Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

Unread post by Highfly »

Match Type: Standard

Hinata was back in the ring and eager to get herself rolling again! She was bouncing around the arena hallways in her orange and white wrestling attire clearly eager to get back into the ring. Hinata wanted to really take it to her opponent. She was going to be aggressive, hit hard, hit fast while not quitting. She was quite fired up!

Hinata heard her music playing and she came out sprinting into the arena and jumped around the top of the ramp firing up the crowd with her energy. Hinata sprinted down the ramp and slid into the ring underneath the ropes jumping to her feet and holding her arms up as she strut around the ring. "Who wants to see the spitfire wreck someone?! Yeah!" Hinata shouted as she leaned over the ropes, animated as ever as she spoke to the cheering crowd. Hinata made her way to her corner bouncing from one foot to the other. She was ready to go and hoped that her opponent was also ready, Hinata was going to give it everything she had tonight. Nothing was going to stop her from getting back on track with a big win.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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The Sun Goddess is a pretty friendly wrestler normally but tonight she was planning to put on a great show for the spectators and the public. After having competed in boxing matches or against powerhouses of a weight category above, Quetz now wanted to remind people of something, she is the goddess of the sun and no one deserves her title more than her.
Quetz was in her locker room, warming up waiting to be called and when she was, she showed up to the public in her Christmas Lucha Libre outfit. She smiled at the audience with a simple wave, then looked her opponent straight in the eye, walking to the ring and then climbing into the ring without taking her eyes off her for a second. Quetzalcoatl wore a serious look and the audience could already feel the tension rising.
After a long exchange of glances, Quetzalcoatl decided to speak, taking her opponent down.

"Do you think you're strong enough to challenge the Sun Goddess? Just because you look explosive doesn't mean you can claim the title 'sun,' kiddo~"

Quetzalcoatl smiled provocatively and put her hand on her hip, still not taking her gaze from her opponent's eyes.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Hinata smirked as her opponent came in acting quite confident. Too confident. "Keep talking lady. I will knock that look right off your face." Hinata answered back. She stepped up to the middle of the ring defiantly and as the bell rang Hinata would waste no time in springing into action!

Hinata moved in swinging her fists at the body of Quetza before swinging around to try to deliver a mid-kick across her abdomen. Hinata was trying to open up and send her opponent back on the defensive. Even if her strikes didn't connect clean she did want this woman on the back foot. She wanted to wipe that cocky smile right off her face. Fancy wrestling attire that looked outlandish didn't make someone a fighter or wrestler, their skills did. Hinata was trying to show that she wasn't going to back down or be intimidated.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Quetzalcoatl smiled seeing her opponent being a hothead, she was counting on having fun tonight. Seeing her oppenant advancing towards her, Quetzalcoatl simply walked confidently and without guard. She then kicked herself right in the abdomen, which made her sigh in pain, forcing her to put one foot behind her so as not to step back. But now she could counterattack as she wanted and her opponent could expect it seeing Quetz's smile and her fist tighten behind her.

"Is that all you got?!~"

Suddenly, Quetz's fist flung itself towards Hinata's belly, leaving a dull sound capable of calming the public. The belly-punch looked extremely powerful and Quetzalcoatl had no intention of being nice, showing all her strength from the start of the match.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Normally Hinata was a wrecking ball but her strikes did absolutely nothing to her opponent. However her opponent taking her time and showing off gave Hinata enough time to move to the side while grabbing Quetza by the arm! She turned and thrust her hip into Quetza and tried to counter by sending her to the mat with a judo style hip toss! "You are cocky, that just gives me openings to put you on your ass." Hinata hissed, clearly not liking the fact that her strikes.... her best asset.... did zero to this woman. She would keep hammering away though and knew she could knock that cocky grin off her face.

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Quetzalcoatl did not expect her blow to be easily dodged but even more so that her opponent would do a Judo grab, putting her on the ground. Quetzalcoatl had done some research on her opponent and learned that her opponent was into MMA and was good at punching.

"Tch.. I expected more punches from the start of the match.."

Quetzalcoatl sighed and sat up quickly before raising her arms, inviting her opponent to join her for a test of strength while displaying a big smile.

"Let's see who's the strongest!~"
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Hinata wanted to keep smashing this woman but a contest of strength? They were about the same size.... Hinata felt like she had to do this. This could shut her up. "Lets do it." Hinata said with a glare moving in and stepping up, her body tensed already and muscles straining as she gave it her all wanted to force her opponent back! Hinata was going all in, her shorter somewhat thick body straining as she was determined not to get shown up in this!

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Quetzalcoatl smiled seeing her adversary accept the challenge, she must not let her win! The goddess stepped back one foot so as not to be pushed back easily and after a few seconds of letting her opponent push her, she began to push her back, putting all her strength into it and growling. If that wasn't enough to win, Quetzalcoatl would lean forward to add her weight with her strength.
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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Hinata's blood was boiling, she started out well but was being pushed back now shaking her head and gritting her teeth. "N-no way I am gonna let a loudmouth like you win...." Hinata said. She was bending back and struggling but she shouted, screaming loudly and at least halting Quetzalcoatl's progress! Hinata knew the cocky woman would hate that. She did her best, giving it her all to make progress again as she wasn't going down without a fight!

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Re: Quetzalcoatl vs. Hinata Huerta

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Quetzalcoatl continued to push her opponent away with her arms and could notice that the latter was in trouble. She needed only a little effort to keep putting pressure on her opponent's arms and win this showdown, but Quetz decided otherwise. She reached out with her leg to put it behind her opponent's then pulled it towards her with a tripping foot to knock it down and land on top of her, crushing her with all her weight.

"You talk too much my dear~"
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