A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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Backstage, a blonde haired Young Lioness was preparing to go on stage, performing some work out stretches and counting up to three in a rhythmic pattern each time she stretched. Management was starting to question Reiko's mentality of fighting impossible battles in the name of: "Training". In their perspective, the girl was just asking to get her ass kicked over and over and over again by all these veteran wrestlers that Reiko should have no business wrestling as a Young Lioness. It has created a few issues for the girl at times, namely her fans knew she was going to get her butt kicked, but every match she was getting just the slightest bit better. Dodging more, countering more, taking hits better. Especially taking hits better. To her fans, the aspect about her that was most prevalent was that despite her not having a single success under her belt so far, she never broke under the pressure and never let her mind waver. It was that amount of unbreakable spirit that was the main reason Management hadn't forced their hand on her as well.

Now she was up against quite possibly her strongest opponent yet. She had heard that she was a veteran wrestler who's win-streak was larger than Reiko's lose streak. She had to practically beg both her manager and her opponent's manager to let the two of them wrestle because neither of them thought it was a good idea in the slightest. Reiko looked down at her hand that was shaking a little. On one hand, she was excited for their fight as it was rare that she could even get close to having a match like this. On the other, she knew the results of the fight before it even began. She'll just have to do her best. She heard her theme song blast on the entrance as her eyes had widened. Uh oh. She was gonna cut it close if she didn't run.
As her theme song started playing, Reiko showed up about a few seconds later, excitedly performing her signature forward running backflip as the crowd cheered for the girl. As she passed by, she could hear cheers yelling: "Don't get beaten too badly!" and "I don't want to see you in the hospital on social media!" It was a bit disheartening for Reiko to hear those words from her fans directly, but she decided to take it as knowledge that they care about her wellbeing. Upon making it to the ring, she would climb onto the apron and swing between the top and second rope using the top rope, her body narrowly making it through to show off the control that she had in the air.

Now that she was in the ring, she continued to showboat to her fans, performing a few more tricks here and there before walking to her corner of the arena and resting her back against it, intently waiting for her opponent to come onto that entrance stage.
Last edited by Kookio on Sat Apr 22, 2023 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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Tonight, Misaki Toyoda would be facing a Young Lioness, Reiko Masuda, in a match. While she wasn't too conceited to think that the match would absolutely end with her win, it was natural for her to think that she had the massive upper hand over her opponent in this match. Well, if the management thought this was a good idea to pit her against a newbie, Misaki would make sure that at the very least, the match would be something that the audience, especially her fans, would enjoy.

"And now, introducing... the Ace of Berserk! Weighing 135 pounds, MISAKI TOYOOODAAAA!!!"

Clad in her signature pink leotard, Misaki would then make her entrance, her name announced as her music was played. The former pop idol, the Ace of Berserk, made her way down the ramp as she waved her hands to the crowd that cheered for her as she appeared. She beamed cheerfully, holding out her arms, giving the crowd a full view of her figure. Then she would make her way to the ring where she would be facing her opponent for tonight. Regardless of her opponent, Misaki planned to give her best for the sake of her fans who rallied behind her.
Misaki Toyoda
Reaching the ring, Misaki climbed up the apron before she slipped between the ropes, joining Reiko inside the ring. She would get the crowd all excited as she posed for them. After waving her hands, she would then turn around to face her opponent and approached her. As always, she would show the other woman a friendly smile and said, "Hey there. Nice to meet you. I'm Misaki." She introduced herself even though her name was already well-known. "Hope you can show me what you got, alright?" She said to her as she would offer Reiko a handshake.

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Re: A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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Watching her opponent walk down the ring, Reiko would study her as best as she could for someone who tends to be a bit air-headed at times. She was taller, heavier, and most likely better than Reiko in practically every way imaginable. Reiko had to clench onto the ropes from her excitement of seeing what she could do. The entire time the blonde had a big dumb smile on her face.

She would only pull herself back when her opponent had straight up walked over to her instead of her other ring. "O-oh! Yes! Of course I will! Oh! And don't hold back! I want to learn as much as I can from this!" she told her, afraid of not getting the full experience if Misaki did hold back against the Young Lioness.

