Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

Unread post by Weonna »

Standard Match

Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent

Previous Thread

It has been a week since Lovestar's interaction with another fellow Luchador named El Rey Del Cielo. There first encounter was full of teases and flirts which left Lovestar attracted to the Mexican Luchador and today was the day they would meet again as promised.

Lovestar was fully prepared for this match as she waited all week for there second meeting and as she exited out the locker room to go to the backstage curtain and wait for her que, she was dressed in her proper wrestling attire.
"Hmm...I wonder...has he been thinking of me all week?"

Lovestar giggled as she couldn't stop thinking about El Rey since the first day they met. The pink Luchadora was stuck in a trance before an staff member tapped her shoulder and told her it was her time to enter the stage.

"Lo Siento...I was know what nevermind! Let's put on a show!"

Lovestar would snap out of her trance and put on her game face on as the Announcer started to introduce her to the arena.

Wrestling from Carolina, Puerto Rico! Give it up for LOVESTAR!!!!!
When Lovestar's theme was starting to play, the pink luchadora came out with her hands on her hips and started to hip sway her way to the ring. She gave some blow kisses to the people in ringside as she walks up the steel steps and swiftly climbs to the top turnbuckle. She stared around the arena delivering another blow kiss before jumping inside the ring.

Once her enterance was completed Lovestar would wait in her corner and await El Rey with a smile on her face as she was really excited to see him again.
Last edited by Weonna on Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:36 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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One whole week after he had encountered Lovestar, a fellow lucha wrestler, El Rey and the flirtatious woman were set to undergo the match they had agreed on, the muscled man finishing his pre-match prep backstage as he got ready for another bout! So many gorgeous women in LAW, so many he had the pleasure of wrestling, and now he would be facing another beauty, this one a lucha libre practitioner much like himself, so of course the masked man was in quite high spirits! And best not to keep her waiting either, so he would soon depart from the locker room, making his way through the backstage areas of LAW before arriving at the entrance to the arena proper!

Lovestar was already out there, blowing kisses and entertaining the fans as El Rey approached, and with a smile on the face of the masked man, he wouldn't keep anyone waiting any longer, stepping out onto the entrance ramp! The crowd cheered for his arrival, and El Rey would begin his walk down the ramp as he waved to them in return, though his attention would quickly turn to the woman inside the ring as he joined her!
"There you are hermosa! I've been so excited thinking about this, and I was right. You look even lovelier in your wrestling attire, I hope that you're ready for this!" El Rey teased with a smile on his face, eyeing Lovestar up and down as he smiled at her, before taking his place in his corner of the ring, doing some light stretching as he prepared for the match to begin!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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"Oh I'm ready for this Guapo~"

Lovestar replied as she bit her lower lip and gave El Rey a Flirtatious look as she takes her place in the corner, waiting for the bell to ring.


The match would start, but Lovestar had a plan. As soon as she came out the corner she would circle around El Rey, giving him a few winks before stopping in the center to dance in front of him...she would do a love sign with her hands and stick her tongue out while swaying her hips side to side.
This got the crowd to clap in approval as Lovestar would bite her lower lips again and this time attempt to distract El Rey with a sexy Reggaeton Dance.
Lovestar would inch closer and closer, circling her hips as her ass was sticking out and as she got closer she would turn around and start twerking that heart shaped pillow of an ass all over his El Rey's crotch area!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Once in the ring and facing off with the busty luchadora who was to be his opponent, El Rey and Lovestar were ready to clash, and so before very long at all, the bell would ring and signal the start of the match between the two! Before anything else could happen though, Lovestar would bring her hands up above her head and form a heart, wiggling her hips side to side as she began to dance, suddenly getting far more erotic with it as she shifted her hips side to side! And once she approached close enough to El Rey during her dance, she'd suddenly spin around and press her plump ass up against his groin, beginning to shake her ass and dance on his crotch, a quite pleasing sensation!

"Oh? Missed me that much, did you?" El Rey said with a smile, standing tall and enjoying himself as Lovestar danced up against him, a sexual act already so early, not that the masked male minded much at all! He would reach down and grip Lovestar's curvy hips with his hands, admiring her rear end as it grinded up against him, enjoying feeling her curves as he held on just loose enough to let her continue to dance freely!

Enjoying yourself hermosa? You're quite the dancer... I hope you are just as good of a wrestler!" El Rey said with a smirk, drawing his hand back before delivering a quick little slap to Lovestar's shaking ass, much like he had when they had met! But all the while, the luchador would slowly shift himself towards the corner, pushing Lovestar along with him, seemingly looking to work her towards the turnbuckles while she was busy dancing!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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When El Rey placed his hands on Lovestar's hips, she would bite her lower lip as she continued to play and tease her opponent with her plump ass. El Rey would then compliment the pink luchadora before getting back to business as he spanks her ass causing Lovestar to moan sensually.

However Lovestar wasen't too oblivious on what El Rey tried to do as she could feel herself being slowly pushed to the corner. As soon as she moved, Lovestar would swiftly sprint towards the turnbuckles then jump up and have her booty stuffed into her male opponent's face when he tried to follow after her!
Lobestar would twerk her Booty-Lishus ass all over El Rey's face as she giggles and teasingly said,

"Mmm~ Papi~"

The referee would start to count to five for Lovestar to let go and after 4 seconds of El Rey getting a whiff of Lovestar's covered womanhood she would push him off by double kicking him! The crowd would cheer as Lovestar spanks her booty and winks at the tumbling luchador.

