The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

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The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

Unread post by ReticentCone »

Match Type: Standard
Victory conditions:Pin, Submission, KO or DQ

Kelya streched backstage while she waited for her theme music to play. She had no idea who her opponent woukd be for this upcoming match, but she knew how she wanted to fight it. The one thing she knew, was that she woukd be fighting a standard match.

Yet the brazilian wanted a victory that was a little harsher and defintive than typical. She didnt sneak in a pin or lock in a submission. She wanted to stand triumphantly over a completely incapacitated opponent, she wanted a knockout.

Was it presumptious to decide upon a type of victory, beforw even seeing one's opponent. Perhaps. But that wouldnt stop her from thinking it.
Her theme would start playing and Kelya would head out to the top of the ramp.
She'd pump her right fist in the air once, clad in her yellow attire.
Next, after having held her hand in the air for a few moments, panning her head across the crowd, Kelya bring her hand back down, walking with purpose toward the ring and its steps, climbing up them and to the ring. It was not the brazilians' flashiest entrance, but she wanted to show that she meant business. Yet the brunette would still mount the corner, put her arms out wide while facing the crowd, before flexing first her right, then left arms and then bring them down past her torso, as if revealing her abs.

Kelya would conclude the routine, by stretching her ams once more, before quickly jumping back down to the canvas, and starting to shadow box. The sinewy middleweight felt like showing of her strength of more than her dexterity around, whixh was fitting enough given she inteded win by pummelling her opponent so hard their brain would go out for a bit.

All that was left now, was for Kelya to wait for her opponent.

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Re: The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

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The lights turned dark, purple colored flames spouted from the sides of the walkway before a song that foreshadowed an incoming threat started playing. It would be difficult to see for a moment, but the audience swore they saw someone standing in the entrance. As the music started the pick up, so did the purple flames rise in intensity. Now it was clear that there was a shadowy figure standing in the entrance, but the fire did very little to reveal her presence.
The announcer announced as the crowd roared with cheer right when Mikoto's theme song had just hit it's chorus. All of a sudden, all of the lights would come on, revealing Mikoto in her entrance outfit and her signature pose which involved hiding one of her eyes behind a couple of her fingers. "THE DARKNESS SHALL CONSUME YOU ALL!" she yelled out through a microphone so everyone in the arena could hear it. There was also an effect added to it that let it echo.

She walked to the ring with an aura of pride among her. Stepping onto the Apron and slipping between the ropes, she pulled the mic off of herself and gave it to some staff. She never took her eyes off her much larger opponent. Even while appealing to the fans. Once she was done appealing to the fans, she walked up to the girl. "Hmph. Prepare yourself to be devoured by the darkness, mortal. Your size does not matter because you will be consumed all the same!" she would say, putting her hands on her hips while looking up at Kelya before proudly walking back to her corner of the ring.
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Re: The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

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If there was something Kelya had to give her opponent, Mikoto credit for, it was that she certainly knew how to make an entrance. Not that the Brazilian would show any visibly reaction to it. She just went back to stretching her arms as she watched Mikoto approach the ring.

One thing that was clear though, was that she had a very considerable height and size advantage over her opponent. The brunette was sure there was probably some toughness that wasn't immediately visible, but she still wasn't exactly facing a giantess. Putitng this girl's lights out was certainly on the table.

When Mikoto approached her, she did not give even a little ground, standing with her own hands on her hips, staring at her, completely unfazed. She wanted to give Mikoto the impression she might punch her in the face, there and then, nevermind be intimidated.

In response to her words, Kelya had a quick reply.

"You'll be the one consumed in darkness at the end of this match, little girl." The woman of the Amazon said, wanting the implications of the threat got across, curiously enough, her tone was somewhat a mismatch with the content and her body language, a tinge of Kelya's natural enthusiasm and friendly competitiveness came through, even though she really did in tend on knocking this girl out cold.

Only after Mikoto turned back, did Kelya take a few steps back. From there she'd get in ginga stance, shifting low from side to side. As soon as the bell rung and Mikoto was in range, she'd immediately attempt to sweep kick her off her feet, with a kick to the back of her calf, then quickly get over her smaller foe for a hard downward punch to her gut, which she'd want complete with a stare and a grin.
Last edited by ReticentCone on Fri Apr 28, 2023 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

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Mikoto already knew she didn't enjoy this woman's company just from hearing her response. Was she really trying to copy her? She didn't entirely understand the implications of the threat, but she wanted to prove that despite her smaller size, she could match up to the Amazon in the same fields of strengths when it came to wrestling to prove that it wasn't size that mattered.

Of course this was a stupid way to go about it because size actually does matter in wrestling and Mikoto was about to learn that the hard way where instead of dodging out of the way of the Amazon's incoming attack after the bell rung, she attempted to challenge her in a test of strength, not realizing that her opponent wouldn't even match her and go straight for a powerful gut punch!

