After the public attack and call out from Christina Perez after the embarrassment Mindy had been putting her through since their first match, Mindy had no choice but to accept the match. Not only would the actress turned wrestler look cowardly turning it down, she couldn’t stand the fact that Christina attacked her like that, if she turned her down more attacks like that would follow. She knew the importance of keeping a strong social presence, and she knew that once people assumed you were a laughing stock the hurt pride that came from it could make someone truly dangerous. She had to end Christina in this match before she did something crazier to get back at Mindy, a steel cage match that kept them trapped until one of them won. All she could do was accept the match, Christina thought that this would be her perfect revenge trapping her like this, she forgot that the lack of rules had proven to benefit Mindy the last time.
It motivated Mindy when she started to arrive, prepared to show Christina that she meant business once again and kick her ass harder than last time. Mindy had abandoned her sunglasses and jacket to arrive just in her wrestling gear, showing she meant business by not treating this like another moment on set. She knew better, this was going to be a fight and Mindy had to be prepared for Christina who was pissed off and wouldn’t turn her back on her like she did last time. She pulled out a marker and signed a few fan made signs on the way down, despite her actions with Christina her popularity as an actress kept her with some fans and even those who weren’t her fan wouldn’t turn down a free autograph. This was only a distraction to give Mindy more time to prepare, once she was done she was looking back at the cage and pointing at Christina. “
No cheap shots until I get in. Ref watch her.” Mindy said. Clearly not looking to get some of what she got the last time Christina was this close to her. She entered slowly watching Christina until she could slip into the ring and start to shuffle around the ropes to avoid getting close to Christina. The ref closed the cage door behind her, Mindy would move around a little longer out of concern for herself but she knew by now she wasn’t leaving until this match ended.