Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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Hentai Submission Match! Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

After Akane's handicap match against the less experienced wrestlers, her manager had noticed something within Akane that she hadn't seen before. Unlike usual, she had shown signs that there was a fire of passion within her that she had never been seen before. Before then, all of her matches had very little reaction coming from Akane and any reactions that did come out were short lived and did not match the energy she put forth for a single moment against Shinju and Sajuna. She wanted to bring it out of her again so she set up a match between her and an opponent she believed she would lose to on purpose to see that energy again.

Meanwhile Akane herself was resting in the locker room playing on her switch while chewing some gum. She had long since dressed up in her hentai outfit already. She didn't have any interests in whatever scheme her manager was coming up with. But money was money. Not even stretching or doing anything to prepare herself for the match, Akane stood up and walked over to the walkway where she prepared herself for her entrance. These entrances were so annoying to deal with. Akane disliked having to stop her game to wave towards everyone and deal with people. She wasn't a people person, damn it.

The fireworks shot off as Akane walked on the entrance, her Nintendo Switch still in her hands as she nodded to the crowd that was cheering towards her. "mhm. Yep. Hi. Uh huh. Cool to see you too... I guess." she would reply to all of the cheers, giving a few people some lackluster high fives until she made it to the apron.
Her hands were busy holding onto her switch so she simply climbed into the ring by rolling underneath the ropes before immediately walking over to her turnbuckle... She had forgotten that she was still supposed to be appealing to the crowd after she had gotten in the ring. Her manager's face was in her palms after watching Akane's lackluster entrance. The fans didn't exactly enjoy Akane's entrance, but she had a lot of simps that enjoyed her Kuudere personality followed with the fact that she was a gamer girl.
Last edited by Kookio on Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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It was little wonder that Huan was quite frequently scheduled for hentai matches. Even long before LAW, when she was still making her career in MMA she was seen for more than her stellar performance and having the opportunity to use that appeal for the show here where it would be on full display was just an obvious choice. She didn't have much dedicated experience to that kind of fighting though, not that it mattered so far, what she had from her normal style translated well enough in the past.

There wasn't much preparation to be done, she did not know her opponent from before, nor could she find that much about her so strategizing would have to be done on the fly. It most often resorted to that, rarely plans survived more then a few opening secconds of a fight anyway. so after hearing her opponent finish her own entrance, Huan would make her way to begin.
Entrance Music:
Hentai Attire
Smoke filled the space, illuminated so that only her situate would be seen. As she rose her hand gout of red sparks would erupt behind her while the smoke parted revealing her to the audience. Now she would hover her finger over the entire arena before then pulling her hand back and flexing.

Now Huan would head down the ramp at a brisk pace, clapping hands with people to the sides that reached out. At the end, she would spin and send finger guns and a wink in the general direction of the crowd before climbing the stairs to the ring. Walking along the apron she would jump over the ropes before heading to the corner and making a wide sweeping gesture with one hand before turning to her oponent and giving her a wink and a smile before approaching the center as the referee called for them.

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Re: Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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The Gamer Goddess watched with uninterested eyes as her opponent walked into the ring. She could basically see the fighting experience radiating from Huan. What the heck type of person did her manager put her up against this time? Well maybe it was better for her to lose this fight. That way people wouldn't get too worked up about her. Especially about her mess up in the last fight where she accidentally went all out and accidentally knocked out one of her opponents. It had been about a week since her last fight and the memory was still still stained in her memory... Issues when it came to having a perfect memory was that it was hard to forget the things you wanted to forget.

As the woman walked into the ring, Akane made sure to stay out of her way, keeping her Nintendo Switch in her hand until she was done showboating to the audience. In which, Akane would hide her Nintendo Switch underneath the ring skirt to keep it safe. "Alright. Lets get this over with." she would say in an unexcited monotone voice.
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Re: Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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"Aren't you a ray of sunshine?" She commented on her opponent's rather underwhelming response, the girl did not seem too excited to be here in the first place which was a rather rare sight, people didn't get into an organisation like LAW by accident, they worked to be here. It didn't really matter though, if the girl didn't care now, Huan would make her care soon enough.

Typically in a hentai match, Huan would test out the waters, see if her opponent preferred it to be a softer affair or closer to an actual fight. Not this time, if she wanted this to be a match worth watching, she needed her opponent to proverbially wake up. To get that started she would rise her leg, initially going for a round kick to the body only to change directions and aim for the head before continuing a movement into a spin to deliver a back kick at the same target.