Mikoto's figure would immediately bend forwards in reaction to the fist slamming into her abdomen, her smaller, frailer body not built to withstand punches of this magnitude. Had Kelya just backed off a little bit after the punch, Mikoto would have fallen to her knees and then to the ground immediately while clutching her stomach. Otherwise, she would be forced to lean against the Amazon until she recovered. Both of which would leave her open to a follow-up. The difference in physical strength was basically transparent.
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Re: The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

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Kelya felt Mikoto's abdomen give way to her fist as it impacted and it was a very satisfying feeling. Kicks were usually KZK's preferes means of striking, kicks could make full use of her height advantage by leaving her opponent unable to retaliated and she could put more power into them than punches. But punches had their place as well, they tended to come with more precesion, it was easier to specifically hammer something vulnerable, the liver, kidney, eyes, nose, ears, all were easier to force to eat the full force of a blow from fist than a foot.

However the woman of the amazon had no such specific intention to target, she punched mikito in the centere of the midsection. There was another benefit to a punch, the fact it was close made it feel more personal, more spiteful. An opportunity to make plain a clear gap in ability, in this case, specifically, strength. A wonderful opportunity to make her opponent know that she was stronger than her by giving it to her up close.

When Mikoto collapsed against Kelya's bkdy from the punch, Kelya would respond by using her left arm to grab her opponent's shoulder and move to punch her opponent in the gut with her right hand again and again.

The Brazillian would repeat this until Mikito could stop her, or she started collasping to the mat, in which case Kelya would use that same right hand to hit Mikito with an uppercut punch under her chin.

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Re: The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

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Mikoto’s expression was that of a daze as the larger woman held her up by her shoulder and continued to jam her fists into the Anti-Hero’s abdomen, forcing the girl to bed over again each time before she was balanced again. She would take three in total before she brought a hand up to grab her opponent’s arm while it was reeling back for another punch. She was still somewhat dazed but would steel her senses.

If she was successful in catching the woman’s arm, she would look up at her with a pissed off expression and attempt to put herself into a study position so that she could use all her power to sling shot the Amazon into the turnbuckle behind her in a position where she could follow up with a rabid assault of her own.
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Re: The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

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Kelya got three more good punches into Mikoto's gut, each a little more satisfying than the last. However she was not quite able to pummel a collapse out of her opponent, who managed to intercept what would have been the fifth punch to her gut since the start of the match.

When her opponent looked up at her in anger, the brazilian woman only responded with a smug smirk. She braced for an opportunistic strike while the smaller woman held her, a punch, or a kick, but none came. Instead, the brunette was simply swung toward the turnbuckle, grabbing the ropes along the way to slow down her impact, expecting Mikoto follow up with some sort of attack.
Last edited by ReticentCone on Tue May 02, 2023 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

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She was ticked off that she counter hadn’t worked exactly how she wanted it to so Mikoto would do just as her opponent expected her to do by following it up with an attack. She would angrily sprint at the amazon and would attempt to leap into the air and perform a drop kick so that both of her feet would slam into the woman’s spine.

She was expecting her opponent to still be a little bit dazed so she could make this move work. She also knew it was a bit of a risky play to drop kick someone because if she missed, her opponent would be able to counter with her on the ground. But the reward of hearing the Amazon let out a cry of pain was too satisfying for the Anti-Hero. The annoying smug grin she gave her when she had countered was the same type of smug grin she would see when she saw bullies bullying others. It annoyed her to no end.
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Re: The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

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Kelya knew an attack was coming and had been hoping for an attempt at a tackle. She had two particularly nasty moves in store for the smaller woman had she had done so, but the brazillian would have to leave that for later or another victim.

Instead her opponent went for dropkick. It was easy enough to avoid by shifting out from the turnbuckle, but it didn't lend many options for a reversal. However, that didn't mean she wasn't going to give Mikoto something to cry out in pain about.

In the same motion she dodged the dropkick, she'd quickly head over to the floored girl and try to punt her skull with a soccer kick. If that worked to daze her, Kelya would quickly slide out of the ring, then attempt to drag Mikoto toward the ring post so it would be between her legs.

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Re: The good, the bad and the ugly: Kelya vs. Mikoto

Unread post by Kookio »

"Nngh!" she grunted as she had missed the drop kick and fell flat on her side. But that wasn't so bad. The main damage came when she had looked to the side towards her opponent only to see a foot flying directly towards her face. Everything would temporarily go black after that. The girl's body having temporarily gone completely limp from the kick. She would only come to once the Amazon had put the Defiant Darkness into position. "nngh... Huh..? Eh!? W-Wait!! NO!!" she cried out, her face full of panic as she realized what the Kelya had in store for her in a few moments. Her legs would struggle against the woman as she clawed at the ground desperately! This was really going to hurt.
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