Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Match Type: Humiliation Match
Rules: Victory by verbal submission
Yuki wasn't quite sure what she was getting into. It was already so early into her LAW career, and she was already being signed up for new match types - including this one, specifically about humiliating your opponent. The thought of it brought a slight blush to her face; she didn't know who would want to do something so embarrassing in front of a huge crowd. Nevertheless, the agents assured her that it would be a memorable match, and "a great way to get exposure." She just hoped they meant figuratively.

Still, as she stood back behind the entrance ramp, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing. Just think of it as any other match, she told herself. Don't worry about it. The key was not getting too nervous - if she could keep her cool and apply the same approach to her matches as she always had, there would be nothing to fear.

The girl peeked out from around the corner at the stage. They had chosen a beach match for this one - which probably added another challenge to the mix, as Yuki was a bit nervous about going out in front of everyone in a swimsuit as it was. The ring was placed in the middle of the beach, facing the water, with the crowd gathered around it behind the stands. The sun was high overhead, and the skies were clear. It was a beautiful day, and the fresh sea air wafted in the breeze. Just the right kind of weather to watch two bikini-clad, petite girls tear into each other, apparently.

Then the announcer called out her name, and it was on.

"Coming first to the ring! At 5'4, weighing 118 pounds, from Yokohama, Japan! YUKI KAZIKURA!
Yuki stepped out the door, onto the ramp leading down past the crowd partitions and towards the ring. Applause broke out as she passed, and the cheers seemed more vigorous than what she was used to, no doubt due to her choice of attire - but she tried not to let that bother her. She came to the ring, her steps focused and calm as she kept her gaze steadily ahead of her, and swung her way inside, picking herself up to her feet and brushing back her hair before she stood waiting for her opponent to arrive.
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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Lucys next match wasn't a normale match. This time the ring was at a beach. She wasn't sure why it was like this but it was a good weather thats why she didn't care about that. She was just happy to be outside. The bluenette didn't had much free time since she got here thats why she enjoyed this opportunity to get outside.

Yui already changed into her swimsuite and went to the beach. Her swimsuite wasn't anything special but it was enough to play in the water. She swum a few rounds in the water enjoying every bit of the water. After that she got out and was just laying in the sand not carring about anything at all. It was a good day and the world was peacefull. She closed her eyes and was ready to fall asleep.

Unfortunatly her manager came and woke her up. He was pissed at her because she was having her fun time at the beach while everybody was waiting for her in the arena. Lucy tried a bit to completly wake up and stumbled to the stage. The time wasn't on Lucys side right now because she was already at least 10 min to late. Thats why she went straight to the ring. Completly messing up her entrance and all that was to it.

She went into the middle of the ring and started to scream.
She said to the audience while she was still wet from the water. After this she turned towards her opponent.
"Hello my name is Lucy nice to meet you."

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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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And then...nothing happened.

Yuki stood there with a blank look on her face, awaiting some news. Maybe her opponent couldn't make it, or was sick, and the match had to be called off. But if that was the case, she'd wished they had told her earlier. The minutes dragged on, and still no news. Since no one was around to preempt it, Yuki's entrance music had already gone to completion, leaving a silence in the ring that only made things that much more awkward. As it went on longer, she began to wonder if this was, in fact, the enemy's plan - beating her in a humiliation match by getting her to show up somewhere she wasn't supposed to be and making a fool of herself. Because this was starting to get embarrassing, as she stood there doing nothing, and it seemed like an eternity.

Then, though, another girl came running into the ring, seeming like she was in quite a hurry. Yuki blinked a few times before turning her attention to her, hearing that she was late. Was this girl serious, she thought to herself? It was honestly a bit insulting to her dignity to put her up against someone who couldn't even be trusted to show up on time, when she herself devoted her life and efforts to training and being the best she could be. Still, the newcomer seemed nice enough, so Yuki extended a hand, even if she would remain a bit confused.

"Er, Yuki," she said. "Thank you...I guess."
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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Lucy thought that she saw a beacon of confussion into Yukis eyes. Well no wonder. Her entrance was quite unusuall and she came even to late.
"You are really cute. Iam sorry to let someone like you waiting."
She said to her opponent and walked into her corner.

Lucy would wait for the bell to announce that the match had started. She came refreshed through her little swimsession to the fight and would now be ready to fight.

When the match would start the bluenette would rush to her opponent with quite some speed. Lucy would ran into her opponents stomach and grab her waist. Then she would lift her up and slam Yuki into the canvas.

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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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"C-Cute..?" Yuki's face flushed a little at the comment. All the while, her mind was racing with just what was ahead for her. She knew that it was verbal submission, but just that alone didn't seem like it would warrant the title of "humiliation match," and she was a bit nervous to think of what could be in store for her. Hopefully, she thought, it wouldn't get much worse than this.

