Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Cage Match

Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, Submission, KO, or DQ

Special Conditions: Escaping the cage will not count as a victory and instead be counted as a DQ.

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It has been a week since Christina and Mindy's brawl backstage. The Filipna had beef with the former Actress. The first offense being cheated in there first ever match up together and the second being sneaked attacked and humiliated in social media after trying to confront her. Christina looks to beat up Mindy and let out the rage she had been holding for the past weeks.
Christina was already in her wrestling attire (as seen on the pic above). She was waiting behind the curtain awaiting her que to make her enterance.
When Christina's music was playing she let's the music play out a beat until coming out just as soon as the Beat was about to drop!

The crowd cheered when Christina came out to her fire beat song as she would dance around and interact with some of the fans by waving and giving them high fives before making her way to the steel steps, climb up to the apron, and entered inside the ring.

She started to do a fun shimmy dance before coming to the ropes to wave and wink at some of her fans before going to her corner to slowly take off her jacket and placing it on top of the ring post.
Once her music started to fade, Christina would start to stretch and patiently waited for her opponent to arrive.
Last edited by Weonna on Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:09 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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After the public attack and call out from Christina Perez after the embarrassment Mindy had been putting her through since their first match, Mindy had no choice but to accept the match. Not only would the actress turned wrestler look cowardly turning it down, she couldn’t stand the fact that Christina attacked her like that, if she turned her down more attacks like that would follow. She knew the importance of keeping a strong social presence, and she knew that once people assumed you were a laughing stock the hurt pride that came from it could make someone truly dangerous. She had to end Christina in this match before she did something crazier to get back at Mindy, a steel cage match that kept them trapped until one of them won. All she could do was accept the match, Christina thought that this would be her perfect revenge trapping her like this, she forgot that the lack of rules had proven to benefit Mindy the last time.
It motivated Mindy when she started to arrive, prepared to show Christina that she meant business once again and kick her ass harder than last time. Mindy had abandoned her sunglasses and jacket to arrive just in her wrestling gear, showing she meant business by not treating this like another moment on set. She knew better, this was going to be a fight and Mindy had to be prepared for Christina who was pissed off and wouldn’t turn her back on her like she did last time. She pulled out a marker and signed a few fan made signs on the way down, despite her actions with Christina her popularity as an actress kept her with some fans and even those who weren’t her fan wouldn’t turn down a free autograph. This was only a distraction to give Mindy more time to prepare, once she was done she was looking back at the cage and pointing at Christina. “No cheap shots until I get in. Ref watch her.” Mindy said. Clearly not looking to get some of what she got the last time Christina was this close to her. She entered slowly watching Christina until she could slip into the ring and start to shuffle around the ropes to avoid getting close to Christina. The ref closed the cage door behind her, Mindy would move around a little longer out of concern for herself but she knew by now she wasn’t leaving until this match ended.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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While Mindy was busy doing her enterance, Christina began to roll her shoulders and walk back and forth like a hungry Lioness ready to pounce. As soon as Mindy got close to the caged ring she told the ref to watch for her to which the Filipina responded with a smirk,

"Yeah Ref watch me! That's a good call Mindy! Ill wait till the cage closes~"

Christina was eager to get the match started. She normally dosent mind enterances but this was the exception as she really wants to beat Mindy up for the cheap tricks and sneak attacks.

It didn't take long for the ref to close the cage door as it was just the two female wrestlers...all alone and trapped with each other as Christina began to look at Mindy with a "Your so dead" face.

Once the referee finds a spot outside the cage to watch both women carefully, he called for the bell to ring and for the match to begin!


On command Christina went up to Mindy, as she got a second head start before the bell could ring, as the furious Filipina already locked up with the idol and throwing wild punches to the side of her head before pushing Mindy to the corner!

"Your mine now bitch!"

Christina yelled out as she would give Mindy knee lifts after knee lifts until the referee yelled for Christina to get out of the corner!

The Filipina wouldn't let Mindy get any breathing room as she dragged Mindy out of the corner by pulling her arm and slapping her in the ear to turn her around. Then Christina would grab onto Mindy's waist drag her back to the center of the ring before lifting her up and slamming her in a waistlock Takedown!

Immediately Christina would grab at Mindy's neck and hold her in a frontal headlock with both of there knees on the ground.

"Yeah...welcome to my world now!"

Christina exclaimed as she keeps her grip tight on Mindy's neck.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Mindy waited for Christina to confirm she'd be staying back before she would get in, still watching Christina the entire time she entered. The kind of people who would attack her unprovoked had to be carefully monitored in moments like this before they attacked again. The cage door closed behind Mindy and Christina ceased needing a reason to stay back, charging at her moments before the bell rang to start throwing punches. "Nggh!" Mindy groaned when the punches started flying, she would fall back against the ropes and try to protect herself from the punches and then some knee lifts. "Gaaggh! Ugghh! Another cheap shot! Nggh!" Mindy protested. She was pulled back before she could slip away or counter attack so Christina could get the angle to slap her.

