Beach date day! (Featuring SimplyWoo)

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Beach date day! (Featuring SimplyWoo)

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(Author's note: this takes place before Oscar Do or Die match between Natalie and Katrina's match with Drake)

It was a beautiful, sunny day as a certain Barbarian Prince sat on a bench and took in the sights of the nearby boardwalk and beach. With his schedule constantly becoming busier and busier, Oscar found his heart aching as he was kept away from his girlfriend for longer than he liked. Even though Katrina wasn't bothered by his lack of visits and time spent together- understanding that this type of business keeps them busy, Oscar still wanted to be the best he could be for the beautiful bluette; especially when she had a match coming up against the man who put him in the hospital. Drake Benton. That's why the two decided to meet up at the boardwalk not only to spend the day doing some of the fun activities that the boardwalk had to offer but to also help Katrina relax and rejuvenate with some fun before throwing down what was no doubt going to be an intense match.

Oscar was so excited to see Katrina that he actually picked out a whole new wardrobe for the date and even arrived about twenty minutes early. Ok- so maybe he was TOO early, but it wasn't hard to pass the time when people often approached him for autographs. As time ticked closer and closer, Oscar would look around the area for either Katrina's car or for that special silver streak in her ocean-blue hair.

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Re: Beach date day! (Featuring SimplyWoo)

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Looking around for Katrina can be difficult. Even knowing what to look for, Katrina was definitely skilled in being sneaky, taking the role of the beach ninja very serious. That's probably why he didn't hear her approach from behind the bench as he suddenly felt her arms wrap around his neck from behind and pressed her cheek into his, feeling the smile of her dimples press into his cheek. "Honey, I think you're a bit overdress. This is a beach date. You look like you're dressed for a family cook-out." She teased with a giggle as she released him.

Maybe it was being distracted, but no Oscar could hear the sounds of wheels rolling on the pavement as Katrina skated around the bench in front of his view. Katrina was wearing a very distracting flesh colored two piece bikini that almost made it difficult to see the seems of the bikini with the exception of the tie strings and the rhinestones that bordered around it. She also wore matching inline skates that the body of the skates were the flesh color, but the shoe laces and the inline wheels were black. Lastly, complimenting her outfit was a black hoodie tied around her waist, which the way her bikini bottoms matched the color of her skin, it looks like she was bottomless with only the hoodie covering up what needed to be covered.

When she was in front of Oscar's view, she was now holding some bags in her hands that she originally set behind the bench when she hugged Oscar from behind, now she set the bags down in front of them as she then twisted her body to sit down on Oscar's lap as she wrapped her arms to drape them over top of Oscar's shoulders. "How's my sunshine doing on this lovely day?" She asked with a big grin on her face, absolutely ecstatic to finally see the boyfriend after an extremely busy time away.

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Re: Beach date day! (Featuring SimplyWoo)

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Oscar jolted in surprise as Katrina snuck up and hugged him from behind. Crap! He totally forgot about how sneaky she could get! He smiled from ear to ear when he heard her voice- a voice that gave him tingles down his spine and skyrocketed his serotonin levels as Oscar pressed his cheek back into Katrina's.

"Aw, and here I went wanting to look nice for you. Would a tank top and booty shorts be better in the future?"

Oscar snickered as his own quip as Katrina pulled back, showed the bags and roller skates and... woah was she naked!? Wait- nope. It's just flesh colored. Still, in the moment Oscar's eyes went wide and his mouth hung agape as Katrina sat in his lap before everything clicked.

"... Oh my God I totally thought you were naked for a moment there. With the y'know, flesh coloring and... stuff"

Oscar let out a laugh before looking into Katrina's eyes and pulling her in for a loving hug.

"I'm doing really great thanks for asking! I'm so happy to have graduated... but more importantly I missed you and those funny little tricks of yours so much, Katrina. I... can't even begin to describe how it feels to hold you right now"

Oscar held onto the hug for a little decent while before trying to pull back- assuming Katrina wanted to let go.
Last edited by MappleMan7 on Sun May 14, 2023 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Beach date day! (Featuring SimplyWoo)

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"Oh no." Katrina giggled at the nearly naked comment as she blushed a little bit. "Rylie dared me to wear this one out." When Oscar mentioned booty shorts she snickered. "Yes, booty shorts, and make it leather as well." She teased and let out a relaxed sigh as Oscar had his arms around her. She rested her forehead on his and smiled at him not being able to describe how it feels to hold her. "Then don't describe it honey, just...feel it." She mentioned with a big grin as she shifted her face to be cheek to cheek with him as she closed her eyes and smiled.

