LAW Apex Match: Serilda Akira vs Eve Summers

Qualified wrestlers face off in a tour around the world for a chance to become Inaugural Openweight Champion
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LAW Apex Match: Serilda Akira vs Eve Summers

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Apex Match
Win by Pinfall or submission
Music plays over the speakers as Serilda makes her way out on stage. Legacy title on her shoulder as she would take the white belt off her shoulder and hold it above her head for everyone to see as she walks down the ramp, soaking in the boos from the crowd, who are letting her have it for some of the brutal assaults she and the rest of the members of Cyber Legacy have committed.

But to her, it doesn't matter as she is doing the thing her mother told her to do when she was a little girl—that she would be a more famous wrestler and become a champion in the future—as she slides into the ring and holds out her hand for a microphone to speak into while giving the announce table a death glare.

"If you're all done booing, I can fricking talk and tell you idiots why I am out here," she yells, getting the crowd to be silent. 'Now I am out here so that I can finish my last apex match... I want to win the middleweight title... and the openweight title at the same time, but more importantly, I can trade this unofficial gold for some real gold. Now Eve, get your cute little ass out here so I can crush and humiliate you in front of all these people.' 

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Serilda Akira vs Eve Summers

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The crowd were already on their feet knowing the world famous DJ turned wrestler Eve Summers was about to appear next in this Apex Qualifer matchup!

The moment Eve Summers' entrance theme exploded onto the PA system, was the moment everything became official! Naturally the watching audience began to roar out in anticipation for the appearance of the world famous DJ turned wrestler. The announcer had already done his job at setting up her entrance, and all that was left was for the woman herself to appear. Soon enough, the British beauty stepped out from behind the curtain, making her way down towards the ring with high energy. Her features were angelic as always, complimented by the beaming smile spread across her soft lips. She spread her arms outwards as she walked down the entrance ramp, before throwing them upwards in time for some fireworks to begin popping upwards from alongside the ramp in a marvel of colours. Soon enough Eve was tagging as many hands from reaching fans as she could as she made her way down to the ring with energy and gusto to the celebration of the watching audience.
Entering the ring mere moments later, her movement full of energy. She cleared the ropes in a single leap, showing off her impressive athleticism, before she bounced and strode her way into the middle of the ring, once more spreading her arms out to drink in all the energy of the cheering crowds. Eve made a few cheering like gestures, before she made her way to the nearest turnbuckle, scaling upwards with one swift leap... an action that only seemed to increase the volume of the watching audience when the beautiful wrestler and DJ threw her arms into the air. She could not wipe the smile off her face, feeling humbled by the reception.

Things did not seem to die down even when Eve slipped down back to the canvas. She made a few gestures towards the crowd in thanks for the reception pacing around the ring as she revelled in the energy coming from tonight's crowd! Soon enough, her attention turned to Serilda Akira who was her opponent tonight.

"So I hear you intent to crush and humiliate me. Let's see how that goes for you.... so long as we make it a good match I don't really care what you think you can do to me." Eve would near sing in a upbeat manner, managing a cheeky smile as she winked towards Serlida. All that was left to do was to wait for the bell to start things off!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Serilda Akira vs Eve Summers

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Serilda took one look at her opponent and already knew the match was hers. She saw Eve matches, and each one ends up with the woman defeated or being taken away to be squeezed some more by a much bigger opponent, so she would have a very easy time dealing with the so called DJ wrestler standing in front of her.

But wanting to make sure that her victory will be a gimme... Serilda would place her hand in her pocket... before pulling it out and tossing some powder right in the other woman's face since the bell hasn't rung yet at all. So the move would not be considered dirty or cheating at all since the match hasn't started yet and she just making sure she can spend the whole match enjoying using Eve as her wrestling training dummy for the match.

"Now Ref ring the bell and let me get to enjoy my fun with my opponent, alright. So don't call the match unless she begs for it to stop"
The redhead would say... before lunging forward and throws a forearm smash right at Eve's face to start the match off.

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Serilda Akira vs Eve Summers

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Eve would gasp out, being caught right off guard as Serilda began to bend the rules of engagement long before the match had even begun! The powder spread, managing to catch Eve in the eyes, making her reel back. The crowd erupted in boos, as somehow the referee managed to miss this, turning away from both competitors just before it occurred to signal for the bell to begin the match.

The crowd looked ready to riot, as Eve stumbled back, trying to clear the hard grit that was in her eyes, making it hard to keep them open. This of course would allow Serilda to rush right in, managing to connect with an expert forearm smash! Normally Eve would have good enough reflexes to react to such a move and evade or counter, but distracted as she was, Serilda's strike caught her right in the face, knocking her straight down onto her back with a grunt. She grimaced out, favouring her eyes, feeling the sting of the strike as she tried to make her way back to her feet.

She lashed out at Serilda, but naturally her sight had not recovered yet, making her miss her mark, leaving her open once more as the crowd began to express their rage at her foe!

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Re: LAW Apex Match: Serilda Akira vs Eve Summers

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Seeing that her dirty move to start the match worked like a charm... she got the idea from Ana, who recently started using a golden mist with Glitter and sparkles in it to blind her opponents... whatever her sister thought up would usually work out in the end.

So, as much as it annoys her to be taking a page out of Ana's playbook... the move did work as Eve is throwing random strikes, but none of them are anywhere close to hitting her.

The redhead woman would take a few steps back as if she is lining up her shot... before running forward and swinging her leg forward, going to land a penalty kick right to Eve's face to go for a quick knockout blow.

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