Antonia the "Oscar"-Worthy Trainer

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Re: Antonia the "Oscar"-Worthy Trainer

Unread post by dddybee »

After a warm verbal exchange between student and teacher, Oscar would stand up and shake hands with his trainer. The Young Lion then mentioned he wanted to ask something. This prompted Antonia to raise an eyebrow, especially when Oscar was a bit hesitant to ask it. But after a bit of stammering, the Barbarian Prince got the words out. Antonia started curiously at Oscar for a moment, before reaching onto to grab the back of his head with both hands! The blonde bombshell would forcefully bring her trainee's head down, to stuff his face in between her sizable boobs!

"I see. You couldn't help being overtaken my absolutely GORGEOUS frame after all." Antonia boasted. "I recall you mentioning not being that into rears. And while my BEAUTIFUL backside is bound to be an exception, I realize I haven't graced your facial region with my LUSCIOUS bosom until now." The smothery ant held Oscar's head tightly, as she rubbed her boobs against his face and his face against her boobs. "You are correct. To prepare you for commonplace smothers at LAW, I shall incorporate smother endurance training into your regimens. I appreciate you granting me smothery consent, but I shall not allow you to revoke it. Prepare for plenty of, regular quality time wedged in and under my breast and posterior. Nyhehehehe..."

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Re: Antonia the "Oscar"-Worthy Trainer

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

Oscar waited patiently for a response from Antonia, admittedly nervous about the response from what he saw as a reasonable request possibly being mistaken for a perverted want. However, nothing could've prepared Oscar as Antonia suddenly grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into her chest! Without time to take a fresh breath of air, Oscar quickly flushed red as he started to flail his arms about as he tried to get some words out!

"H-hey! Alright, alright, I get the idea! Let's not get carried away here!"

Oscar tried to take a strained breath from within Antonia's breasts, letting out a frustrated grunt as he squirmed about. However this would likely lead to him just ribbing his face on Antonia's chest some more.
Last edited by MappleMan7 on Wed Apr 19, 2023 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Antonia the "Oscar"-Worthy Trainer

Unread post by dddybee »

Antonia's response to Oscar reconsidering letting the ant smother him was to subject the Young Lion to a surprise breast smother! The general flustered her trainee, giggling as she watched his arms flail about. Eventually, Antonia would release Oscar from the pillowy prison, but not before giving him a light kiss on the forehead.

"Alrighty then." Antonia said, smirking and putting her hands on her curvy hips. "I conclude today's training secession was a success. I shall message you scheduling details, as we continue your development. But for now, I shall make my departure. Until next time, my" Antonia stuttered slightly on the word friend, as a very wholesome smile graced her mug for just a moment, since making new friends hadn't always been the easiest thing for her. Mostly due to her overly pompous disposition. Though she quickly composed herself before making her exit, excited about more training and smothering for her first LAW trainee!

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Re: Antonia the "Oscar"-Worthy Trainer

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

Oscar gasped for air as Antonia freed him- turning just a slightly pinker shade of blush as she gave him a friendly smooch on the forehead and got ready to leave. When the ant general stuttered a bit to call him her friend, Oscar blinked his eyes and smirked a bit before offering up a lighthearted chuckle.

"Friends... yeah. Yeah I like the sound of that, General Aunt. Thanks for the lesson. Hope to hear from you soon!"

With a big friendly grin, Oscar got up to grab his things before heading out of the gym- albeit with a slight limp in his step. Oscar was still feeling a little sore from the sparring- so it was off for a nice long soak in an ice bath for him!

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