Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Hinata groaned and grit her teeth, trying not to scream in agony as her arms were yanked back incredibly painfully. "Shut up....Nggghhhh......" Hinata groaned as she shook her head. The pain was mounting and the thrashing Hinata was still stuck! Hinata tried to use her legs to push and slide them closer to the ropes when she felt the agony of the hold really setting in!

"AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHH!" Hinata screamed as she was thrashing and bucking in Quetzalcoatl's grip still stuck as she tried desperately to escape.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Quetzalcoatl could see that her hold was very effective, her opponent was screaming in pain but Quetzalcoatl was also getting tired doing this hold. She had to think about a sequel after this take because she wasn't going to stop there. After about ten seconds to perform a surfboard, the sun goddess put her opponent on the side to lie on her stomach and sit on her back to pull Hinata's hair back to raise her head.

"I like when you are screaming in pain, you have a knack for becoming a beautiful jobber~"

Following her words, Quetzalcoatl threw her opponent's face to the mat. She repeated this action three more times before the referee acted and asked Quetzalcoatl to let go of her opponent, she obeyed and even raised her hands to show that she had let go of Hinata's hair.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Hinata grunted as her head was smashed against the mat and groaned as Quetzalcoatl finally let go and backed off. Hinata slapped the mat and shook her head. She outright hated this cocky bitch. More than anyone else she wrestled against she wanted to just destroy this woman to set her straight and adjust her garbage attitude. That was helping Hinata to fight through the daze and pain she was feeling. She ached everywhere and was clearly having a rough time.

Hinata pushed herself up, breathing heavily. She grit her teeth and turned trying to get a focus on her opponent. Hinata would try to move in and try to swing her knee into Quetzalcoatl's abdomen then step up to hit her in the face with a quick jab before spinning around using the momentum to land a discus clothesline as she hoped to come back swinging and send her opponent down to the mat.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Quetzalcoatl had calmed down after knocking her opponent's face against the ground several times, she felt satisfied with her revenge. She continued the provocations by making more than useless reflections and taking poses showing that she diverted her attention from the fight. Then her opponent got up and Quetzalcoatl could see the rage in her eyes, she was quite happy to fight against an opponent who got angry so quickly.

"I talk a lot and yet it's you who's out of breath... Pathetic~"

Quetzalcoatl took a guard to protect her face, logically her opponent would aim for her face after the sun goddess hit that spot. But her adversary hit Quetzalcoatl's belly with her knee, which took her by surprise.


Quetzalcoatl then sought to attack but was stopped with a simple punch and then a clotheline, knocking her onto her back sighing in pain and growling. If her adversary tried to catch her, Quetzalcoatl would push her back with her arms or her legs, otherwise he would be at the mercy of her adversary's blows.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Hinata tried to grapple and get hold of her downed opponent but Quetzalcoatl managed to push Hinata away preventing any sort of grapple of hold. Hinata instead would wind up a kick and sent it right into the face of Quetzalcoatl's face! Hinata was trying to punish her and show her that she wasn't some sort of super wrestler who could just walk all over Hinata without taking her seriously!

If the kick connected and sent Quetzalcoatl down to the mat Hinata would cover her and go for a pin once more.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Quetzalcoatl had well foreseen her opponent's grip following her fall, so she managed to push her back before getting up. Only, Quetzalcoatl hadn't pushed her opponent hard enough, so her opponent had time to get ready to deliver a powerful kick towards Quetzalcoatl's face. The blow was powerful enough to stun Quetzalcoatl for a few seconds, enough to knock her to her knees and then prone to the ground. She was at the mercy of her opponent for the next second and she took the opportunity to start a pinfall.


Quetzalcoatl found the strength to move in the second second and hastened to push her opponent back before getting up with difficulty. Fatigue was beginning to be felt, Quetzalcoatl's body was beginning to sting... It could become dangerous. Quetzalcoatl was then preparing for a slightly safer and more serious fight so as not to take too many blows.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Hinata felt her opponent kick out and she rolled, rising up to her feet as Quetzalcoatl did. Hinata circled a bit before lunging in trying to grapple with her opponent. Hinata wanted to try to get hold of Quetzalcoatl and mode to the side wrapping an arm around her head to lock in a standing side headlock as she hoped to squeeze away at her and cut off her air supply! Hinata wanted to try to recover herself while grinding down her opponent. She hoped this plan would work but she knew there were risks...

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Seeing her opponent coming towards her, Quetzalcoatl had the idea of pushing her opponent back by putting her arms forward, preventing him from facing her. However, her opponent preferred to go on one side unprotected by Quetz, catching her off guard in a standing side headlock.


With the sequence that the sun goddess took, she didn't have time to recover even a breath. She was struggling to struggle and looked around for a loophole and after a few seconds she found it.
She bent her arms towards her opponent's leg to catch it and lift it to lean forward, dragging her opponent down with her. If everything went as she wanted, the two wrestlers would find themselves on the ground but Quetzalcoatl was slightly above her opponent and had broken her opponent's headlock, she could now take the opportunity to wrap her arms around one arm and pull that same arm to perform an armbar.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Hinata thought she was in a good spot to try something but she had her feet taken out from underneath her quite literally! Hinata grunted as she hit the mat laying on her back when the armbar was quickly locked in! "NGH! ARGH!" Hinata shouted as she kicked the mat in pain, trying to reach with her free arm to tug on her trapped arm. This hold was quickly doing a lot of damage to her when she hoped to use her legs to push and if she could get Quetzalcoatl onto her shoulders she would technically be pinned and that would force her to let go of the hold or get herself pinned for three.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Quetzalcoatl knew she had the advantage thanks to her armbar but the situation turned around quickly enough. Despite the pain her opponent was receiving, she managed to move with her legs forcing Quetzalcoatl to let go of his hold. Quetz did not let go of her opponent's arm without consequence, as she withdrew her legs from her opponent's arm, the Sun Goddess straightened her upper body and delivered a punch to her opponent's uncovered stomach.
After this blow, Quetzalcoatl sat up, stroking his head lightly, rolling while being tired and injured was a dangerous idea. She preferred to catch her breath and rest while waiting for her opponent to get up.
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