Long Way To Go

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Re: Long Way To Go

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Brute strength was all Alicja really had going for her. Given that armbar felt like a perfect pick for a move, not too many moving parts she could mess up but at the same time, it being simple also meant that getting free would not be that much of a challenge either. It was just a spar and she knew she only got so far because Astrid allowed her to but all the same she would continue to put on more pressure.

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Re: Long Way To Go

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Astrid would struggle as she was not gonna get her arm freed from her sparring partner's grip with ease as she would try to wiggle it free. However it was not going easily as she would feel the strength of her opponent's arms holding it in place as she would begin to lash out with her other arm in the hopes of getting Alicja to let go before she did to much damage to her arm.

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Re: Long Way To Go

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The way Alicja held on to Astrid's arm was far from perfect so when the blond started to lash out, it took only a moment before her hold broke completely. not wanting to wait around for Astrid to get on top of her she would scoot back towards the ropes and helping herself on them, she would stand up.

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Re: Long Way To Go

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Astrid would feel her opponent hold onto her arm as she was fighting to get the other woman to let go. As despise this being an spar the blond had no intention on losing as her quick action would force Alicja to let go as she would roll away creating distance between them as they both got to there feet as she said ''that was some quick thinking Alicja''

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Re: Long Way To Go

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Hearing Astrid compliment her, Alicja blushed slightly, though it was hardly visible as she was already read from the effort in this spar. "Thanks, learned from the best." She replied with a bit of an awkward smile before going forward and offering a lock up once more

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Re: Long Way To Go

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''She gotta stop being so easily embarrest ''thought Astrid as she would approach the other girl as she and Alicja would lock up again. As she straight away pushed herself up against the other wrestler as she whispered ''are you always so easily embarrest Alicja?''

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Re: Long Way To Go

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They engaged and Alicja immediately had to try her best to keep Astrid at bay as she pushed into her, whisper catching her a bit of guard as she stuttered. "D-depends, I can get like that about wrestling." She said, trying to manoeuvre into locking Astrid in a side headlock. "I'm just very new to this"

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Re: Long Way To Go

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''Well you may be new , but you obviously got talent''whispered Astrid as she found herself trapped in an side headlock as she hoped to keep the other woman talking. As she would drive her elbow into her opponent's side should Alicja waste time talking rather then trap her in another hold as she hoped to use her sparring partner's inexperience to her advantage

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Re: Long Way To Go

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Alicja's plan ended at the side headlock, she figured she could decide on the next move after but it was not so easy. Before she could do anything she felt the other woman's elbow dig into her side, forcing her to let go as she stumbled back toward the ropes.

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Re: Long Way To Go

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Astrid's elbow would find itself into her opponent's side as she was able to escape from Alicja's headlock. As her sparring partner let her go as the blond would quickly move towards the ropes where she would turn around as she attempted to charge at her opponent in an attempt to take her down with an clothesline.

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