Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Once Shanty was ready, Patricia made a move to mix things up a little: A jab that turned out to be a feint, looking to set up a leg kick.
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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Shanty would end up blocking the leg kick before answering with one of her own to Patricia’s shin, followed by a DDT/guillotine choke combo

Shanty: Dem feints ain’t got nothin’ on me!

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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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This girl was even faster than Patricia thought, checking her kick only to almost immediately pay her back with one of her own. It swept her off balance. And then she felt an arm wrapping itself around her neck. Watched as Shanty's legs left the mat. Time slowed.

It was too late to counter. But she could still lessen the coming impact, and her body reacted on instinct to do just that. As she stumbled forward, her hands moved to grip at Shanty's buttocks, purely for the sake of keeping her away from the mat for long enough to offset the drop and thusly set up a landing at an angle that wouldn't be quite as damaging. It would still leave her dazed, allowing Shanty to lock in the choke, but her efforts rendered her able to recover quickly.

Her hands reached for the ropes. She was close, but not close enough to get the break.


It was time wasted when she already had only a few precious seconds to act. In this moment, she couldn't have been more glad that her sensei didn't let her slack off on strength training. She wasn't going to be breaking any world records any time soon, but she'd put in enough work to be able to drag both herself and Shanty off the mat. Slowly, and with no small amount of difficulty, but surely. And then charge, right into the nearby corner.

If Shanty's back being slammed into the turnbuckle loosened the vice grip she was stuck in, Patricia would remain in close quarters with her, still, utilizing a modified version of the textbook boxer's clinch that trapped her arms underneath her own, but with her body angled in a way that had the lower half far enough away from her opponent's to prevent any easy sweeps.

Just a few seconds more would be all she needed. A little time to get her bell to stop ringing and take a breath, and she would be back in the fight.
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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Shanty: (She gets pushed into the turnbuckle) Oof, not bad.. but if yer tryin’ to clinch with me, I hope dat stomach of yer’s ain’t weak! (She starts to hit her gut with knee strikes, hoping to soften her up.)
Last edited by ClockwerkSamurai12 on Wed May 17, 2023 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Knees right out the gate. Patricia was pulled into them, but it wasn't the best clinch to throw them from. That certainly wasn't to say that they didn't hurt, though. They were still connected to a pair of powerful legs, smashing right into her ribs. She'd be feeling them in the morning, that's for sure.

They were fast too; Shanty got two of them in before Patricia pulled her to the side, taking her off balance. Not enough to get her off her feet -- the ropes would get in the way of that happening immediately -- but certainly enough to stop that third knee from coming through.

While Patricia was no master of the clinch herself, she still knew a few things. Like moving her hands behind Shanty's head to set up her knees. After doing this, she would fire back.
Last edited by DSX93 on Wed May 17, 2023 8:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Shanty: *Feeling Patricia’s hands behind her head* Don’t think so! (She would wrap her legs around her head before grabbing one of her arms, putting Patricia in a triangle choke) Ya can either nap or tap, do ya self a favor and give up!

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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Patricia didn't even have the chance to transition to a Muay Thai clinch before Shanty seized one of her wrists and leapt upward, bringing both feet off the mat. She knew exactly what the Stowaway was going for before her legs wrapped around her head, bringing an arm with it in between them. And she let it happen, already having an easy counter in mind.

"Nap or tap?", huh? "Give up"? When she's this close to the ropes? Not happening.

Patricia got a foot up on the rope to force the break, and as soon as she was free, she sprang forth in a sudden show of aggression, aiming for the full mount. If she got it, she would start raining palm strikes down on Shanty's face.
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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Shanty would end up releasing Patricia from her hold before rolling backwards, avoiding her opponent’s pounce.

Shanty: Heh, y’not gonna get the drop on me dat easily!
Last edited by ClockwerkSamurai12 on Fri May 19, 2023 5:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Patricia stood in place as her opponent made space between the two, taking a deep breath through her nose while eying her like a hawk. The frustration was starting to build.

Everything she's tried so far has failed. Not even charging her into the damned corner seemed to be having any effect.

And that mouth. Shanty would just not. Stop. Fucking. Talking.

Patricia tried to think of it as the trash talk that's to be expected in pro wrestling, even amongst friends. But she couldn't help but feel that she was being made a fool of in front of...What was it? Millions? Billions?

First came that rejection from the entire roster. And now this.

Another deep breath.

Remember what you've been taught. Keep it cool. Don't let it burn.

The temptation to raise fists as she settled into her stance was still strong, but she'd breathed enough -- just enough of it out to stick to open hands instead. She wasn't entirely convinced that Shanty was taking her seriously, but in light of what she was asked, she kept it level.

The purple-clad fighter made her approach, coming within striking distance before springing forward like a viper with a palm strike aimed at her face. If it connected, a boxer's hook to the ribs and a round kick to the side of the knee would follow. Something that was sure to hurt and maybe close her mouth for five minutes.
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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

Unread post by ClockwerkSamurai12 »

Shanty: Oof! (She staggers back from the combo, but regains her footing) What’s wrong, am I buggin’ you?
Last edited by ClockwerkSamurai12 on Wed May 24, 2023 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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