Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

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Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

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Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)
Match type: Hentai-Submission.
Last edited by KyraAgmento on Mon May 15, 2023 3:33 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Match type: hentai submission
Rules: the match only ends when one of the party’s forfeit, hentai moves are allowed
Attire: normal

Samantha was in the locker room, adjusting her outfit and stretching to make sure she was ready for her opponent, she was enjoying having hentai matches with girls similar in stature to her, she was the fertility goddess after all, sex was practically a second nature to her

”our first contender for this hentai submission match!”

Samantha would smile and get up, walking down the entry way as she waved to her fans

weighing in at 170 pounds! The goddess of Fertility!”

Samantha would jump over the top rope and wink at the camera, gesturing for it to come closer

”hey Kyra, if you’re watching this~ I hope you enjoy yourself~”

Samantha said, blowing the camera a kiss, she knew that they both had screens to watch the other’s entrance, so she knew that Kyra would see her flirtatiousness


Last edited by DarknessMaster on Sun May 14, 2023 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

Unread post by KyraAgmento »

smiles nervous as she adjustsher outfit for the hundredst time. The blonde shivers and stretches her body while she waits for the time to make her entrance.
"Why did i agree to this?"
she mutters to ther self while wiping some of her blond hair back out of her face.
"Because you wanted something totally different."
she giggles and blushes over Samanthas flirting.
"Well you got something really different Kyra."
She squeaks and giggles.

Announcer: And here come 156.5 punds power from Bavaria: Kyra Agmento!

Kyra pushes herself through the curtains and marches to her corner, way to nervous over this new type of match to look at the crowd, she climbs through the rope an looks at her opponent. Well at least she looks hot. Thought the blonde while she examines the opponent.

Last edited by KyraAgmento on Sun May 14, 2023 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Samantha was stretching looking over her opponent and smiling

”hello there~ you’re quite the cutie aren’t you~? I was expecting someone around my size but, I don’t mind smaller girls~“

Samantha said as she pulled Kyra into a soft, loving kiss, she wasn’t at all shy about what she had planned for her opponent, she was gonna send this rookie to heaven
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Re: Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

Unread post by KyraAgmento »

Kyra: "Hello?"
*she smiled shyly and took the offered hand for a shake, she gasps as she got pulled against her Opponent and Sams lips meet hers. Her eyes go wide as she feels the tender kiss and the gentle touch of Sams body against hers.*
Last edited by KyraAgmento on Sun May 14, 2023 10:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Samantha would caress Kyra’s body softly, wanting to get a feel for her opponent before the match

”do you mind me feeling your body a bit~? I promise, no lewdness until the bell rings”

Samantha said with a soft smile, she was very trustworthy with what she said, the last thing she wanted was to put her opponent at an unfair disadvantage
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Re: Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

Unread post by KyraAgmento »

*Kyra smiles and blinks puzzled.*
Kyra: "Oh well yes."
*She nodded slowly while she embraced Samantha too. Her curiosity got stronger and she looked into Sams eyes while she tried to get used to this special way of touching her opponent.*

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Re: Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Samantha would glide her hands across Kyra’s thighs and hips, she didn’t want to touch Kyra’s breasts yet, but when that bell rang, she was gonna be all over them

”see~ you can trust me~ a goddess would never break her word~”

Samantha said as she softly kissed Kyra again
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Re: Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

Unread post by KyraAgmento »

Kyra relaxed more under the gentle touch of Sams fingers, she smiles and starts to caress Sam too while she retunrs the kiss gently. Kyras body was firm and well trained, She carefully explored Sams body while her breath goes slower.
Kyra: "Indeed."
Okay she is..... uhm.... Pflegefall...... She calls herself goddess uhm well we are in the ring so just for show. She smiles and nods at Sam while she settles and ponders about her first move when the bell goes.

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Re: Rookie to new follower of the fertility goddess (Samantha versus Kyra Agmento)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

After a bit, the bell rang, meaning that now, Samantha was able to do as she pleased, starting by letting her hands massage Kyra’s breasts, grabbing her butt with one hand and holding her close

”now than cutie~ how do you like your sex~? Because I like scissoring with cute girls like you~”

Samantha said with a lewd smile, massaging her ass a bit as she kissed her softly
The flames will not harm you unless you intend to harm them, remember if you get hurt, the flames do not attack without reason


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