A Golden Bond, Forged in Fire

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A Golden Bond, Forged in Fire

Unread post by PuroQueen »

Continued from here...

The backstage area was abuzz with the familiar excitement that accompanied a well fought bout. It was the usual hubbub of hugs, high-fives, and backslaps, but Chiyo didn't feel that same surge of joy in her heart. She had been looking forward to this moment for some time now, her first win in LAW. She should be breaking out the champaign bottles, leave her opponent to be stretchered out for all she cared. Had she been up against any other woman, Chiyo may have done just that. But not tonight.

She had a promise to keep, a promise made in the heat of the moment, fueled by a fiery passion and golden wonder for the woman she had just shared the ring with. A promise to meet again after the match, a promise delivered with a sultry tone and an implication of intimacy that would extend beyond the heat of battle. But that was before Chiyo had chosen to end the match the way she did, before she splayed the Golden Orchard out, pounding into her with leaps and bounds. The result had left the Spaniard thoroughly beaten and battered, her body winded enough to warrant the immediate attention of medical personnel. A tinge of concern and regret accompanied Chiyo as she hurriedly made her way through the labyrinth of hallways and corridors, ignoring the congratulations and cheers that followed her.

Most wrestlers dreaded the medical center, and Chiyo was no exception. She had made a very brief visit to the infirmary herself after her debut match, when her opponent had stretched and contorted her body to it's limits. This time around though, Chiyo had come out of the second match of her LAW career relatively unscathed. The urgency was for someone else - her opponent, Carmelita.

Chiyo tried to burst her way into the infirmary , but the medical staff hurriedly rushed her out and asked her to wait outside. Chiyo was left with no choice but to pace the halls, still clad in her wrestling attire, biting her nails and obsessing over the match. The two had shared an experience like no other in the ring, and as a tribute to their newfound bond, Chiyo had decided to finish Carmelita with a move as beautiful as it was brutal - her Flaming Triad triple moonsault. Even her own tummy still ached from the maneuver, and she had been the one delivering it. But at the same time, she felt proud of Carmelita for having endured all that pain.

However, things could have been much worse in the ring. Carmelita had stepped through the ropes haughty and cynical, but as the match progressed, she eventually came to fight with a sense of purpose and fairness. They exchanged blows, submissions, slams, and everything in between, but their unyielding desire to compete and win ultimately helped foster a deeper motivation behind their struggle. And it was that guiding beacon to prove oneself that drove them to their climactic conclusion. But they also shared more, much more - passion, intimacy, and even love. To walk away as mere opponents felt wrong. Chiyo had to know that Carmelita was okay, that she hadn't pushed her too far, and that the golden icon of resolve was still gleaming. More than anything, she had to know that the bond they shared wasn't just a phenomenon of the ring, but something real and lasting. And so Chiyo waited an hour... then another... then another, determined to wait however long it took to see Carmelita dismissed from the med bay safe and intact!

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Re: A Golden Bond, Forged in Fire

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Darkness...for the longest time imaginable, that's all Carmelita saw after being pinned in the ring. Her mind faded as her vision darkened. Everything went black as she felt herself slip into a deep sleep. Her body could no longer handle the exhaustion and stress that she had endured. Carmelita put herself through the most tortuous match of her entire career. At any point, she could have stopped herself and given up. At any point, her body could have quit on her. Yet, she refused to let either situation happen. She fought her heart out, pushing her body to its utmost limit, giving in only as the bell rang. Once it did, everything came crashing down like a structurally unstable building. Carmelita had to be carried and stretchered out of the arena and into the nearest infirmary to be immediately treated. Nobody would expect to see the Spaniard in the facility looking so battered and beaten because of her own volition. Most people expected someone to take their anger out on the arrogant Spanish beauty, but tonight wasn't the case. Carmelita competed until she couldn't move, earning the respect of a few people backstage as she was taken through to the infirmary and set on a bed to be attended to. However, the most surprising thing about this whole ordeal was that Carmelita's opponent, instead of soaking up the praise and indulging in the accolades of her fiery victory, was more concerned about the well-being of her opponent.

Hours had passed by before Carmelita finally awoke in a cold sweat. Bright lights hung overhead as she tried to move her body. She felt stiff as a board and sore all over. She looked over her figure, still dressed in her ring gear. However, she was covered in bandages and patches...some on her face, others around her shoulders and arms, some around her thighs, but the biggest wrapping was around her stomach. She tried to sit up, but an excruciating amount of pain shot through her midsection, causing her to convulse in agony as she yelled. She gasped for air, sweating profusely all of a sudden as everything came back to her. She struggled to move, but eventually, she found the strength to speak and call out for a doctor, pleading for attention instead of demanding care like a spoiled brat...She was aware that others might need attention too, so-...she tried to remain mindful despite her pain...how ridiculous, the OLD Carmelita would NEVER even consider such trivial things...but this wasn't the old Carmelita anymore.

