Now she was up against quite possibly her strongest opponent yet. She had heard that she was a veteran wrestler who's win-streak was larger than Reiko's lose streak. She had to practically beg both her manager and her opponent's manager to let the two of them wrestle because neither of them thought it was a good idea in the slightest. Reiko looked down at her hand that was shaking a little. On one hand, she was excited for their fight as it was rare that she could even get close to having a match like this. On the other, she knew the results of the fight before it even began. She'll just have to do her best. She heard her theme song blast on the entrance as her eyes had widened. Uh oh. She was gonna cut it close if she didn't run.

Now that she was in the ring, she continued to showboat to her fans, performing a few more tricks here and there before walking to her corner of the arena and resting her back against it, intently waiting for her opponent to come onto that entrance stage.