WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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Author’s Note
This match takes places during the launch event for World Frontier Pro Wrestling in India called Sands of Time. This is match fully written by CaptainL, RedShinigami, and Bare featuring their respective characters. A special thanks to them for helping me write these matches. It’s a big help! Enjoy!
Match Type: Tag Team Match
Rules: Winners are determined by pinfall, submission, knockout, count-out, or DQ. Normal tag team wrestling rules apply.
The Superstars
Alizeh Midori
Aella Midori
Location and Arena: Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Indoor Stadium in Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Stage Reference for Event
*For the stage photo above, there is also a giant hourglass stage prop off to the side constantly draining digital sand.
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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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Backstage, Molly could hardly contain her enthusiasm. If there was any indication that her career was taking off since she and Harmonia had formed the Superstars, this would be it. Their involvement with World Frontier Pro Wrestling promised big things on the horizon - not only would the two be competing as a team in front of a whole new audience around the world, they also got to try their hand at the inner workings backstage as general managers. Tonight, though, when they took to the ring, it would be as combatants. Tonight, the Superstars were set to make a tag team appearance at Sands of Time, the latest in a series of supercards hosted by the burgeoning promotion all around the world. That was even more exciting for Molly - it meant the Superstars had the chance to show off what they were made of to more fans across the world than she would ever have dreamed she'd one day have. They truly were becoming a worldwide sensation; the thought of it made her heart pound with excitement. Molly never imagined that she would one day make it this far, but now that she'd tasted the heights of popularity, she wasn't going to look back either!

It had been a long plane ride to India, but Molly was every bit as full of her boundless energy as ever. She skipped around their locker room, a giddy smile on her face as she closed in on Harmonia to take her by the hand. "This is it, Moni!" she cheered, beaming a bright smile toward her girlfriend. "Time for the two of us to make a splash! You ready? Aw, who am I kidding - you always are!" she added with a chuckle at her own joke. She turned toward the Gorilla position, her eyes atwinkle with excitement...and soon enough, it came time for the Superstars to make their entrance!
As the Superstars' entrance music began to play, a burst of red and white smoke shot out from the pyrotechnics systems, already garnering a cheer from the fans! Molly burst out from the curtains with a grin on her face, one arm locked around Harmonia's own while her other waved out to the fans as she jumped up and down in place. Her heart beat a little faster when she looked out to see all the fans that had gathered here to see her, all united in a cheer. Even from halfway across the world, the Superstars were making an impact that few could deny, and tonight, it seemed like all of Kolkata was eager to see them do what they did best. Molly practically went skipping down the entrance ramp, tugging Harmonia along by the arm as she waved and blew kisses to the fans. She was going to give them something to remember!
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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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Harmonia was as eagerly excited to be here as her better half was, in fact there were many reasons. First of course was that she was with Molly, this fact would always be the most important thing in the Blondes life. Molly was her soulmate, her heart and she would follow her everywhere just as the Brit would do. Even her need for showing off and be victorious was lowered by her. All things considered her fellow blonde had been her cathalyst, always pushing her forward but bringing her back to earth when she flew to high.

"Yes, I know carrot and thats why we will give 200 percent! After all, Aella is a well known veteran and Alizeh a rising star.",she said as she brought Mollys hairband into shape so she looked absolutely perfect. This time she kissed Mollys forehead before adding her expensive, red lipstick because in the past there was not just one time where Molly jumped down the ramp her face covered with marks from all the kisses Harmonia had given her beforehand.

She smiled and placed her hands on Mollys cheeks. "We will give them hell and will have fun with it!",she grinned and turned to the mirror applying her lipstick as her thoughts drifted. Harmonia and the Midoris were friends now but this hadnt always been the case as Aella and Harmonias first meeting, the Blonde still an aspiring rookie, turned into an allout catfight with Aella showing the newbie what she could do only for a more experienced Harmonia to beat her in a Iron Woman Match a year later.

Since then they had became friends and Harmonias focus had shifted onto the Doctors daughter Alizeh Midori, one of the big hopes of the middleweight division which made her a rival of Harmonia, both of them come to a draw in their first match which left them both dissapointed and wanting to face each other again soon. Now they were here with WFPW and the chance to not just beat one but all two Midoris and even if Harmonia and them had no hard feelings for each other, this evening had to be decisive and Harmonia would not hold back. She owed it to herself, Molly and her fans to fight as hard as she could.