Eventually, Carmelita was visited by the doctor, who gave her a run-through of her current injuries. Nothing was broken, which was good news, but-...the doctor's facial expression shifted to a more solemn expression. As a result of this match, many of Carmelita's muscles would be sore for a while, to the point where her whole body would be affected. Due to how hard Carmelita pushed herself, her body had taken serious amounts of damage...damage she wasn't used to taking. On this one night, she and Chiyo had hurt her body more than she had ever experienced throughout her entire career thus far. Carmelita couldn't believe it. It would take some time and care to recover, so the doctor recommended nothing too strenuous until after a follow-up appointment in about two weeks. Carmelita nodded, receiving some recommended prescription medication and treatments to help the recovery period. Nothing major, simple, lightweight over-the-counter stuff...The Spaniard took the doctor's notes into account, and shortly after, she was fully cleared to leave. With some assistance, she got out of bed. Upon landing on her own two feet, she felt the pain. She tried her best to power through and get dressed, slipping on her boots, walking over to the door, and walking through the infirmary until finally reaching the exit. She stumbled and staggered through the door, clearly in pain as her bandaged body showed how banged up she was. It seemed like the Spaniard would collapse at any moment. Even a gust of wind seemed dangerous to her in her current condition. She hated feeling like this...She hated LOOKING like this. The only thing that would make this situation worse was if Chiyo saw her in this sad, pathetic, beaten state...So when Carmelita stepped through the doors and saw a familiar head of pink hair looking in her direction...it was as if her worst fears had manifested. Her eyes widened as her mouth hung agape. She stood there in silence, shocked that Chiyo was just...sitting there...why? For what reason? Was she...waiting for her? Carmelita wouldn't have time to process these sudden thoughts as she felt a surge of pain shoots through her midsection. Her eyes widen from the pain as she clutches her stomach, falling forward on a crash course straight to the hard linoleum-tiled floor...
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Re: A Golden Bond, Forged in Fire

Unread post by PuroQueen »

Chiyo bounced her leg anxiously, her mouth wheezing as she ran her fingers through her now messy pink hair. She couldn't take the tension anymore. Carmelita had been in the infirmary for far too long, and her absence made Chiyo feel increasingly worried. She knew the promotion's medical practices were top-notch if not time consuming, but her racing thoughts made it impossible for her to remain logical. Carm had been in there for longer than the usual check-up time; something must be wrong. Perhaps, something was seriously wrong. And it was all her fault! She couldn't bear to wait any longer. She refused to resign herself to sit outside like a helpless puppy. Chiyo burst up from her seat on the bench, ready to fight her way into the infirmary if she had to. But before she could take action, the double doors swung open all by themselves, revealing -

"Carmelita!" Chiyo gasped, her expression transforming from disgruntled to joyful in an instant. She hardly had time to process the bandages and wraps that covered the woman's body; her gaze was fixated on Carm's beautiful eyes, tired and worn but very much alive. However, as she closed the distance between them, she noticed the shock in Carmelita's face. It was an understandable reaction, given all that they had been through together. But Chiyo was determined to make it up to her friend. She rushed forward, her smile stretching wide as she prepared to embrace her former opponent with all the love she could muster. But the pinkette's signature smile didn't change the Spaniard's expression for the better. If anything, Carm still looked... hurt.

Oh no.

"Carm!" Chiyo cried out, her voice full of distress this time. Carmelita was swaying on her feet, her eyes glazed over with exhaustion and pain. Chiyo's arms, once outstretched to give the woman the warmest hug imaginable, immediately changed course, swooping downwards in an effort to catch her friend before she hit the floor. Chiyo gasped loudly as her arms absorbed Carm's weight, her hands quivering just inches from the unforgiving ground. She quickly shifted her position, dropping to her knees and gently cradling the Spaniard's upper body against her lap. "Are you okay? Carm! Can you hear me?" It was only then that she realized the extent of Carmelita's injuries. The assortment of gauze and tape barely obscured the bruises and blemishes that now dotted her once-flawless skin. Carm's breathing was shallow, and her skin was cold to the touch. "I'm so sorry," Chiyo whispered, pressing her forehead against her former competitor's. Of course, she had nothing to be sorry for. They both knew the risks that came with stepping into the ring. But even then, Chiyo had pushed the woman far past anything she had ever had to endure. It had been inspiring, motivating, potentially even life-changing. While the personal transformation was as beautiful as gold, the physical toll it had taken on the woman was almost impossible to bear witness to. Chiyo forced herself to look anyways, eyeing every inch of Carm's battered body. Her fingers moved to brush the brown strands of hair from Carmelita's eyes, leaving her view entirely unobstructed as she stared deep into the woman's soul.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Carm. Truly. I know I pushed you - we pushed each other... perhaps more than we should have, but you did it, Carmelita. You wrestled like a freaking warrior! Remember when you broke out of that headlock? And how you put me in that sweet Boston crab? And then I tried to dropkick you, but you were sooo smart, you bent down the ropes, and I fleeew out of the ring!" Chiyo broke out into laughter, her fingers still brushing through Carmelita's hair. But eventually, her laughter died down, and a look of concern replaced it. Carm had already been through so much; the last thing Chiyo wanted to do was remind her of all the pain they had inflicted on each other. Chiyo's eyes awkwardly glanced away, too embarrassed to gauge her opponent's expression. But a few seconds later, Chiyo resumed her gaze over Carm's face, looming over her with a small smile and compassionate eyes. "You have no idea how proud I am of you," Chiyo whispered as her fingers combed through the woman's brown locks.

