Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

Unread post by DSX93 »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, KO, or Disqualification

Patricia was feeling quite dejected tonight. She'd made a promise to her best friend that her first match in LAW would be a Hentai match. It was what she signed up for along with the more traditional fare, and it was specifically what she'd asked for once things were finalized.

The redhead was looking forward to it too, having seen how amazing the Hentai experience could be. Getting all close and touchy feely with some curvaceous lady or a tall, beefy hunk of a man. Battling for dominance and maybe even getting it, even if she were Domming from the bottom, and finally getting to feel what sex was like. Maybe in a pit of oil, even! Or in those Romance Novel or Candlelight Bliss matches she'd heard about!

Oh, she would've loved to have it happen in one of those! Getting hot and heavy, with things ready to slip into place, or finishing with that ten second kiss after she and her opponent had rocked each other's worlds, or laying about and cuddling in that cushioned bed ring after...

But the bookers couldn't find anybody. All the wrestlers that were under their employ in this multinational organization, and they couldn't find one person for her. Not even the creators of those latter two matches!

It made sense, she supposed. Her body type was one that people didn't want to see. Flat as a wall, with no curves aside from her ass. And it wasn't even a great one. She didn't turn eyes. Nobody ever looked at her twice, if at all.

But no one? In all the world? That cut her deep.

To quote Stewie from Family Guy, she'd might as well pack it in. Game over. She'll just see how far she can make it in more conventional competition.

But in the mood she was in, she wasn't sure if she wanted to do that. Not tonight.

Patricia stood behind the curtain, her glasses nowhere in sight; her astigmatism wasn't so severe that she couldn't see in a fight without them. Her shoulder length copper red hair was tied in a bun, in the interest of leaving as little up for grabs as possible. The petite woman was dressed more like an MMA fighter than a wrestler: A purple sports bra and shorts, the latter with white trimming, white athletic tape applied to the wrists, and bare feet.
Her General Appearance
Ring Attire
Same outfit, but purple in the place of blue, and athletic tape in the place of the fur bands
She was comfortable in training and sparring, but tonight, she was absolutely hating her outfit. It was a tight fit. Practical, but bringing her complete lack of curvature to the forefront. She knew that it was of no importance in this match, but with the circumstances that led to it being made in the first place...

When her entrance music sounded, her nerves kept her in place at first, but she would follow the advice of the lyrics.

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.


And out she went. There was nothing special to her entrance. No flair, no explosions, no catchphrases. No peanut butter, just chocolate. Just her making her way towards the mission. She received little fanfare, but at least she wasn't getting any chants reminding her of what she already knew.

Okay. Enough.

Remember what your sensei taught you. Don't feel like fighting? Get angry.

Envision your sparring partner -- your attacker -- as one of your bullies. Don't let it burn hot -- keep it cold. Now keep your eyes open for any avenues to gain the advantage and turn them into the fly in your web.

In this case, Shanty would be one of those goddamned bookers.

Seriously, nobody?!? There's not a single person in LAW who likes them petite?

Am I really that undesirable?

No reaction when she bent over on the way to through the ropes. This wasn't a Hentai match, but it seemed like that answered that question.

Yeah. Pretend that Shanty's the booker who gave me the bad news. Or Joseph Scott or Lucy Marshal or something. End this thing quickly and go home.
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon May 08, 2023 8:07 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

Unread post by ClockwerkSamurai12 »

Music is Life by Elliphant feat. Ras Fraser Jr blares through the speakers as green, black and yellow pyrotechnics go off on the other side of the stage.

Announcer: She was once an orphan who struggled to survive within the slums of Kingston, Jamaica! But a chance meeting with Mestre Bravura turned her into a triple threat comprised of rhythm, kicks and slick submissions ready to prove herself by taking on the biggest opponents that LAW has to offer!

A barrel starts to roll down its way to a small ramp before it manages to land inside the ring. As the announcer starts talking, the barrel starts moving around to the beat of the music.

Announcer: Standing in at 4ft 11in, weighing in at 120lbs and making her LAW Debut! The Scurvy Stowaway, SHANNNNTTTTYYYY!!

The moment her name was called and the song had reached the chorus, Shanty would burst out of the barrel in a similar fashion to Monkey D. Luffy.