Hand in hand they walked up to Gorilla position and Harmonia gave Mollys hand a soft but firm squeeze. "Hey,remember to have fun, whatever the finish out there brings for us, we still knew that we made one hell of a show!",she grinned and gave her girlfriend a wink behind her sunglasses.

"Also be prepared for everything...Alizeh likes cute girls, you know. Now that I think about it...keep an eye on Aella-san too...",she chuckled as they stepped ou to greet their fans go thunderous applause while their rocking theme filled the arena.

They walked down the ramp with Harmonia giving her sunglasses to a fan before getting on the apron and jumping over it with Molly in synch as the refrain and with it the turnbuckles exploded in q shower of white and red while the Superstars pushed their fists up in the air, their other hands holding closly at each other. This was all the people needed to see to know what the Superstars were about. A big entrance, a song about getting your desire a reality, their hands holding tight, colours and cheers everywhere and finally of course their now famouew catchphrase.

"BURNING...LIKE....FIIIIIIIIIIREEEEEE!",they both shouted as the crowd greeted them with thunderous roars. Harmonia and Molly smiled as they took of their accessories and walked to their corner.

"I go in first carrot. I just cant wait to slam one of them...",she said with a grin and leaned into the corner.
Now it was time for Mother and Daughter to show what they got...

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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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Today was a surprising first for Alizeh, and her mother Aella as well. Namely for what was the first time in a long time the two would be teaming together. It was a rare but not unwelcome occasion, largely due to the... 'limited contact' agreement the two had made. After all, Alizeh wanted to make her own way in LAW, without any claims that she relied on her mother, likewise Aella was focused on writing the last chapters in her own story, and she didn't want Alizeh to feel like a crutch or third wheel to it. Tonight though? Tonight was just too good of a opportunity to pass up. After all a chance to compete together in a country neither had wrestled in before against a mutual rival? Too perfect. Hell they even made sure to wear matching gear and use different entrance music for the occasion speaking of...

"Ready mom? Think we haven't tagged since I was... seventeen yeah?" Alizeh asked her mom with a grin on her face as she finished tightening her laces in preparation for the match ahead while her mother simply chuckled after adjusting her hair slightly before standing straight. "It was you're eighteenth actually, a week after your birthday though." Aella said correcting her daughter as the two began walking in tandem towards the gorilla position, WFPW's various crew and staff buzzing about dutifully around the two as the mother and daughter duo walked. "Yeah yeah, well still gonna be a bit rusty, at least we're going up against somebody we've both beat up before." Alizeh said jokingly getting another laugh from her mom before the two made it to the entrance curtain and waited as their song began.
Just as the initial chorus hit and the song picked up in speed orange and green lights would shine down, illuminating the silhouettes of both Alizeh and Aella, the crowd immediately reacting and cheering before the two came out and struck another pose together, back to back and legs curled up with the soles of their boots pressed together while their hands shot up into the air in a symmetrical pose, allowing the crowd to get a view of the white, orange and gold outfits donning both Aella and Alizeh.
Feeling they made a strong enough impression as is Alizeh and Aella would begin to strut down the ramp with smiles on their faces, both focused on the ring ahead of them. "Maybe I should come up with a catchphrase like Harmonia." Alizeh hummed in a outward thinking thought as they walked, Aella rolling her eyes playfully before the two hopped onto the apron and posed together once more before both entering the ring. "Sup Harmonia, think I should come up with a catch phrase too?" Alizeh immediately popped off to the blonde before Aella rolled her and held up a hand to get Alizeh to hush before extending her hand to the blonde.

"Harmonia its been too long, hope you don't mind I use this as a chance to return the favor from before." Aella said in a playful but competitive tone before turning to Molly. "And Molly yes? I've seen you're work, impressive, especially if you can tame a woman like Moni, I have high expectations of you." Aella said while Alizeh dropped her lackadaisical attitude and nodded along with her mom. "Yeah if anything you're the expert at tag matches compared to all of us, so don't think we'll be overlooking you." Alizeh added before she also extended her hand, the Sky Dynasty making the offer for a pre match handshake to the Superstars to try and start things off on friendly terms.