"Oh and Rylie told me to give you this." She mentioned as she let out a playful growl as she squeezed his neck even tighter with her arms. "She definitely misses you and wants to hang out with you again some time." She then pulled back from him, but remained on his lap with her arms draped across his shoulders. "So I bought some food in some containers in those plastic bags I set on the ground. I figured during our skate we would make our way close to the beach where I know a bunch of stray dogs hang out. I figured we could help feed them. Then maybe we could hit up some street food, maybe put some temporary tattoos on us, and then whatever else we would like to do. You did bring skates right?" She asked as she glanced down towards Oscar's feet.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Fri May 19, 2023 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Beach date day! (Featuring SimplyWoo)

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Oscar let out a snicker at the leather comment before closing his eyes and smiled with joy as the two were cheek to cheek and just cuddling up on the bench. Yup. Oscar was feeling the vibes and completely enjoying the moment. When Katrina squeezed his neck tighter, Oscar let out a bit of a little "Ack" before she pulled back.

"True... I should find something to do with her sometime. We haven't hung out since the last PPV on the cruise ship"

Oscar listened to the plan Katrina formed for the date and would take a large pair of black rollerskates with flames painted on them out of his bag.

"It was a pain in the butt to find skates in my size- but I managed. I'll just need a bit of help since I ah... never really used roller skates before. Other than that- yeah! All of that sounds awesome. I'm excited for it"

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Re: Beach date day! (Featuring SimplyWoo)

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"Mmm hmm." She agreed with Oscar and needing to hang out with Rylie. She then heard him mention his skates. "Ooo let me see, let me see!." She said giddy as she reached for one of his skates and brought it to her as she giggled. "Flames? Imagine!" She teased as she gave it a good look before giving that skate back to him as she rose up from his lap before bending over directly in front of him to pick back up the bags as she twirled gracefully in her skates to look back over at Oscar to watch him put his skates on. "It's not that bad to pick up, in fact the first step is to just stand still and find your balance first. Then after that you pretty much try to walk like a duck until you're comfy enough to begin gliding." She mentioned giving him a dazzling grin and a wink as she stood in front of him, just in case she needed to be there to support him in case he fell forward.

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Re: Beach date day! (Featuring SimplyWoo)

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"What? I thought they looked cool, sue me"

Oscar snickered and stuck his tongue out at Katrina before taking the time to swap his running shoes out for the skates, placing the shoes in his bag. The Barbarian Prince would take a moment to adjust the straps on the skates, securing them before looking up at Katrina with a nod.

"Find balance and walk like a duck... yeah- I can give that a try can't be that hard..."

Oscar would take a deep breath before pushing up off the bench and onto his feet... only to suddenly become a wobbling mess as the skates slid back and fourth, making Oscar's eyes go wide and wave his arms about as he tried to find balance- inching towards Katrina as all of this was happening!

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Re: Beach date day! (Featuring SimplyWoo)

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Katrina hid her lips behind her mouth as she tried not to bust out laughing at Oscar flailing about. She knew if she continued to stay where she was she was going to end up being flattened by her lover. She then brought her lips back to the normal position as she smiled at him as she skated backwards and continued to skate backwards and skate in a circle, making herself end up behind Oscar as she grabbed him by the collar of his long sleeved shirt as she giggled. "Flailing like that is only going to make you jerk about until you give yourself a hard landing. To quote the great Bruce Lee, be water my friend." She mentioned as she twisted around beside him. "Here, hold one of these bags so I can hold your hand." She mentioned and when Oscar did that, she took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Ok, one foot at a time start with your left. Nice, now your right." She made sure to skate with the same leg Oscar did and covered the same distance, trying to help him get the hand of it. "Straighten your back up...good, that's it and just glide." She mentioned as she began to skate with Oscar towards where she knew the stray puppers were.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sun Jul 16, 2023 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Beach date day! (Featuring SimplyWoo)

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

Oscar was thankfully steadied by Katrina, no longer flailing about as he followed her advice. The Barbarian Prince would steady himself after taking one of Katrina's bags and taking hold of her hand. Being led by his girlfriend, Oscar took a deep breath as he did his best to mimic Katrina's movements. There was plenty of caution from Oscar as he moved very steadily at first, but soon the young man was picking up the pace as he seemed more comfortable.

"Hey... yeah! I think I get it now. Well- sort of. I figure I should ask this now- but ah... how do I stop when we need to?"

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