Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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Re: Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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As Linda was about to grab her black jacket to finish her look as she was standing in front of a mirror as she wore a pair of long boots in the colors of the flag of the USA , Biker shorts and her tanktop like her boots were styled in the colors of the USA flag as on her right breasts their would be stars while on the left it was just the colors of the flag. As she thought back for a moment to her tough battle with the Red Widow , and knew that if the next two wrestlers were just as good that she was in for a tough match.

As she waited for her entrance music to start she would attempt to clear her mind of all doubt as she suddenly hear the voice of James brown coming out of the speakers as he sang "Living in America.For that would signal the moment she would walk down to the ring a, and take another step to finally earn herself a title , and when she was half way down the Voice of the ring announcer was heard as she said ''Now entering from Flat Rock, Michigan weighing in at around 170ibs ,It Linda Halloween'' just as she was making her way down the ramp and up the steel steps.

After she made it inside of the ring she would hang again the ropes as she waited for her opponent to arrive as Linda would breath in and out as she wondered if she could handle this Nariko. As from what she seen of the other heavyweight she was going to be a dangerous opponent to face.Regardless of this all was that one fact remained as if she wanted to archive her goal then she would need to defeat the other wrestler to earn the chance to make that goal a reality.

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Re: Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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At long last.

After what could have only been described as a unfitting choice of results for the past rounds in Nariko Hirano's mind, tonight, the beast from the east would be given her spotlight. She had absolutely zero intention of skimming through the tournament based on 'byes' and dual knockouts, a fact that in itself infuriated the amazon beyond all belief. Fury that today, would finally be unleashed.
Emerging with that busty figure clad in her tight fitting robe, arms already shaking at her side in an effort to stretch them out, Nariko would find herself ringside this time devoid of that eye-patch she found so enjoyable to wear. Gazing with both eyes, filled with malice and intent to do harm, the pink haired powerhouse found herself inside the ring as quickly as she had found herself on the ramp.

There was to be no delay. There had already been enough. Today, she was going to unleash a fury like no other, and make up for the matches she would have otherwise dominated in. By damn near tearing this beauty before her limb from limb!

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Re: Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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As the blond looked up at the ramp she would watch as the pink haired wrestler would walk down towards the ring. The only thought going to her mind was as followed ''this is not going to be easy'' as she could tell from first glance that her opponent was the powerhouse kind , and since she considered herself one knew that they likely had the same strategy.

Still it was the look in her opponent's eyes that worried the blond the most as they were filled with malice , and an intent to do harm. That however would not stop her from being respectful as she would extend her hand as she said ''hope we can have a good clean match today''.

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Re: Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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Holding her posture, Nariko tried to make herself appear even more humongous than she already was. At five ten, one hundred and eighty pounds, the woman was obscenely stacked with muscle. The only thing scarier than Nariko's glare being those mighty biceps she had now crossed under her bosom. And today, she'd make sure the fearful aura was well deserved.

Tutting at the response, Nariko kept silent as she quite literally looked down her nose at her foe; raising her head to do so, with both eyes glaring into the very soul of the busty figure before her. In truth, she both envied and pitied Linda. Said envy was somewhat arguable, as Nariko herself was jealous of the fact that the woman before her had fought for her spot in the match to come. Nariko herself had gained her high position through byes, and circumstance. If anything, she progressed by 'default.'

And such was where the pity came in. For Nariko's blood lust and desire for a chance to cement herself over a course of a short tournament were now all packed into this singular match with the beauty before her. To say she won't be holding back would have been a understatement!

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Re: Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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It seemed that the blond would be holding out her hand for nothing as it did not seem like her opponent was interested in shaking it.So after waiting for a few seconds the American would pull her arm back as she took in her opponent for a second time. What really both worried and intrigued her was the look in Nariko's eyes as they were full of bloodlust and for some reason desire.

Now the blond doubted she would want to find out just what the other wrestler desired as she suspected she did not want to find out.So with that in mind she just got into an wrestling position as he raised her arms as she took a step back.Now all Linda had to do was wait for the moment when the bell would ring as she was certain she either win or end up in the hospital from the look in Nariko's eyes.

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Re: Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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With the bell having rung, Nariko was prepared to unleash that malice she had stored so passionately. Pacing forward, closing the distance before assuming a circling motion, the titan did not opt to even consider Linda would be a easy foe. Simply because she was curvier did not mean Nariko would have the dominance in power here, despite her mighty biceps. Linda had gotten this far in the tournament for a reason after all, a fact Nariko did not particularly share.

Arms mid height, she'd opt to test the air between the two with a few wide hooks; easily blocked but with not so much force put into them that Nariko herself would be left unsteady and open. Aiming for the top half of her top heavy foe, Nariko threw those testing strikes with focused eyes, apparently eager to see how her insanely busty foe would retort.

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Re: Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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The moment the bell would ring the blond would circle around her opponent while having her guard up as she doubted making the first move would end up doing her any favors.This was proven to be true as Nariko would go on the attack right away , and would test her defenses with an few wide hooks which were easily blocked.Once she had blocked the punches that her fellow redhead would send her way the blond decided it was her time to test out the other wrestler's reflexes with an few wide hooks off her own.

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Re: Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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Finding a set of firm arms before her, Nariko's perfectly withheld strikes did their job, as they soon goaded the busty figure into attacking. And where as she felt she had the power to easily block the strikes, she opted not to. Instead, seeking to outright avoid them, and throw her figure into a more serious attack!

Ducking after a particular right hook came her way, Nariko would opt to move towards the side it was thrown, as her arms came up and around her foe. Her furthest arm clenching around the shoulder and neck of her foe, the other would seek to wrap under and around Linda's arm and connect with her other, trying to somewhat restrain the figure in a standing triangle lock!

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Re: Nariko Hirano vs Linda Halloween

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Linda's plan to test her opponent's reflexes kinda worked as the blond was a bit disappointed that the other wrestler would just avoid all the punches she attempted to hit her with. As all she got was that not only was Nariko big and likely strong , but what was worse was the fact her fellow heavyweight also was quick on her feet. After she had missed with the last punch she attempted to hit her opponent with she would end up trapped as Nariko got behind her and locked in an standing triangle lock as the former navy seal attempted to pry the arm away from her throat.

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