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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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When Harmonia looked into her eyes, committing to deliver on their promises of always pushing things to the limit, giving it their all, and putting on a show no one could forget, the grin on Molly's face would only grow wider. She stood a little taller and nodded her head in agreement - and when Harmonia planted a kiss on her forehead, Molly could feel the tingles of excitement well up inside of her; she had to squeeze a fist at her side to keep herself still. In just a moment, she and Harmonia would make their big debut in India, adding another entry to the list of countries they had wrestled in, and no doubt made quite an impact when they did. But the opponents they were scheduled to face tonight would only make things even more exciting! Molly was well aware of Alizeh Midori - the girl's incredible skills and her electrifying presence were enough to rally the fans behind her wherever she went, and it wasn't without reason that she was one of LAW's most talked-about up-and-comers. Though they had never had a match together, the thought of taking her on was one that Molly couldn't help but look forward to - and to demonstrate her newfound skill and see if it could compare to a prodigy like Alizeh's would be an honor!

At the same time, Alizeh wouldn't be alone - she would be at the side of her mother Aella, herself an accomplished wrestler in her own right. That would only make things more interesting. When the two of them were family, Molly could only expect their bond to be as close as that she shared with her girlfriend, putting the two teams on even footing when it came to cohesion - something that the Superstars ordinarily excelled at in particular. If the Superstars didn't have their most famous advantage on their side, this match promised to put them to the test. More relevant, however, was the fact that Aella and Harmonia had a long-standing rivalry - and that was something that gave Molly pause. She had needed to reel in Harmonia's temper on much more than one occasion, and against Aella, she had to be careful of any old grudges being reunited. If Harmonia lost her cool, that could well cost her the lead.

But Harmonia was right - and when Molly heard it from her firsthand, she nodded her head, flashing her girlfriend a grin as she squeezed her hand tighter. At the end of the day, they were here to help promote WFPW, and spread attention in the promotion to all corners of the globe. No matter what happened, it was sure to be exciting!

...though, Molly still did have to blush as Harmonia brought up Alizeh's fondness for cute girls. "H-Huh..? What mean by that..? Hey, you're not jealous, are you-?" It seemed her questions would go unanswered, though - it was time for the Superstars to make their entrance! Molly shook herself out, quickly hurrying behind Harmonia to join her on the entrance ramp. This was India's first chance to see the Superstars' well-practiced entrance live and in person, and she had to make sure she made it right!

Molly was every bit as energetic as her partner as they stepped down the ramp, waving hands and blowing kisses to everyone on the way down. When Harmonia got on the apron, Molly was quick to join at her side, and she looked back at the Austrian with a grin, nodding her head to her to signal her readiness before they joined hands and sprung over the top rope. When the two of them settled in the ring, Molly stood tall behind Harmonia's back, her chin pointed skyward and her fist held high. The whole arena was cheering them on - especially as Molly joined Harmonia in calling out their catchphrase!

She wasn't particularly surprised when Harmonia volunteered to enter the ring first, but still, Molly bit the inside of her cheek as she looked back toward her girlfriend. If Aella also entered first, things might heat up faster than anticipated. "All right...just don't be afraid to tag me in if you need it, alright?" Then, she turned to the ramp once again, as the Sky Dynasty arrived on the scene - and she was there to greet them with a grin!

It immediately caught Molly's attention that Aella and Alizeh had went with coordinated outfits, and that they too had assumed a carefully choreographed entrance. If they'd set up such a display, then surely her concerns about dealing with a similarly cohesive team were founded. Nevertheless, Molly cleared her throat, standing up straighter as her opponents entered the ring. They seemed personable enough - and when they offered their hands to shake, Molly went to shake both in turn. She giggled to Aella's comments. "Ah,'s tricky some times, but I'm sure we won't disappoint!" she said, careful not to step too hard on her girlfriend's toes, and hoping Harmonia wouldn't take offense anyway. And when Alizeh recognized that Molly, through her time with the British Bunnies, was the most experienced tag team wrestler of the lot, the Englishwoman blushed, but bowed her head nonetheless. She wasn't used to being thought of as an accomplished veteran! "Oh-! It's an honor! It's hard to believe I've got people looking up to me already. I used to feel so inexperienced...but Moni's been a big help. And don't worry, I'm gonna make this match worth your best efforts!" Molly flashed a confident grin, but looked back in Harmonia's direction. Only time would tell how she would react...
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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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Harmonia had her own history with the older and the younger Midori, one that had started better, the other one started worse. But the important thing was that these days were behind them and Harmonia Edelstein had grown as a woman and a fighter.
She leaned against the ropes as the mother and daughter team had their big entrance and as always she was intrigued.

