Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

It seemed that Micaiah would be having another match. This time, she was arranged to face Bobbi Tyler, someone who made quite a name for herself in indie. Micaiah might have heard her name in passing several times before, though she might have never seen her before. As usual, Micaiah would take her time having a smoke backstage, finishing at least three cigarettes before readying herself for her match. To cover the smell of the cigarette, she used perfume on herself. She didn't want people to get on her case about the smell while in the ring, so she made sure to cover the smell first before going into the ring.

Clad in her wrestling outfit, which consisted of tight black sports bra and tight black bikini trunks. Coming out and making her entrance, she got a rather mixed reaction from the crowd, though the reason why they cheered for her in the first place was due to the revealing nature of her outfit. Showing absolutely no fucks towards whatever the crowd thought about her, Micaiah walked down the ramp, heading over to the ring before slipping between the ropes to enter the ring.
Micaiah didn't bother entertaining the crowd, even flipping a bird at one direction before going over to a corner, leaning against the turnbuckle in order to wait for her opponent. Taking out an unlit cigarette from between her breasts, she slipped it between her lips, chewing at the butt of the stick, though she didn't light it up because she didn't want the ringside crew to get on her case and be a massive pain in the ass. As she leaned against the corner, she would wait for her opponent to show up.

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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After a long wait, Bobbi Tyler was ready to make her LAW in-ring debut. She'd been signed to the promotion for a little while now, but management kept her waiting on her big in-ring debut. Finally, it seemed they were taking the leash off the fiery redhead and sending her out in the world. Here it is, she told herself as she waited for the signal to head out on the ramp ... put up or shut up time. Sink or swim. Time to live up to the hype.
Bobbi exploded onto the ramp with a fiery energy, as her music blared. The announcer called her name out to the fans. For those that knew her from other promotions, this came as a surprise. Others seemed to be eager enough to get behind the prospect of a buxom, nearly-naked reheadhead making her way down to the ring for a fight.

Squaring her shoulders and setting her jaw, Bobbi looked the part of the fighter. Streamers attached to her wrists trailed behind her, as she walked down the ramp with a purpose. She fixed her eyes on her opponent the entire walk, sizing her up.

Stepping into the ring, Bobbie took her position in the center of the ring. This Michaiah girl looked tough, not giving a single fuck what anyone in the crowd thought of her as she chewed at her cig and waited. Bobbi grinned. This was good, she told herself. This being her debut, Bobbi didn't want to just squash some bimbo that wasn't here to fight. Micaiah girl looked ready to give her hell!

"Hope you're ready for this, girl," Bobbi said. The bell rang, and the redhead raised her hands to invite a lock up. Bobbi's entire body flexed and tensed, ready to challenge her new opponent to a contest of strength that would get things started.
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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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Micaiah watched as her opponent made her appearance. Her outfit seemed to leave nothing much to the imagination, which made this match a little bit better for her. Still, she would like to beat her all the same, knowing that she would earn more by winning more. She would wait for Bobbi to make her way into the ring as she kept on chewing on the butt of her cigarette, showing absolutely no fucks to anything and anyone around her. She would win the match and go home so that she could make use of her well-earned money on cigarettes and beers.

Right after tossing the unlit cigarette out of the ring, Micaiah would then go to the center of the ring, ready to rumble. The bell was rung as the match was started. Hearing Bobbi's words, she just gave her an unimpressed stare and said, "Hmph... yeah sure. Whatever you say, Red." She decided to nickname her opponent red, based on the color of her hair. Seeing Bobbi offering for a lock up, Micaiah would step forth and lock up with her, having a contest of strength with her.

She would try to push the redhead back, both revealing figures mashing and pushing against each other in a test of strength and physical supremacy. For the time being, both seemed to be rather equal in terms of strength, but it might change the longer the two of them were locked up with each other.

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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Bobbi watched Micaiah's body language as she entered the ring. Whatever else could be said of her opponent by the end of the night, she seemed cool as hell. No posturing for fans, no attempts to intimidate Bobbi, just ready and waiting for a fight. Bobbi smirked, thinking of how satisfying it was going to be, if she could plant this lady to the mat for a three count. This was going to be a memorable one, Bobbi could feel it.

When Micaiah answered her lock up, Bobbi's muscles tensed and flexed. The combination of her revealing outfit and well-applied body oil showed off the redhead's tone while she struggled and strained against her foe. Bobbi bit her lip as she felt Michaiah pressing up against her, firm bodies grinding against one another in the center of the ring.

Bobbi was here to make an impression, however, and getting punked out early in her first match was not going to give the impression she wanted. Planting her foot behind her on the mat, Bobbi flexed her legs, and tucked her hips in tight against Micaiah. Her pelvis would grind against Micaiah, her chest swelling against her as Bobbi inhaled, and then she'd redouble her efforts.

Tightening her grip between Micaiah's fingers, Bobbi would squeeze and press down in an effort to bend the newcomer's hands backward. "Let's see how cool you are when I twist these around ..." Bobbi said, her face just inches away from Micaiah's, hot breath on her cheek.
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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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Micaiah pressed on, her muscles flexing and tensing from the pressure. One could see how much she exerted her effort from the revealing nature of her outfit and the way her muscles flexed as she pushed forward, grinding her body against Bobbi's. And the sight of two lovely ladies wearing outfits that left nothing to the imagination was quite a treat for those who were watching this match.