"Aggh!" Mindy screamed, matching the sound of the slap that turned her around and allowed Christina to grab her and would take her down to the mat by her waist! Christina quickly let go of her waist to grab her head instead and start pulling on the head to keep control of Mindy's movements while the actress could only grab at her hands and try to find a way to escape.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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"I'm not here to mess around...I'm here to fuck you up."

Christina whispered into Mindy's ear as she didn't want to yell it out...she wanted to make sure to Mindy that it was now personal for the two. Christina stayed in the frontal headlock position as she continued to put pressure on her opponent's neck. After a couple of seconds Mindy would try to struggle out of the hold as the Filipina immediately would rise up to her feet. She would pull on Mindy's neck to also pull her up to her feet as Christina would attempt to place the former actresses arm over her neck, pull up her shorts, and attempt to slam Mindy down with a Frontal Suplex!

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Christina had so many reasons to be angry that it was remarkable she'd been calm enough to want it settled in the ring. That tranquility was at its limit now with Christina whispering about her anger to Mindy so she knew without blowing up and telling everyone else. The calm fury was always more concerning then the obvious implosion, if someone hated you but had the sense to hold it in they could really plan some devious ways to make you pay that would have you wishing they only cursed you out and beat you up. She felt Christina pulling her up with that same intensity, ready to punish and manhandle the actress turned wrestler until she was as fucked up as Christina wanted her to be.

That had to end, when she was pulled in close and Christina grabbed her shorts Mindy struggled and resisted to break away but quickly realized Christina wouldn't let her go like that. So she pulled her arm up and would strike Christina's belly to shock her and force her to stop, hitting her there again if she could before she would pull away. "Make your threats, you're still no match for me." Mindy said before she would run back and rebound off the ropes to charge Christina and knock her down with a shoulder tackle so she could bring her to the mat where she thought she could control the angry Filipina better.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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"Ooof! Oooof!!"

Mindy managed to reverse Christina's frontal Suplex by ramming her fist to the Filipina's stomach area! This caused Christina to stagger back and clenching her hurting stomach area while Mindy would pull away. The former Actress would run to the opposite ropes for a rebound attack, but Christina easily recovered quickly and when she saw Mondy coming at her with speed and momentum, The Filipina would counter Mindy's shoulder block by getting low, placing her hand between her legs while the other hand was on her opponent's shoulder, lifted Mindy up and slamming her with a scoop slam!

Christina would soonly follow it up with an elbow drop to Mindy's upperchest just for good measure! After that the Filipina would rise to her feet to look down at Mindy...plotting for her next move. Christina was a high octane type of wrestler who likes to keep the flow going as it didn't take her too long to think of her next attack. She would grab Mindy by the arm to stand her up before pushing her to the ropes behind her and then irishwhipping the former Actress to the opposite ropes! Once Mindy rebounds to her, Christina would attempt to charge forward and knock her opponent down yet again with a Kitchen Sink!

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Mindy's punches to Christina's abs halted her rampage, giving Mindy time to slip out and get a running start to come back at her for some revenge. However Christina was still angry enough to keep going and wasn't going to be stopped by a few punches to her abs, Mindy ran back into a trap and was grabbed by Christina and scooped off the mat and quickly tossed to the other side with a scoop slam. "Aagggh!" Mindy screamed when she hit the mat. The change was so sudden she had no time to prepare herself, laying down and holding her back when Christina followed it up with an elbow to her chest.

"Uuggh!" Mindy groaned. Her chest crushed by the elbow coming down just above her breasts, cutting into her ability to breathe and making Mindy curl up and hold her chest. She was still coughing when Christina grabbed her and was pulling her up again, forcing her into the ropes and then Irish whipping her into the next set. Mindy ran and rebounded off the ropes, seeing Christina planning something and running towards her made her panic and Mindy would try to side step the kitchen sink attempt. She ran into the ropes behind her again and would charge at Christina again to try to knock down the Filipina with a big boot.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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As soon as Mindy rebounded to Christina, she made a good read and simply side stepped out the way! The Filipina whiffed the air as she landed on one knee, giving Mindy an open counter as the former Actress boots Christina at the side of her face!


Christina was knocked down to the mats, but the Filipina got to her four's and started slamming the mats with her fist, clearly upset with herself for allowing her opponent to get a hit off as she tries to recover and get back up to her feet.

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Re: Steel Cage Match: Christina Perez vs Mindy Midnight II

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Now that the initial rampage was losing it's surprise Mindy was starting to get her groove going in the match. Much like with Alizeh this blind rage was starting to hurt Christina's chances, a cool head always prevailed in a wrestling ring where anything could happen. "Don't angry Christina, you wanted this match and after the beating I gave you last time you had to know this wasn't going to be easy." Mindy said, working her magic to make sure Christina stayed frustrated the moment she saw her pounding the mat. She grabbed her arm and pulled Christina up to quickly keep working her over.

"The only thing Karen Meadows ever failed at was wrestling, that's where Mindy Midnight comes in! You can't hope to beat her in the world she rules!" Mindy boasted before she would lift Christina up and hold her to her chest, wanting to get enough air to drop Christina back down with her side landing on Mindy's knee.

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