First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, or KO

General Appearance
Entrance Gear
Just in black.
Ring Attire
Finally. All the blood. All the sweat. All the tears. All of it was finally paying off for Nyx. She was really here. In LAW. The biggest league not only in this town, but the world.

She'd set her mark, and now it was time to enforce it. Let these people know that she was here to stay. The management had given her an easy means of doing that; a heavyweight named Moira Kilgannon. The Celtic Hammer had six inches on her and was almost sixty pounds of pure muscle heavier, but she was a yet another brute who relied on her size and ability to throw a punch. With her refined technique, she could make quick work of her. But that wasn't her style.

And even if it was, she needed to put on a performance that would put the real talent here on notice. So Moira would have to suffer more than normal.

The pressure, that knowledge that she still had some tall mountains to climb was still overwhelming, and it manifested in quaking hands that she was quick to ball into fists. Solid. Unflinching. Resolute. The goth looked over her shoulder with a ready mean mug for anyone who might've caught that moment of weakness. But luckily, she was all alone in this area right behind the curtain.

She can't let that happen again. She was in shark infested waters, and if the wrong one saw that blood in the water, it would be all over for her.

The opening guitar of Korn's "Lullaby for a Sadist" pulled her head out of that fog of self-doubt and into the game.

She reminded herself that she's been in this position before. Afraid. Wondering if she really had what it took to make it to the top and prove them all wrong; everybody who looked down on her, everybody who wanted to see her fall, both past and present. Audiences included, that was a lot of people. A countless number.

But she put on that brave face, walked out like the queen she is, squared the fuck up, and handled her business.

Yes. She did it in ACW, and she was going to do it here.

Nyx walked out in time with the opening lyrics, to a rough reception from the crowd. Boos and jeers that she knew to expect and had the same effect as a pleasant breeze; their hate made it all the better when that bell rang and she went on to dismantle their hero for the evening. She kept it cool and poised, with a little smile forming after the voice of a particularly passionate "fan" reached her ears.

"Go back to France, bitch! You're garbage! You'll always be garbage!"

It was far from the worst of the abuse that's been hurled at her over the years, but the emotion that man put into those words...He didn't know it, but he just made things that much worse for Moira. She didn't know what it would be just yet, but she was going to do something special to her. Just for him.

Maybe an encore after she's been defeated. She'd grab a mic and and dedicate the extra punishment to him. Maybe even direct a cameraman his way to capture his reaction.

Nyx wouldn't do anything that would put Moira on the shelf, but the Irishwoman wouldn't be leaving the ring with her own power. And he would know -- everybody in this sold out crowd would know -- that it was all because of him. Petty, yes, but it was the right of those who rule the ring.

When she reached it, she walked over to a corner, climbed up to the second rope, facing the audience. And in perfect timing with the chorus of her theme, casually, and with a smug grin, lifted her arms up high from her sides as if to say, "gaze upon my perfection". The cocky gesture had earned her a cacophony of boos. A torrent of hate that she embraced.

Before stepping down, she removed the shrug and the corset that had her low cape attached and passed them off to a ringside assitant, leaving the real gear that she was wearing for this match, which was still fancy with golden studs and a helping of lace in places, but absolutely ring ready.

Nyx eyed the stage, waiting for her opponent to make her entrance. But before she could, however, something showed up on the titantron: Footage from the interview that was shot at her home. She had been asked about her feelings towards Moira and for any comments she wanted to make about her debut to LAW.

They'd caught a beautiful shot of her sitting on her black throne (which had been acquired just for the interview), dressed in her ring gear and the extra finery that she'd just taken off.

("My impression of Moira? This..."Celtic Hammer", as she calls herself?")

She sat back, arms and legs crossed. She made herself comfortable, her complete disregard for her opponent written all over her face.

("Well, she certainly wouldn't have been my pick for my debut. Moira Kilgannon. A simple brute who thinks she can coast by with her size and her ability to throw a punch.")

Cheers at the mention of her opponent's name turned back into boos at her comments at a speed that could've given one whiplash if that energy was manifested physically.

("I've faced my share of that type. I was hoping to face someone with talent, but I suppose she'll do. She can be the canvas on which I paint my first masterpiece for the LAW Universe. Those of you who followed my journey through ACW are already well aware of the subject matter that fills my gallery. But for those of you who aren't...")

With a menacing chuckle, she sat forward, placing her hands atop of her knees.

("Well, I'll give you a little hint in the form of a quote from a legend here in the world of professional wrestling: 'Destruction can be beautiful.'")

Nyx was smiling the same sinister smile she was at the end of the promo. She thought that man from along the way had gotten her amped up, but now...

Her kit was ready, every single material required being in plentiful supply. It was time to make some fucking art.
Last edited by DSX93 on Fri Sep 08, 2023 2:49 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

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Moira eagerly waited backstage for her entrance music. She hopped up and down and shadowboxed to pump herself up as she listened to Nyx's entrance music. She sounded like a bitch in her promo, but she had good taste in music at least. What angered Moira the most when she heard her opponent's promo was Nyx's comment that Moira wouldn't have been her first choice for a debut. Moira would show her just how right she was to wish she had someone else to debut against.
Resolving to knock Nyx Alexander out, Moira let out a war cry when she heard her music playing. She strode out onto the ramp smiling for her fans, per usual, but this time her face had a look of focused determination as she moved to the ring with purpose.
Moira's promo came on the TitanTron. She had heard the gist of Nyx's comments decided to drop all inhibitions and let her natural Irish self do the talking.

