him with a jumping clothesline.

Instead of letting himself be struck by the jumping clothesline, Ryan would try to catch Lovestar's body while she was still in the air. From there, he would attempt to swing her body down to the mat with a spinebuster, going to a sitout position as he did so. He was sure that if the move succeeded, the luchadora would take quite a massive damage from the move.

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Re: Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

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After popping Ryan with some Forearm shots, The luchadora would attempt to knock Ryan down with a jumping Clothesline!

But her male opponent would catch her mid-air and slam Lovestar with a sit-out Spinebuster!



Lovestar groaned out in pain as she rolls to her side, with her hands rubbing at her back while kicking her feet at the canvas. The pink masked Luchadora would begin crawling to the ropes still gripping and rubbing at her back as she was in so much pain from the spinebuster!

"Owww...you guys do slam harder than the females...owww..."

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Re: Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

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Catching Lovestar in the air, Ryan then sent her down to the mat with a sitout spinebuster, inflicting damage on her back. Picking himself up, Ryan looked at Lovestar, who rolled over to her side before she crawled towards the ropes, seemingly to recover from the spinebuster. Hearing her words, Ryan sighed, knowing that his view on women vs. men was a bit warped thanks to his upbringing. Due to the training he underwent under his mother, he had come to believe that women are superior compared to men, hence why he would never hold himself back against them so that he could compete with them.

Not wanting to give Lovestar the opportunity to recover, Ryan would approach her and bend down to pull her up forcefully. As soon as he got the luchadora up, Ryan would swing his arm at her and hit her with a forearm smash to her chest, hoping to weaken her with his strike. If the forearm smash connected, Ryan would follow it up with another before capping it off with a third strike, also to the chest.

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Re: Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

Unread post by Weonna »

Before Lovestar could get to the ropes, Ryan would catch up to her and began hitting her chest area repeatedly with Forearm shots! With each shots, her tits would wiggle around as the Luchadora quickly places an arm to cover it!

She was hit three times in the chest forcing the Pink Luchadora to lean back against the ropes as she starts to breath down heavily from the hard Forearm shots!

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Re: Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

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Ryan had landed his forearm smashes at Lovestar's chest, and seeing the luchadora against the ropes, Ryan would then press himself against her as he would grab onto one of her wrist before he yanked her away from the ropes so that he could send her running towards the opposite ropes with an Irish whip.

Looking to have her rebound from the opposite ropes, Ryan would be waiting for her, his arm extended out as he would prepare himself to hit Lovestar with a clothesline.

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Re: Ryan Ashford vs. Lovestar - In the Name of Love

Unread post by Weonna »

As soon as Ryan grabbed her wrist and whipped the pink luchadora to the ropes, Lovestar would recover and duck under her opponent's arm and avoiding the Clothesline! Lovestar would turn around and attack Ryan with a quick dropkick to his chest...briefly knocking him down to the canvas. Lovestar would get right back to her feet and wait for her opponent to stir back up before charging at her male opponent, jumping up to wrap her legs around her neck, and throwing him with a running Hurricanrana!

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