"Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

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"Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

Unread post by Weonna »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

This was quite the strange Match booking Emma had been in a while. For this match she would be facing off against a newcomer who happened to be a guy. Considering that this was Emma's first intergender match I guess the idea was to see how the Golden Girl would do against the opposite sex?

Regardless Emma was ready to step up to the ring and get another victory as she was already kitted out in her wrestling attire and ready to go!
From Toronto, Canada! Please give it up for "The Golden Girl!" Emma!!

Once the Announcer introduced Emma the young Canadian went out to the stage waving out to her fans with a smile on her face. She was very energetic as expected taking some sweet time with some of the Canadian fans taking selfie's and high-fiveing them before going to the ring. Emma would approach the steel stairs and climb to the top turnbuckle pointing at the fans and waving at them again before jumping out and landing inside the ring. Emma would then politely wait in her corner and wait for her opponent to come out as she stares at the stage.

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Re: "Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

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And From London England! We have the rokie! REN!

*once the light of whole arena turn red, Ren song play really hard and all crowd roar so hard, when Ren join in all Fan try to give him a high five, he do it whit some people, after he join in then ring, he greet all the public from home and flex his muscle, after that Ren do a little stretching and look his opponent, he look so confident and he is so hard, he will took all himself in this battle, can't get another humiliation like last time!*

Get ready girl! I will win over u, you will remeber forever this fight! I will go whit a KO over u

*Ren look so confident and taunt the Blonde girl, her look so buff but he know whit speed can have a chance to win*

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Re: "Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

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"We will see about that eh. Don't underestimate me just because I'm a girl~"

Emma only smiled back as she was taunted by Ren, which didn't faze the young Canadian at all. The referee would order both combatants to go to there respective corners so they can have a clean start. Emma was busy warming up and stretching, ready to get this match underway!


The bell started to ring and Emma started off the match circling around Ren before coming forward with a collar and elbow lock-up!

Since Emma wanted to start on offense she would go low and grab Ren's right leg. The Canadian would lift that leg up and fall down to the canvas on her back, throwing her opponent's leg over her shoulder to twist Ren in the air for a Dragon Screw!

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Re: "Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

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"Yes all girls need a dominate boy! I will show you this!"

*he say and roar to her, he stay in a defence position and be ready for the fight, he stay on his corner till the bell ring and the match start*


*the bell ring abd the match start, Emma go fast to him and grab his right leg and throw him down, her do it easy because he was a bit stun by her body...he try to stay up whit the help of ropes, not a good start for him*

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Re: "Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

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Emma's first move was a success as Ren was thrown to the canvas with the dragon twist. Emma would do a kip up as she got some fans to cheer on that awesome stand up before looking at Ren who was against the ropes!

Emma quickly would come to him and grab him by the head before shoving him to the corner against the turnbuckles as Emma would place a kick right on his Abdominal area!

"You still think you can knock me out?

Emma taunted as she would grab his wrist and twist it.

"Come on~ your coming with me~"

Emma ordered as she would run to the opposite corner with her hands gripping at Ren's. Once they got close to the other corner Emma would climb up to the ropes before jumping on top of Ren, wrap her legs around his neck and twist her body to throw her opponent on her back with a Springboard Headscissor Takedown!

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Re: "Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

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" Ngn i-i will w-"

*he can't complete his sentence because Emma take his head and knock that on turnbuckles and get really hard stun, Emma look stonger than him and her hit so mutch better*


*he say before her do her move and knock him hard on the ground, he now fell so stun and weak, he stay up whit help of rope but his guard go off and her have free attack over him*

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Re: "Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

Unread post by Weonna »

After taking down Ren woth a Handspring headscissor Takedown, The Canadian kipped up back to her feet, getting a few cheers from the crowd before Sauntering over to Ren who was down on the ground.

With a smile, Emma would do a handstand over his body and get in the air. The crowd wood in excitement as Emma would crash down and land a double knee to his gut area!

Too add more flair to the move, Emma would do a roll and do another handstand...this time walking with her hands towards Ren and dropping down for a second double knee to the gut!

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Re: "Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

Unread post by Vinc10 »

Ren was very confused and in pain from the various blows suffered by the woman, she was demonstrating how superior she was to him, in fact she seemed in total control of the situation, Emma however decided to go a little heavier on the boy so after Ren was lying on the ground he lifted vertically into the air and then fell onto the boy's abdomen with his knees

At this blow Ren moaned slightly, the pain was so great but he was sure that the woman would continue for a long time...after the first blow he tried to cover the affected part by his knees but he was unable in time to put his hands on the abdomen which Emma leapt up into the air and struck again with much more force

This blow was suffered a lot by ren, in fact the violence of the woman was really high and the boy was not able to receive such strong blows, so he tried to slowly go towards his own corner trying to stabilize himself but it was really difficult for this he hung up on the first rope and then trying to get back up, the public wanted even more from Emma, ​​probably a great finisher or a continuous destruction of the boy


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Re: "Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

Unread post by Weonna »

After delivering one more Handstand double knee, Emma went right back to her feet and began to take in the crowd's cheers as she went to the middle ropes to wave at her adoring fans. Meanwhile Ren was going to his corner and when Emma turned back to face him, she saw him trying to stabilize himself back to his feet.

Emma would take a second to get as far as she can before running at Ren with full speed to deliver a running dropkick to the corner to stun him for a big move!
Emma would get back up to her feet, and quickly grabbed the stunned man's legs and lift him up to have him sit at the top turnbuckle! The crowd would stand in there feet as Emma would prepare for a rather dangerous move. She would climb the middle rope and facelock Ren, then the Golden Girl would grab his lower clothing, before jumping out of the ropes into a seated position in an attempt to slam Ren right in his back with her Signature Move: Golden Opportunity!

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Re: "Golden Girl" Emma vs Ren Akery

Unread post by Vinc10 »

Ren was trying to stabilize himself using the ropes of his corner, when Riuko, after exalting the audience, rushed at him hitting him with a very strong kick on the face, sending him into a state of confusion and acute pain, Ren staggered slightly and did not quite understand what was to happen

Ren is dragged to the top of his corner standing on the top rope, Riuko climbs with him stopping at the second rope to then block his head with her hands and execute her Special move: Golden opportunity, violently throwing Ren to the ground. Ren remains on the ground completely exhausted, he has not been knocked out but he is very close to it, Ren tries to get up but fails miserably remaining helpless on the ground, now Riuko can do whatever she wants and destroy the boy permanently

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