Alizeh was everything she aspired to be and had reached. Both women wanted to go to the top, both loved big shows and had embraced the world of wrestling with all its loudness, costumes and sillyness that accompanied it. They could get behind each others motivations and goals and so their friendship as their natural rivalry, was growing fast and they became close soon.

With Aella...things were a little different tough. The oldest woman in the ring had been booked with a Harmonia at a a bad place in her career. Nobody would or could take the Blonde, the "Model thinks shes a wrestler Bimbo", seriously and so she was booked in sleazy dark and jobber matches until her breaktrough by almost beating the Lightweight Champion Rose Gold.

But back then, even if she had fans, she was a nobody most of the roster would'nt touch and her frustration hit Aella which in turn lead to a wild catfight all over the beach with the veteran shaming the newbie for everyone to see. But after Harmonia had her big break she challenged Aella formally and managed to beat her opponent in a grueling Ironman Match.

From then on the two made up and became friends too so as they approached her carefree Harmonia just waved her hand and hugged Alizeh.
"Oh come here you.",Harmonia grinned. "Can't wait to kick your butt in a whole other country too, sweetie. Lets give it our best. And..."

Harmonia turned to Aella and took a step closer, their breasts pressed into each other as their eyes locked. "Aella.",Harmonia said with a blank face as everyone had to assume that both women still held a grudge. Everyone tensed, Harmonia could feel Mollys hand reaching out to grab her if needed but to everyones surprise, the Blonde suddenly locked lips with the older Midori and gave her a sensual kiss.

The crowd did'nt knew what to make out of it but when Harmonia parted, a small string of saliva between their lips, she smirked. "I do hentai again...might have a proposal for you latery Miss Midori.",she chuckled and turned to her corner.
On the way she grabbed Mollys hand and laughed out loud.
"Feels good to be back. Oh and carrot...",she said as she lifted Mollys chin and gave her girlfriend a deep kiss too. " get the important one of course.", she smiled and leaned back into their corner...

She would go in first, who would the family Midori choose?

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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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Standing across the ring from the Superstars Aella and Alizeh would smile confidently at the two. Confidence only earned by years of experience and total trust in each other, in their case, the trust that came from being mother and daughter. However the women they were staring down had a bond that, while not being bound by blood like theirs, was powerful none the less being lovers.

Still despite that all there was an air of respect and fair competition between the four women. Despite there initially being some bad blood between one pair of them, that was history now, and the greetings between the two reflected that since the four were talking pleasantly like they weren't prepared to beat each other up in the next few moments, but until then neither Midori minded chatting it up with Harmonia or Molly.

Hugging Harmonia tightly Alizeh would pull back with a teasing grin on her face. "Oh big talk coming from you, but we'll see just big you feel once I beat you." Alizeh shot back with a wink to the blonde before turning to Molly and giving her a wink as well. Aella meanwhile would smirk softly at Harmonia as the woman approached and said her name. "Harmonia." Aella said with a cordial nod to the woman.

Though, even she would admit to being a bit surprised when the blonde suddenly leaned in, capturing her lips in a sweltering and intense lip lock that was both sweet yet promised something more... Not in a romantic sense. But that of a competition sense. Like it was promising more to come at some point in the future. As Harmonia pulled away she all but confirmed when Harmonia pulled away and said she'd be doing hentai matches again, and had an idea for her.

Something that made Aella's grin grow even wider as she stared the blonde down, Alizeh doing the same with slightly wider eyes, not exactly knowing how she felt about that since she kissed Harmonia at one point too. But regardless it was time for the two pairs to head back to their corners and prepare for the match ahead. "Alizeh dear, that got me a bit... excited mind if I start things off?" Aella asked causing Alizeh to look between her mother and the woman across from them before nodding. "Just... try not to get TOO excited mom ok?" Alizeh asked to which she got a nod prompting Alizeh to step between the ropes while Aella stood across the ring from her old rival Harmonia, fully prepared to throw down with the woman.