Shanty: YARRR!!! (She then starts to do some fancy footwork, courtesy of her capoeira training before preforming a handstand) You must be dat grappler from Wisconsin, ya don’t look dat big to me!
Last edited by ClockwerkSamurai12 on Sun May 07, 2023 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Patricia couldn't believe what she was seeing. There was a barrel. Rolling down the stage. And then it landed in the ring. And started dancing in tune with the music.

Had somebody spiked the water she drank earlier?

All of her problems were suddenly forgotten as she lost herself in utter perplexity at the goings on. She pointed at the barrel and turned to the referee. He was seeing this too, right? She wasn't going crazy, right?

He was just as clueless as she was. She hasn't lost her mind. Thank God.

At the end of the announcer's introduction, her opponent burst from the barrel like a damned chestburster. The redhead simply watched her groove on, her analytical mind recognizing her movements as Capoeira.

Striker. A slippery one. Take extra caution and watch those legs in particular. Take the fight to the ground and target them.

Shanty's words barely registered. After an entrance like that...Patricia didn't even take the time to point out that she was even shorter than she was, while she was talking about size. She just didn't have the words, so instead, she greeted her opponent with a respectful bow and assumed a stance. Hips squared with open hands raised to chest level, one raised a little closer to her face.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sun May 07, 2023 5:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Shanty: Straight tuh business huh? Alright, den let’s see what’cha got! (She starts swaying back and forth, deciding to test the waters with a crescent kick to her torso)

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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Patricia shuffled backwards, moving her body out of the way of the attack. Shanty's height meant a lesser reach with her legs, so avoiding it took only a step's length. Patricia's first thought was "takedown", but the kick came out fast and she recovered just as quickly, making the cautious fighter back away before she could fully commit.

Afterwards, she would make her start with a feeling out period of her own. Making little movements here and there; fake shoots and uncommitted reaches. Technical prodding, gauging her reactions and looking for the best angles for a real takedown the same way a boxer would in looking for the knockout, with a ready defense in the meantime.

She'd stay mobile while she did this, eying the Capoeirista carefully. After a while of this, she would switch it up and seek to discombobulate her with a couple palm strikes to the face, and if the opportunity presented itself, she'd shoot for Shanty's legs and take the match to the mat.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat May 06, 2023 3:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Shanty parries the palm strikes with ease before backing up and hitting her in the stomach with a headbutt.
Last edited by ClockwerkSamurai12 on Sat May 06, 2023 3:49 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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With her palm strikes deflected, Patricia immediately started moving backwards. Fast enough to avoid taking maximum damage from that headbutt; instead of the face, it managed to hit her in the gut that had been left open by her swaying. It was more like a medicine ball that had been thrust into the beginning of a six pack in training; more breathtaking than painful. Nothing she couldn't endure at this stage, but she wasn't about to take more hits if she could help it.

So Shanty was quick with her upper body too. After settling back into her stance, Patricia turned a still carefully placed hand to make a "bring it on" gesture, figuring that it would be best to let her opponent come to her instead of starting off getting too close herself.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat May 06, 2023 5:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

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Shanty: Heh, so ya want me to mash ya up? Well, don’t say I didn’t warn ya! (She rushes at Patricia before throwing a roundhouse kick)

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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

Unread post by DSX93 »

It was exactly the sort of response that Patricia was hoping for. After seeing Shanty cover some substantial distance without any telling upper body movements, she felt a kick coming and moved to meet her halfway. Time slowed as the redheaded grappler entered the zone. She could see the Scurvy Stowaway's leg begin to rise, just as predicted, and dipped down low to avoid it.

This next maneuver was a risky one, but with her committed to the roundhouse, she had no chance of defending against it: Patricia reached for the leg that kept Shanty standing on the mat, pulled herself into position to hook her own legs around it, and brought her down to the mat.

From there, she would seek to end this thing with a heel hook.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat May 06, 2023 7:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rhythmic Pulses (Patricia Berkley (D) vs Shanty (D))

Unread post by ClockwerkSamurai12 »

Shanty: Oh no ya don’t! (She kicked Patricia’s arms out of position, allowing her to slip out of the heel hold and went for a mount) Yer gonna regret grapplin’ with me, just tellin’ ya that right now!

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