She made herself look confident after saying this by leaning off of her turnbuckle and puffing her chest out. It was unfortunate that this would most likely do very little to make Reiko look anywhere intimidating since she was still near half a foot shorter than her opponent was. Hoping she got her message through, she had hoped the bell would ring soon so that she didn't have to think about the possible results of losing this match.
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Re: A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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Smiling and nodding at Reiko, Misaki would then ready herself for the match. The referee would call for both women to be prepared, and Misaki stepped forth, waiting for the bell to be sounded. When the bell was called, Misaki would immediately get into a stance, bringing both her hands up as she would offer a test of strength with Reiko. She wanted to see how strong Reiko was first so that she could plan out her moves later on. She would shimmy to the side as she would wait for Reiko to make her move.

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Re: A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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The bell rung out as Reiko saw her opponent’s test of strength offer. Unlike Misaki, the Young Lioness hadn’t planned the match out as well as she did so she would also put her hands up to accept their offer and walk up to them. One she got in range, she would lunge forwards to get some initial momentum on the test of strength, trying her best to push her opponent back into the ropes so she could get first advantage. Whether she managed to get that though was mostly up to Misaki because it would quickly become apparent that the Young Lioness was not as strong as she was.
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Re: A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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Locking up with Reiko in the test of strength, Misaki would ascertain her opponent's strength as she would allow herself be pushed back for a little bit. After a few seconds, Misaki would then muster her strength, pushing back against Reiko before she attempted to push her down to her knees, making use of her strength to overpower her. Misaki herself might not be a purely physical wrestler, but she was confident in her strength to dominate her opponent physically like this. She was looking to bring Reiko down to her knees, giving herself an upper hand at the same time.

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Re: A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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For a mere moment, Reiko actually thought she was on some type of similar strength level with the veteran wrestler. But she would find out how wrong she was after a few more seconds of their strength contest. Reiko winced as she found her arms reeling backwards, her figure lowering to the ground until she was on one knee staring up at her opponent. She gritted her teeth, while attempting to push her opponent back as best as she could. A hopeless attempt.

Reiko should have known better than attempt to do a test of strength against an opponent that was clearly much more physically capable than her. But she was too curious about how far the gap in their level was. But now she was here, she could see it was like an ocean's distance. What made things worse was that by the time she realized this, she was far too late to just back out of it due to being basically pinned to the stance she was at lest she risk falling entirely and put herself in an even worse position.
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Re: A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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Having overpowered her opponent in the test of strength, Misaki smiled. Like mentioned before, Misaki herself wasn't particularly strong as a professional wrestler, but having honed her body after facing multiple tribulations, she was confident in her strength. Now that she had brought Reiko to her knees, Misaki had decided to move on to the next step of her plan, in which she would free her hands before attempting to seize Reiko's head, locking her in a side headlock as she would lower herself on one knee.

"Try to remember everything I show you here." Misaki told Reiko as she would start wrenching Reiko's head in the side headlock. "Maybe they can be useful one day." She was aware that Reiko was a newbie here, and as someone who had suffered a lot during her first year as a professional wrestler, Misaki wanted to at least make this whole thing educational for her opponent while seizing a win for herself at the same time. "Of course, try to fight back as hard as you can." She told her opponent.

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Re: A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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With Reiko in a precarious situation, she was putting so much effort into holding her opponent back that the Young Lioness wasn’t prepared for the sudden change in position. She was pulled up onto her feet but was still bent over in the headlock. She tried to stay quiet so she could hear what Misaki said, but small whimpers of pain still made it through. She also couldn’t respond very well in this position, so she attempted to nod as best as she possibly could while in a headlock.

“Nngh..! Nngh..!” She would yelp each time her head was wrenched by her opponent, her hands reaching up and gripping onto Misaki’s forearm and side for both balance and to try and yank her head away from the woman. Of course she was not in a good enough position to naturally free herself that way.
Last edited by Kookio on Thu May 04, 2023 3:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Foolhardy Match, Reiko Masuda vs Misaki Toyoda

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Having Reiko in the side headlock, Misaki would wrench her head, putting enough pressure on her. After a while, Misaki would rise back up to her feet, straightening herself while bringing Reiko with her, still held in the side headlock. She would maintain the side headlock a bit more before she attempted to flip her over with a side headlock takeover, sending Reiko down, back first onto the mat.

"How are you going to escape this?" Misaki asked Reiko as she would keep wrenching Reiko's head in the side headlock now that they were grounded on the mat after the side headlock takeover.

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