Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

Unread post by SimplyMoon »

Two matches, every single Apex qualifier match had been the exact same and now in her final one the goddess of love supposedly was not going to take it much longer. These loses were driving her to the brink of desperation as even though for the qualifiers it didn't matter if she won or lost, it looked terrible on her part for losing back-to-back. She could take it no longer, and so she declared over Twitter that soon, very soon, a victory would soon be at hand and love would reign supreme for the ugly and pathetic mortals that dared challenge her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our next match is an Apex Qualifier. Our first competitor, hailing all the way from Mt. Olympus itself, she is the Love of the World..." the announcer spoke on the mic before Aphrodite appeared center stage, walking out with a swagger and walk down the ramp, "Aphrodite!"

She was in no way wanting to acknowledge the crowd, walking with a fine strut down the ramp and to the ring in the same revealing wrestling attire that she had worn before. It was almost as if she was pissed off at the world itself, constantly screwing her over again and again. It hurt her so, but this wasn't going to be it. This wouldn't end until she managed to defeat this woman utterly and triumphantly. She'd take her corner, waiting, watching, wanting to finish this whelp that was in her way and prove to all of LAWs audience.
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Re: Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

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Allen Riley nodded to herself, psyching herself up before the match. She knew that she needed to fight in matches in order to qualify in Apex event where she could fight for the Openweight title. Now that she was ready, she would give herself one last check-up before she marched out, her music playing and the announcers announcing her entrance. Unlike her opponent, Allen made sure to acknowledge her fans and the spectators, wanting to give them their money's worth for this match.
Allen Riley
After that, she reached the ring and did some light stretches. Then, she looked at the direction of her opponent. Narrowing her eyes, Allen made her way to her corner, waiting for the match to begin. She had seen her matches before, and she knew what kind of wrestler she was. For this occasion, Allen would be cautious while around her. By practicing caution, Allen knew that she would be able to win the match and defeat her opponent, bringing herself closer to the prize.

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Re: Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

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"Not much the talking type, not my problem, I'm fine with a bit of silence," Aphrodite spoke, shrugging as she stretched her bodacious body out. It was done partially for herself and for the crowd that she liked to show off to but not really humor. By this point, both of them likely knew whom the other was, although the blonde's own research was mostly based on what she heard backstage, things like her being a highflyer or something that would make things a lot harder than she anticipated.

When the bell rang, Aphrodite was ready to fight, smirking as she squared off with Riley. She'd sweep back her long blonde hair from her shoulder, getting into a more traditional wrestling stance. If Riley was that sort of high flying sort of opponent, then she expected her to be rather quick potentially. As with all opponents, there was always an unknown factor that would have to be dealt with, "Hope you're ready!" she spoke out before charging at her to try and quickly lock up with her, pressing her body up against her in a show of force.
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Re: Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

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Allen kept her eyes on Aphrodite, still trying to ascertain the type of opponent she was. Psyching herself before the start of the match, Allen stepped forth, getting ready to jump into actions. Still looking at Aphrodite, Allen waited for the bell to be rung, and she would immediately spring into action almost at the same time as her opponent.

The two of them clashed against each other in a lock up, and it was pretty intense. Bodies pressing against with each other, Allen would push against Aphrodite as she exerted her strength. For the time being, it seemed that the two of them had entered a stalemate in their lock-up.

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Re: Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

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Aphrodite was finding it difficult to work against Ripley, ending up in a stalemate as the two locked up. Worst of all, she was slowly losing ground to the shorter woman, having put her foot placement down at just the wrong angle. Any more of that could lead to her easily being toppled over with her opponent taking advantage of the position and tripping her down to the mat. With each other's bodies pressed against each other however, it would make changing her footwork far harder than she wanted it to be but riled the crowd up as two strong and sexy ladies clashed against one another, clad in their wrestling apparel.

"Not bad... not bad... you're pretty good, but can you handle this?" she says, near telegraphing potential intent as she attempted to push Riley away. She'd return back with a chop, aiming her left hand and arm to strike against her opponent's chest.
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Re: Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

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Allen could tell that she was gaining an upper hand over Aphrodite, and she would make sure to keep pushing, looking to overpower her opponent and keep up with her momentum. But then, after hearing the words from Aphrodite, Allen could feel the push from her and she would react in kind, pushing back. This left her unprepared for what was coming next as Aphrodite suddenly hit her with a chop to her chest.


Allen cried out, her focus and momentum gone. She would lose her upper hand, allowing Aphrodite to take advantage of her stunned state. She grimaced as she would try to stand her ground, but the sudden hit had made her lose her focus.

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Re: Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

Unread post by SimplyMoon »

Knife edge chops were brutal, often arousing a cry from both the opponent receiving it and the assembled crowd watching. There was no exception that came this time as Aphrodite delivered one that could be heard through the miced in audio of the arena. It would definitely leave a mark the next morning as the supposed goddess of love reeled her arms back after delivering the blow, a devious smile on her face as she prepared herself again.

"Come on," she said with a sarcastic and mischievous smile on her face, "I guess you just couldn't handle it."

Aphrodite would move forward again, reeling her arm back to repeat the same attack, side stepping forward to land her blow as her hand came towards Riley like a blade slashing through the air, "Now feel the power of a goddess!"
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Re: Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Grimacing and gritting her teeth, Allen glared at Aphrodite as she watched her preparing to launch another knife edge chop. Seeing the attack coming, Allen would bring her arms up to block the incoming chop, using them as a shield to block the attack.

In retaliation, Allen would drive her boot right into Aphrodite's belly, looking to have the self-proclaimed goddess double over before her. Hopefully, this would give her an opportunity to grab Aphrodite by her head in preparation for her next move.

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Re: Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

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"You feel it now?" Aphrodite spoke as she thought she had stunned her opponent with a brutal and violent chop. Instead, the move was blocked and the goddess of love had to try once more to try and hit her, sending a chop with the other arms as she tried to smack her once more, "Take thi..."

The blonde would soon be doubled over as before she could send that second chop into Allen, Aphrodite was struck by a kick to the gut. It would nearly topple her she coughed spittle, a direct and unprotected hit that saw her as the one that was utterly stunned. The blonde would almost fall backwards for a few moments before Allen grabbed her by the head, pulled into the grappled embrace as Allen figured out what she wanted to do with little protest from Aphrodite at all.
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Re: Ride the Lightening: Aphrodite Vs. Allen Riley (Apex Qualifier)

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Successfully thwarting Aphrodite's offense by kicking at her belly, Allen grabbed her head and put her in a front facelock, wrapping her arm around the head. Pushing her away to the center of the ring, Allen would prepare herself for her next attack as she would get her other arm onto Aphrodite's leg before she attempted to hoist her up and send her down onto the mat with a fisherman's suplex. If the fisherman's suplex was successful, Allen would try to get herself on her tiptoes, bridging her own body for a bridging pin, making sure that her opponent's shoulders were pressed against the mat.

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