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Re: Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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Akane didn't pay much mind to Huan's comment because she was used to those types of comments about her neutral mood. She simply shrugged in response while waiting for the bell to ring, performing a few stretches to loosen her body up so she could get pummeled without taking anything too serious. That was the whole goal of this match for Akane after all. She was going to fake fight this woman basically by purposefully take hits she could have blocked while also throwing out weaker punches. It sucked that she was probably going to be fucked in front of everyone, but that would at least make people think twice about believing that she has any sort of real talent for this stuff.


The bell rung loudly, causing Akane to flinch a little in surprise. Too loud... When her eyes focused back on Huan, the large woman was already sprinting at her at a speed and strength unexpected by Akane. Seeing the woman swing her foot in the air, Akane knew how painful it would be that would be to take head on. So out of pure reflex and self-preservation, her arms would attempt to pull themselves up to block the kick. No. Stay down! Letting Huan get the first blow would probably be huge in making the fans believe in her lack of talent.

Her arms only made it half way into the block before Akane stopped them and let the foot slam into her side, causing the silver haired beauty to close both of her eyes and cry out in pain in her mind but only let out a grunt of pain out loud while she stumbled to the side, open for yet another attack from Huan, "Gyuh..!".
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Re: Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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Huan could see plainly that Akane could have blocked at least the first strike, she moved fast enough for that but just stopped which was puzzling, the girl seemed to be holding back for some bizarre reason. The thought caused her to crack a smile, she herself rarely went all out but at least she tried to win, Akane seemed hell-bent on getting knocked silly if she thought she could just take hits and it would hardly do.

Rushing up close, Huan would press her forearm to the other girl's throat and push towards the corner. Then she would lean in and whisper "You better step up, I know you can." She said before giving the other woman a playful nibble on the ear followed shortly by a knee to her gutt.

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Re: Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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Right after Akane was kicked to the side, the girl was swiftly slammed into the corner of the ring forcing a grunt to released from the girl's mouth. She would have slumped against the turnbuckle, but Huan kept her up straight against it, effectively temporarily pinning the silver haired girl. She stared into her eyes, panting a bit heavily as she fake struggled to break free of the hold. She was really regretting not taking some form of acting class because Huan could see right through her charade, feeling the woman's cold breath against her ear teasingly sent a shiver down the gamer's back.

That small sense of pleasure would then once again be replace with pain once she felt Huan's strong knee slam into her gut, causing her eyes to widen and her body to bend over against her opponent in pain. "GYUH!"". She wanted to let out a cry of pain, but nothing came out. If Huan had let her go, Akane's body would crumple to the floor in front of her to writhe in pain. Perhaps she had made a mistake choosing this person to let beat her up... Not that she could do much about it at her current moment while she was there with a stupidly dazed expression on her face and open to yet another attack, not by choice this time.
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Re: Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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Letting go of Akane and seeing her fall to the ground Huan would follow her there, grab the girl's hips and pull them up, hand going between her legs and pressing at her pussy through the cloth of her attire, the other one going to press her head into the mat as she leaned down. "Are you just gonna let me do this, don't you want to do the same to me?" Huan asked, hoping that if she continues to poke at the girl she could actually get her going, push at the sense of pride she must have. If all went well, her opponent might at least put a bit of effort into the fight, which Huan far preferred to someone just playing a role of a human punching bag and a sex toy in one.

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Re: Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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Mikoto was looking down after she was dazed, through foggy eyes she watched as Huan's hand slipped down between her sprawled legs and toy with the fabric covering her womanhood. It forced her to bite her bottom lip in pleasure. She wouldn't be brought back to reality until she heard her opponent yelling at her. She looked up towards her opponent, staring her in the eyes. "Yes I will.. I need to..." she replied shortly, revealing that she has been losing on purpose. After saying that, she winced as her opponent's hand managed to touch a weak spot. "You shouldn't e- even care. I-its a free win for you anyways." she would then say, attempting to convince her opponent to leave it and just do what she wanted to do.
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Re: Battle of Bosses Akane Miitoboru vs Huan Lei Brightspring

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"I don't care for the win. I came here for a fight!" Huan replied, grabbing a hold of the fabric around Akane's sex and trying to rip it off. Then she would pull the woman up and send her to the ropes.

Once Akane bounced off of them she would try to nail her straight on the head with a big boot. "If you ain't gonna give it, don't waste my or anyone else time by coming to the ring." She continued irritated but more so hoping it would get her opponent to act.

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