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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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It looked as though Harmonia and Aella would be the first two women to take a stand - and that was enough to make Molly suck in a gulp. For as much as the two of them seemed to be able to put their feud in the past, Molly was well acquainted with Harmonia's temper, which rivaled even her sister's. That had gotten her into trouble before, and now, when she was staring down the woman who had at one point been one of her worst enemies, the prospect of emotions running high seemed all the more daunting. In fact, as Harmonia singled Aella out and stared her right in the eye, Molly could feel her stomach tighten into a knot. She squeezed her fists tighter as she readied herself to jump in and break up a brawl if she needed to...but what followed proved even more surprising, as Harmonia pulled her foe in for a kiss!

"WHAT?!" Molly's face went bright red as she clasped her hands to her mouth, her eyes wide in surprise. She and Harmonia had been over this plenty of times - now that Harmonia was getting back into hentai matches, it wouldn't mean anything for her relationship with Molly. And yet, the Englishwoman couldn't help but feel a little jealous to see her girlfriend getting so passionate with someone else right before her eyes! Let alone with Aella, of all people!

Aella's response would only make Molly blush even harder, and she fidgeted her feet nervously to and fro. "E-Excted..!? What's THAT supposed to mean-!?" she sputtered, even if she had a pretty good idea already of what Aella meant. Harmonia soon silenced Molly's worries with a kiss of her own, and the lightweight breathed out a sigh of relief as she settled in against her side, hugging closer to her. When they parted, Molly looked back up at Harmonia with a smile and a nod - but it was still an awkward one. And from the way Aella was acting, she realized she had no way of predicting what might be in store. All she could hope for was that things wouldn't get too out of control - and if they did, well, at least she was there to intervene.

"Y-Yeah, uh..." Molly got behind the ropes as well, still chuckling nervously as she watched the action. "Just...stay focused, okay, Moni? And I've got your back if you ever need it!" Regardless, she still took in a gulp. Now, the ball was in Harmonia's court to see where this would lead...
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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Harmonia brought Mollys hairband in shape and gave her a tight hug, cupping both her cheeks and giving her another long kiss. "For good luck, hm? And now don't worry carrot, it will be alright. Aella and Alizeh are our friends, which does'nt mean that they will go easy on us so as usual, do your best and we will have another big victory for the Superstars!", Harmonia said with a wink and turned around to face Aella.


The bell rang, the crowd cheered and it was on. Harmonia and Aella circled each other carefully. "Well, Frau Doktor, you ready to put yourself together after Molly and I are finished with you?", Moni teased and gave her a friendly chuckle afterward.

They moved in closer and Harmonia lifted her arms, ready for the first attack of the older Midori as they came closer and closer and before the greenette could get any ideas, Harmonia went in for a lockup, both women having each other in their grasp, trying to overpower on another. Harmonia tried her luck first, giving Aella a shove, moving in the motion behind her and wrap her arms around the doctora midsection, wrapping them around her and squeezing tight in some sort of reverse bearhug, compressing the older Midoris midsection.But to add a little fun to it, Harmonias cherry red lips started to kiss and suck on the struggling womans neck...

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Re: WFPW MATCH: The Superstars (Harmonia Edelstein and Molly Forster) vs. Aella and Alizeh Midori

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Watching Harmonia with Molly from her corner Aella would chuckle to herself at the little wholesome moment on display. 'Oh to be young again.' Aella thought to herself before focusing on Harmonia as the woman broke away from her corner and to the center of the ring, causing Aella to smirk a bit wider as she raised her hands up and began to circle the woman with a ready expression on her face.

"We'll see.. Just try and keep your top on for the majority of this match." Aella said with a wink to the woman as a playful reference to Harmonia's match with Alizeh as the two criceld one another before darting in towards each other. Holding her arms up Aella would clash with Harmonia, getting into a classic lock up before the blonde darted around behind the older woman!

"Ngh!" Aella grunted out, feeling Harmonia's arms clench over her waist before shivering slightly as her foe's lips danced across her neck. "Ooooh Moni you're incorrigible ~" Aella said between pants before taking action! Pushing down on Moni's hands Aella would look to break her grip before looking to spin behind the blonde, throwing a leg over Harmonia's own before grabbing her face and pushing her to the side, trying to lock in an abdominal stretch on her opponent! "Well Moni you reap what you sow." Aella said as she gently thrusted her hips into Harmonia's rear end, her free hand dancing along the younger woman's stomach with a smirk on her face.

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