An Erotic Contest: Desmond Miller vs Anna Conda

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Re: An Erotic Contest: Desmond Miller vs Anna Conda

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Desmond is quickly grabbed from behind. She was trying to lift and slam him but he planted his feet. "Performance issues? You'll have to tell me how that is sometime..." He said, then grabbed her arms, trying to pry them off. He'd also thrust his ass against her as he struggled with her.

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Re: An Erotic Contest: Desmond Miller vs Anna Conda

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Of course, that little thrust of his would do little as Python managed to pull him back and slam him on the ground. Python casually got up and stood over Desmond with a cocky smirk.

"Oh I can perform and then some." Python said in a calm, yet teasing nature, tone, as she said, "You, on the other hand, seem to be having troubles. Hopefully it's not result of inadequacies." She placed her hands on her hips, basically daring Desmond (through her body language) to come and get her.
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Re: An Erotic Contest: Desmond Miller vs Anna Conda

Unread post by Jman2113 »

Desmond was slammed down, groaning, holding his back. Conda was above him, bragging. He decided to capitalize, sweeping her legs and hopefully bringing her to the ground. He then would try to roll her over and trap her in Camel Clutch. If successful, the DILF would grind his package against her. "Feel that, babe? Only thing you're doing right now is making me hard. When you're done with the foreplay, just say "I tap out, Daddy", and we can get more tender..." He said, cranking back.

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Re: An Erotic Contest: Desmond Miller vs Anna Conda

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Python grunted as she landed on the ground from sweeping kick. As she tried to get up, she felt herself pinned by Desmond rolling on top of her and trapping her in a camel clutch. She could definitely feel Desmond's package rubbing against her rear, a he taunted her back.

"And give up so soon? I think not." Python responded as she laughed, as if unfazed by being held in such a move. For the time being, she placed her hands on the ground as she stretched her upper a body bit to adjust herself while trapped in the hold.
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Re: An Erotic Contest: Desmond Miller vs Anna Conda

Unread post by Jman2113 »

"Suit yourself!" He said, not arrogant to her efforts, moving his hands down her body and grabbing her waist. He'd then haul the jungle girl up and throw his body back in a suplex! Hopefully this would do some damage.

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