However, she didn't get to think about this for long, as Lucy closed in to plow into her stomach, sending the girl bending forward with a cough as she was left winded. That left her open for Lucy to scoop her up and throw her back down on the mat, where she bounced a few times before coming to rest. She knew then that the match was on, and she couldn't be slacking. She had to take this as seriously as she would anything else. Shaking herself, Yuki propped herself up on her elbows, looking back at Lucy and bracing herself for what would come next.
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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Lucy got her opponent on the ground. She was kinda surprised how easy it was. It seemed that her opponent wasn't that experienced right now.That means she could probably beat her without a great effort.

As she was on the ground Lucy would sat herself on her opponents stomach and look into her eyes. She thought to herself what fun things she could do. It was a humiliation match after all. Her recent reaction about her beeing cute made Lucy think that Yui could be easily to embaress. The bluenette was smiling down on her opponent and started to talk.
"I really thought that you would be heavier to get down. Well I guess loooks can be deceiving."
She said to her opponent.

The bluenette would then go with her hands towards her opponents small chest and under her bikini top. Then she started to grope them a bit.
"Not bad. It seems that you are even smaller then I am."
Lucy was taunting her opponent. She wanted to distract her with that. While she would grope her Lucy could think of a plan on how to proceed the fight.

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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Yuki's eyes narrowed as Lucy started to taunt her, sitting down on her stomach. She was really getting under her skin. It was true that Yuki was light on her feet, being a high-flyer who put her agility to good use, and she was both new to LAW and her mind was in another place. But she was still an accomplished striker who hit hard and rose through the ranks of the indie circuit, and she refused to let herself be taken down so easily. It was clear to her that Lucy was going to play mind games with her, and get her off her game - which was a place she never wanted to be. She took in a deep breath, trying to focus. That would be the key to this match.

However, her concentration was quickly broken again as Lucy reached under her top to grab at her breasts. Yuki let out a gasp, recoiling back from Lucy as much as she could with the girl sitting on her, while her eyes went wide and her face red. Out of instinct as much as conscious thought, Yuki used one hand, balled into a fist, to swing for Lucy's ribs as hard as she could while her other hand reached to cover her petite chest. "G-Get off!!"
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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Lucy enjoyed herself as Yuki went red. She was seemingly embaressed about her breasts being groped but that wan only more of a reason to continue it. She was so focused on playing with her opponents small orbs that she didn't noticed the fist her opponent made and send rigt towards her ribs. Lucy moaned in pain as Yukis fist collided with her ribs.

The bluenette let go of her opponents breasts and hold her rips with one hand.
"That wasn't so nice. But I have more were that came from."
The girl grinned at her opponent.

Lucy would stand up and recover for a moment. She would let her opponent get up. In the meantime she would prepare for her next attack. She didn't want to take the first attack this time. Instead Lucy was waiting and preparing to counter her opponents next move.

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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Even as Lucy fell back from her, Yuki's face remained red and bore a scowl, watching the blunette stumble away from where she lay. Still recovering from the initial surprise, she stood up, taking a moment to fix her top to make sure that it was in a comfortable and modest position and brushing back her hair. As she got to her feet, the girl puffed out a breath, her eyes narrowing as she looked across the ring at Lucy and leaned in closer towards her. As her hands clenched and unclenched at her side, she brought herself back down to the real world, ready to face the challenges ahead.

She saw that Lucy was watching her, and after her comment, Yuki was sure that if she ran in at full speed she'd only be setting herself up for a nasty surprise. She was sure the blunette was thinking ahead, and she would have to do the same if she wanted to beat her. Slowly, she moved towards Lucy, every step made with care and purpose, and she raised her fists. Yuki made two quick punches, one with one hand and one with the other, but those were just feints and would whiff by Lucy, grazing the air. If Lucy was still open after that, Yuki would lunge forward to have her shoulder make contact with her chest, slamming into the other girl.
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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Lucy watched her opponen slowly move towards her. She would maybe be cautios now. The bluenette had to think about that to not get catched off guard by her opponent. As she saw that her opponent raised her fist she wanted to do the same. Then Yuki made two fast punches. The bluenette thought about the best course of action. She couldn't dodge in time. Because of that she shielded herself from the attacks of her opponent with her arms.

She thought that her opponent was now oppen and she made herself ready to counter. She would start to swing with her right hand at her opponents stomach. That seemed to be wrong as it seemed that her opponent was just waiting for that. Yuki slammed her shoulder right into her chest. Lucy moaned as her should collided with her chest.

Lucy would put her right arm to her chest and with her other arm the bluenette would try to grab her opponents neck. Then she would try to pull her closer towards her. Then she woud deliver a kick with her knee right into Yukis stomach as a revenge for her breast.

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