The longer Micaiah locked up with Bobbi, the more it became obvious that Bobbi was gaining leverage over her, and Micaiah grunted as her hands were bent backwards from the sheer force of the redhead's push. "Hrrghhh..." She would try to fight back, muscles swelling and buckling from the pressure, but it was clear now that Bobbi was overpowering her in this contest of strength.

Hearing Bobbi's words, Micaiah let out a growl, giving her an irritated look. "Grrghh... t-try to twist this...!!" She roared as she would rear her head back before trying to deliver a sudden headbutt right into Bobbi's face, hoping to disorient her with the sudden attack, hopefully ending this contest of strength in her favor.

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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Bobbi looked through squinting eyes at Micaiah's toned, straining body. Just like Bobbi figured, this girl was no slouch. Just as much as Bobbi wanted to get the upper hand, Micaiah wasn't willing to give it up. Still, as she bent and twisted her opponent's hands, Bobbi could feel the girl starting to relent. Or so she thought.

Bobbi began to loom over Micaiah's body, her buxom frame threatening to go over and engulf her. At least, until Micaiah's head thrust forward, and reversed the momentum in an instant! A loud thud echoed through the arena, and Bobbi's head rocked back in a tangled swirl of red hair.

"FFUH-" Bobbi gasped, reeling back with the blow. Stunned, Bobbi immediately released Micaiah's hands and staggered backward. She reached up for her aching nose, hoping that wasn't blood she was feeling on her face. Everything went up in a white flash upon impact, the blow rocking her hard enough to momentarily blinde the redhead. Bobbi shook her head, grumbling curses under her breath. She knew she had to recover quick, or Micaiah had a hell of an opening, to take advantage of!
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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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Micaiah couldn't help but grin as her headbutt hit the target. Shaking her head right after delivering the headbutt, she would take a look at Bobbi, who was reeling from the impact of her attack, which had presented a golden chance for Micaiah to launch her next attack. All she needed to do was to take her down into the mat, and how to do that was simple as she would charge towards her, extending her arms in preparation to land a hit on the sexy redhead.

"Eat this!!" Micaiah yelled as she would try to use a clothesline on Bobbi, landing her extended arm right onto her chest, hoping that the attack would take her down into the mat, which would allow Micaiah to keep up with her momentum for her next attack! Seeing how fit and sexy Bobbi's body was, Micaiah thought that she would surely enjoy this match.

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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Bobbi Tyler nursed her aching head, without any idea what her opponent was going to do next. The redhead was flustered, frustrated, knowing that her opponent had a golden opportunity, here. Sure enough, before Bobbi knew what was happening, she heard Micaiah call out a hit. A hit that Bobbi was powerless to stop.

"Aaargh!" Bobbi cried out, as Micaiah's arm slammed hard into her chest and knocking her to the mat. The buxom redhead bounced against the canvas, flesh bouncing and jiggling as her shoulders hit with a loud crash. A blur of motion and red, Bobbi tried to keep herself from staying on the mat too long. Micaiah's blow had rocked her, leaving Bobbi reeling and struggling to orient herself in the ring again.

Bobbi wanted to get herself back up on her feet, even if they were wobbly and uneven. If Micaiah acted quickly, she could easily land another blow while Bobbi was on the mat. Still, the fiery redhead tried to press on, hoping to downplay how utterly pathetic and helpless she felt in this moment!
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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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Seeing that Bobbi wad down after taking the clothesline, Micaiah had a sadistic grin on her face as she looked down on her. Standing over her downed body, Micaiah decided to deliver a stomp right into her belly, as if trying to mock the redhead for being felled by such a simple technique. She would try to deliver at least three stomp into her abdomen to ensure that Bobbi was weakened from them. All the while, she would do such attacks with gleeful looks on her face.

Right after that, Micaiah would bend down, showing off her tight booty for the mass as she would grab Bobbi by her head, pulling her up. From there, she was planning to deliver forearm strikes right into her chest, just to see how much her flesh would jiggle with each impact. And due to the revealing nature of Bobbi's outfit, Micaiah would certainly enjoy such a sight as she attempted to pepper her tits with those strikes.

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Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Bobbi Tyler - Fire and Smoke

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Bobbi rolled on her shoulders, grimacing in pain and frustration at being taken down like this. Before she could get up, however, Micaiah's boot was coming down hard on her, stoping her soft flesh mercilessly!

"AAH!" Bobbi cried out, as hard boot slammed into her abs. "OH! AAUGH!" Bobbi's cries got more frustrated and more pathetic as Micaiah kept stomping them out of her, making the redhead pay for going doing so quickly in the match. "D-dammit," Bobbi grunted, when the stomps finally let up, "I f-fucking ... deserve this ..."

While Bobbi beat herself up over her pathetic predicament, Micaiah was showing off for the crowd and drawing an impressive response for her pertly-presented bum. Bobbi tried to roll up to a seated position, but Micaiah was still ready for her. Bobbi's eyes opened wide, just in time to see Micaiah's forearm come slamming down into her chest!

Bobbi went rocking back, red hair flying in every direction as her body got rocked by those blows. Her limbs flailed uselessly as her body was pummeled, Micaiah knocking the redhead around. Bobbi was battered, her body jiggling and bouncing, her ample curves bouncing and jiggling as her body was battered by blows. Bobbi's bold and revealing outfit left nothing to the imagination, while her impressive chest threatened to go popping out of the flimsy garment at any moment, with the vigorous beating her body was taking!
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