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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It was quite the interesting maneuver, for Lovestar to begin the match by turning her back to the male wrestler and begin to dance against him, but it was certainly a way to catch his attention, and El Rey didn't mind at all! His hands gripped her hips and gave her ass a smack as she rubbed up against him, her large rear end feeling incredibly pleasant on his body, all while he began to lead her towards the corner! But Lovestar wasn't totally oblivious even while busy dancing, and so she had a way to foil El Rey's plans upon them reaching the edge of the ring!

With a sudden movement, she'd leap forwards and plant her hands on the top ropes, and El Rey would find her legs shooting up to hook onto his shoulders, getting a good grip on his upper body! Once there, he'd find himself suddenly pulled forwards, and his face would land directly in the thick ass that had just been rubbed against him, getting a face full of booty!

"Mmmph! Mmmmph!" El Rey grunted as his face was yanked between her cheeks, her large ass jiggling and shaking on his face as she performed her move, the crowd absolutely loving it! It wasn't too bad for El Rey either, if a bit humiliating, but when the count reached four, she'd shove him away with both feet, the masked man stumbling back before falling over! However, El Rey would roll all the way through, ending up landing on his knees and looking up at Lovestar, a cheeky smile on his face as he gave her a nod!

"Alright hermosa, you've got the moves alright... Guess I'd better be careful of that rear of yours!" He said with a smile, before suddenly charging forwards, attempting to catch Lovestar landing in the corner! He'd leap up, spreading his limbs out as he attempted to slam into her and squish her against the turnbuckles, hitting her with a massive corner splash!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Lovestar stayed in the corner as she gave her opponent a taunting butt spank as she winked at him. The Luchadora would wait for El Rey to come at her and when she saw the 200 pound man charging at her like a bull, Lovestar would grab the top rope and leap over it gracefully as El Rey would splash in the turnbuckles!

"That's too predictable Galán~"

Lovestar teases before waiting for El Rey to turn around to her direction. The pink masked luchadora would attempt to jump to the top ropes and launch herself at El Rey with a springboard Crossbody!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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With Lovestar having been smart enough to foil El Rey's plan ahead of time, along with giving him an immediate helping of ass to his face to start this match off proper, the muscled male would pick himself up off the canvas where he had been thrown! Lovestar was already showing off some athleticism, but El Rey didn't want to wait too long and let her get the advantage, as he would push himself up and take off towards her, leaping at the busty woman to try and squash her into the corner post! However, Lovestar was another step ahead of him yet again, and as she leaped over the ropes, El Rey would miss her entirely, slamming into the turnbuckles and letting out a gasp as he bounced off of them!

"UUGH! Not bad... hermosa..." El Rey grunted as he slammed into the buckles, before bouncing off and stumbling away, turning around as he brought a hand up and rubbed his chest where the turnbuckle hit him! But when he turned back around to face Lovestar after collecting himself, he would find her up on the top turnbuckle, leaping off and landing atop him with a big crossbody splash!

"What the- UUGH!" El Rey grunted as Lovestar's body would collide with his own, slamming into him and forcing the air out of his body as he collapsed backwards, Lovestar coming with him as he fell onto the canvas! Her curvy body landed atop him, and he'd be left down in a daze as she took her early lead and read with it!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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With a successful crossbody splash, Lovestar managed to knock El Rey down! Her body was on top of him briefly as the pink Luchadora would roll back up to her feet and swiftly run back to the top turnbuckles with an Agile jump! The crowd would cheer loudly when Lovestar was back on the top as they awaited for her next dangerous move!

"Hey Guapo~ I'm right here~"

Lovestar playfully taunted as she waited for El Rey to stir back up to his feet! Once he got back up Lovestar would jump out of the turnbuckles and attempted to grab his head while flipping in the air to slam her opponent down with a Blockbuster!

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Re: Lovestar vs El Rey Del Cielo

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Missing his splash had resulted in complete disaster for the muscled male, as Lovestar had managed to perch herself atop the top rope before leaping off and crashing into him with her own curvy frame, leveling him with a crossbody! It had driven the air out of his lungs and squashed him flat against the canvas, with Lovestar popping back up and scurrying off out of sight while El Rey groaned and attempted to pick himself back up, hearing her voice calling out to him as he did so! And when he looked up, he'd see Lovestar once more flying off of the top ropes at him, this time soaring over his head as she reached down to grab hold, yanking him along with her to slam him into the mat once more with a blockbuster!

"UUGH!" El Rey yelped as he was suddenly yanked off of his feet, swinging down hard onto his back and having the breath driven out of his body once more, leaving him knocked down for yet a second time, Lovestar taking quite the lead in their match so far! The masked man would give a low groan as he reached a hand back to rub his spine, before attempting to roll over and push himself back to his feet, knowing that he needed to turn things around and fast, unless he wanted to be steamrolled by the beautiful luchadora!

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