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Re: A Golden Bond, Forged in Fire

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Carmelita could barely register what had happened. All of a sudden, she felt a great deal of pain surging through her body. A pain unlike any other...the doctor told her that she would be sore, but...this was ridiculous. Was this what it meant to be a wrestler? As good as it felt to be considered skilled and capable, this...this pain felt inescapable. To have a match where she wasn't stomped into the ground and discarded like trash was nice, but this sore feeling sucked. The Spanish beauty felt miserable. Her body was aching, and her brain felt scrambled like a freshly-cooked egg. This was awful...and likely one of the lowest points of the Spaniard's life. To be truthful, Carmelita felt like she wasn't cut out for wrestling...what was the point if this is how it felt? She wanted to die on the inside...Hopefully, when she hit the ground, she'd wake up and realize this was all just a dream. That was all someone like her deserved. However...Carmelita never hit the floor. Instead, she fell right into the arms of her concerned...friend? Rival? Lover?. No!!! No...That...That was out of pocket and...WAY too sudden. Carmelita liked Chiyo but-...She couldn't just force that idea onto her all of a sudden. She...needed to EARN it, after all...if that's what she desired. Of course, she had to process these feelings and truly see how she felt about Chiyo deep down.

When Carmelita realized her position, her face burned red as she blushed, looking around at Chiyo, who cradled her in the softest hug she had ever felt. She paid no attention to the pain she felt. All she cared about was this moment. She merely enjoyed the warm embrace of the Japanese woman, wrapping an arm around her as she cuddled her back. The pain could wait...Chiyo required her attention.

Maybe this pro-wrestling thing wasn't too bad...After all, it seemed to have its ''perks''~

After Chiyo had finished with her concerned rambles, the Spaniard responded with a few soft laughs, chuckling right in the woman's face as she smiled, laying across her lap. She reached up and caressed her cheek, smiling through the pain. "You're adorable when you get all concerned...y'know that?" She asked, giving off a few more chuckles before coughing slightly. "Look, Chiyo...Don't apologize. This isn't your fault. It's mine. I pushed myself too far, but what's worse...I never tested myself like that before. I considered myself the best, but now, I'm not sure...Before LAW, I had won so much in the indie leagues...but I'm beginning to question if those matches were even legitimate. My training was half-assed. My body isn't tempered like yours. I had never really experienced a fight like this before. I had never fought someone like YOU. So don't apologize to me...It's because of you that I was able to change. You were what I needed. I should be thanking you for that. I've...got a new outlook on wrestling now. I actually WANT to be better...to GET stronger. I want to impress you. I want to be as talented as you. Your affection, your admiration, your praise...I want it all. Nothing matters more to me than achieving success and making you proud. If I can do that...I'd be one happy girl." She said, pouring her heart out.

After some rest, the Spaniard sits back up, propping herself against the wall and sitting beside Chiyo. "Were you...really waiting around here this whole time, just for me? Did you even see the doctor yourself?" She said, caressing Chiyo's waist and midsection, softly massaging it. "You're such a dummy...you've got to look after yourself too." She said, smirking before leaning against Chiyo. She took some time to think, wondering what her next move should be...this idle chit-chat was new to her. Most people just threw themselves at her feet, but...with Chiyo, it felt real, genuine, and earnest...it felt like she actually had to try. She liked that. It felt rewarding this way...
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Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Mikuma Sato:

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Jiyuu June:

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Miyuki Iwata:

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Yamato Ayase:

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Kaeo Amarin:

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Tori Taylor:

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Lilith Lenoir:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Secondary Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Lynda Jäger:

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