"Nyx Alexander? Never 'eard o' 'er. Bahsses hand me paper sayin who I'm fightin next. 'er name was ahn it. Dat's all I need to know. I show up and I fight. I dahn't back down. I 'ear she doesn't think too 'ighly o' me. Lahts o' people dahn't think too moehch o' me at first glance. Boeht they're always impressed after we meet. And even mahreso after we fight. And de people who talk shite find demselves starin up at de lights wahnderin what 'appened."

She got up and entered the ring. Instead of her usual fist pump for the crowd, she approached her opponent practically chest to chest and engaged in an intense staredown with the Frenchwoman. The crowd took to their feet, knowing instantly that this was going to be a banger. Moira looked into her opponent's eyes and said, "Congratulations. You went from a match to a fight. Get ready to get knocked out."

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Re: First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

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Nyx rolled her eyes. "Nothing I haven't heard over a thousand times." From both her little promo to what she's in her face with now. A simple brute, Moira truly was.

Nyx shoved her back and assumed a ready stance as the ref motioned for the opening bell. Hips squared, with open hands raised instead of fists.

The blonde was sure of herself and her abilities, but she was realistic too. And the reality was that things would've gone very wrong for her very fast if she started the match that close to her larger, stronger opponent. Simple or not, she needed to be worn down first.

"First move's yours."
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Re: First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

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Upon receiving Nyx’s invite, Moira was happy to oblige her. She observed Nyx’s hands were open, not clenched up in fists. Moira decided she’d grapple/womanhandle her first. The Irishwoman crept forward, wary of any kicks. When she was close enough, she signaled her intent to lock up and then lunged at Nyx. She attempted to lock in an arm and collar tie up with the Frenchwoman. If successful, Moira would show her strength by shoving Nyx into the corner.

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Re: First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

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...And the wear down is best started with the mind.

Nyx watched her approach carefully, waiting for her moment. It wouldn't be long, and Moira would even be kind enough to telegraph her movements. A lock-up would be out of the question, however. She deftly shuffled to the side, and as the bull rushed past, she levelled a good slap to the back of her head. It would be nothing damaging, but that wasn't the point.

The dark debutante would settle back into her ready stance as it registered, donning one of those grins that just begged to be punched out of existence. And there was no doubt that the crowd would be encouraging the Irish brawler to do just that.
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Re: First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

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Moira thought she would have a proper lock up. Instead she felt a sharp slap to the back of her head as Nyx deftly dodged to the side to avoid the lockup. Anger quickly welled up in Moira as the crowd boo’d Nyx. She swung around to strike the Frenchwoman. Only instead of a fist to the face, Moira came at her with a open-palmed overhand chop to Nyx’s chest.

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Re: First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Piss off the ogre and get her to swing, then duck and bring her down with a shot to the liver. Once that was done, get to work on disabling her arms. A very simple plan, but one that often served Nyx well against larger, brute force oriented foes. She wouldn't have been surprised to see it coming together right after the bell.

But this would not be the moment. When Nyx saw the angle that Moira's attack was coming from, her instincts kicked in: Sway back to get her upper body out of dodge and shuffle her feet in the same direction to keep her out of range of an immediate follow-up. The motion was as smooth as butter, perhaps unnatural looking to the untrained eye, like she was being pulled back by invisible wires.

"Again." Nyx took on a slightly different stance now: Bladed, her feet spread apart by the length of her shoulders, one hand raised just above chest level with the other lowered, neither being closed into fists, still. The blonde fearlessly stepped back into striking range, talking down to Moira as though she were some greenhorn. "Try again."
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Jun 15, 2023 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

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Moira felt herself getting hot. ”'Ow ded dat betch dahdge dat?” she thought. Moira knew what Nyx was doing. And while she was getting frustrated, Nyx wasn’t the first agile opponent she’s boxed before. Moira went for a quick snap kick to Nyx’s gut, hoping that if she kept swinging Nyx would make a mistake before she gets too tired or angry.

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Re: First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

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And there it is. Not the limb she was aiming for, but a lame leg could still serve her well. And after Nyx caught that kick, she would immediately begin work on making it so: Wrapping the ankle underneath one arm and dropping with twist and a pull with the other arm around the back of her knee. A dragon screw that had some snap to it, one that would be certain to get Moira's ACL screaming.

And if Nyx were to continue having her way, it wouldn't end there. Keeping the Irishwoman in her clutches as she stood, she would move her ankle from underneath the one arm to the other before driving her foot down hard into the mat with a DDT.
Last edited by DSX93 on Fri Sep 08, 2023 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Impressions (Nyx Alexander (D) vs Moira Kilgannon)

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Moira thought she would kick past Nyx easily. Instead, Nyx caught her kick and held her leg. Then suddenly Moira was in a world of pain. First, from dragon screw. And then from the ddt. Moira lay writhing on the ground in pain, clutching her knee. She attempted to roll out of the ring to put some distance between her and her merciless foe.

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