The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

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The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Neptune was making sure her parka dress looked right, her mother told her that Kimiko was rather up tight, so she had to make a good first impression

”h-hey mom, do I look alright?”

Neptune asked her mother softly, she wanted to masks sure she made a good first impression on the class president

”aaww sweetie, you look amazing, I’m sure she’ll love you~”

Susanne kissed Neptune’s forehead

”Mom, I thought I told you to stop doing that before matches, I get all embarrassed”

Neptune said softly, her cheeks being slightly red

”Aaww~ you know I can’t help myself sweetie, I just think you are so cute~”

Susanne pinches Neptune’s cheek, with Neptune trying to bat her mom’s hand away

Neptune’s appearance:


Susanne’s appearance:

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Re: The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

Unread post by Kookio »

Kimiko was looking at messages on her phone, chewing some gum as made it to the gym's doors. Using one hand, she opened the doors and walked inside. At the time, she was wearing sun glasses along with her usual out-of-work outfit. She was carrying a bag filled with other clothes that she planned to reveal later. She wasn't thinking of it much at the time, but today was most likely going to be one to remember for a long time.

Looking around the gym, she saw the two she was looking for and walked up to them.

"Hello. Your mother unnecessarily told me a lot about you. I suppose she did the same thing to you about me, correct?"

She greeted, raising one hand to wave hi to Susanne.
Last edited by Kookio on Fri Apr 21, 2023 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Susanne panted Neptune’s behind and pushed her towards Kimiko

”oh umm,y-yeah, I heard your very umm...what’s the word, noble, and umm, I hope we can be friends

Neptune said as she extended her hand, wanting to shake hands with the class president, as a somewhat elegant greeting, with a somewhat nervous but friendly smile, Susanne would respond with a friendly smile and a wave to Kimiko
Last edited by DarknessMaster on Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

Unread post by Kookio »

This girl was much more timid than her mother. Kimiko blew a bubble as she raised out her hand, grabbing onto Neptune's hand.

"Its a pleasure to meet you as well."

she replied with confidence, her hand letting go of Neptune's hand as she continued walking. "Now to business. I'm guessing you already have an idea of what match you would want to see?"

She asked Susanne, raising her head to look at the older woman.

"Is it safe to guess that you want to see a hentai match that you could possibly take part in as well?"

She added, taking off her glasses and narrowing her eyes at the woman this time. She was pretty good at guessing what people were going to do when she got to know them, so she liked to make predictions out loud like that."
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Re: The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Neptune would blush as Kimiko mentioned the hentai match Susanne was wanting her and Kimiko to take part in

”oh umm..yeah, that, mom said I needed to practice, so she said you would be interested, are you?”

Neptune asked, looking at her mother with a raised eyebrow

”now sweetie, I’m sure Kimiko would love to help you practice, isn’t that right Miss Class President~?”

Susanne asked with a discreet wink to Kimiko
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Re: The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

Unread post by Kookio »

Yep. Just as she predicted. She wasn't quite fond of hentai matches. Especially after the draw that she had with Susanne. But it couldn't be helped. Like mother like daughter after all. Similarly to how hard it was to say no to Susanne, it was hard to say no to Neptune as well when she put a face like that on.

"Alright. Fine."

She said, raising her arms up in submission.

"I already brought my outfit this time anyways because I predicted this a long time ago so I might as well use it."

She told the two, somewhat boasting about her intelligence as well. It was another thing that Kimiko liked to do.

"I will meet the two of you in the ring."
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Re: The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

”yay~! Thank you Kimiko~!”

Neptune said as she hugged Kimiko tight, Susanne looked at Kimiko gave a bit of a smile

”oh don’t mind her, she’s a bit of a hugger, she’s affectionate just like her mother~“

Susanne said with a chuckle before grabbing Neptune’s hand walking back to her locker, blowing Kimiko a kiss and a wink

”see you in the ring~”

Susanne said in a seductive tone
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Re: The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

Unread post by Kookio »

Kimiko's cheeks couldn't help but go red with a bit of embarrassment as the similar-sized girl wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly. That caught her off-guard even though it shouldn't have. She is her mother's daughter after all. They both should have the same sense for doing something to other people when they're feeling happy.


She replied, watching the two walk towards the ring. She should take the time to change. A couple minutes later, the doors to the ring would swing open as Kimiko stepped out, wearing her hentai outfit. She wasn't wearing it last time against Susanne, because she hadn't expected to be pulled into such a match against her. But now that she was prepared, she was ready to show what she actually looked like during matches like these. The suit itself looked to be similar to swim suit except designed in a way to match her wrestling uniform. She had it tailored made for matches like these, and absolutely loved to show it off.
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Re: The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

Unread post by DarknessMaster »

Neptune slowly walked out in an outfit similar to Susanne’s outfit, with Neptune’s cheeks being slightly red, as she hopped into the ring, with Susanne being outside on the apron

”you’ll do great sweetums~”

Susanne cheered as Neptune met her opponent in the middle of the ring

”mom insisted I wore this, something about it being “cute, sexy and familiar” h-honestly I think it’s just kinda embarrassing”

Neptune said with her Rosie red cheeks

”s-so umm, how do you wanna start?”

Neptune asked in a soft voice, she wanted Kimiko to start, considering she was probably more knowledgeable on these types of matches than she was

Neptune’s appearance now:

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Re: The cutest cutie meets the class president (starring Susanne, Little Neptune and Kimiko)

Unread post by Kookio »

Their outfit choices were one thing Kimiko could somewhat admire. At least Neptune's outfit was. She thought her hentai outfit was phenomenally elegant.

"Yes. Lets"

She replied, walking over to the ring and getting in her corner. She took a mental note that this girl had a lot of confidence issues unlike her. In fact, she had been taking mental notes of this girl the entire time because she was testing her in a way without her noticing. She had already passed the manners test and the respect test. The personality test was wavering between passed and failed, but she would need to think long and hard about that later. She wouldn't entirely count this as a sparring test because it is not an official match, but if Neptune would pass the other tests, then she would consider letting her take the sparring test in the actual ring later.

She would wait for Neptune to get into the ring and into her corner before she would start speaking again.

"Here I come."

She announced before pushing herself off of the turnbuckle and walking towards her opponent so she could throw a mean right hook at the girl to weaken her somewhat.
Discord: Kookio#2941 Kookio's Goods

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