"Don't try and worm your way out of this! I thought you were behaving suspiciously! And I was right, seeing as you had the gall to come here with some floozy!"
"Y-You're one to talk! After all, you swanned in here with some strange boy!" The man scowled past his wife at the cool-as-a-cucumber Wazy, who sipped a cocktail at his leisure. "How do I know YOU aren't the one cheating?!"
"I'll have you know that this young man soothed my troubled heart in my time of need!" She glanced back at Wazy herself. "Tokyo was so overwhelming and confusing to me at first. I felt lost, until Wazy came to my aid. He even offered to come as my escort tonight, so I wouldn't be left alone by an aloof philanderer! Our relationship is far more genuine than the no doubt salacious one you have with this....this...trollop here!"
Oh dear. A cat fight between the two women was surely on the cards if this argument kept up. He supposed he ought to reign them in. As only he knew how to.
"Now now, Evelyn." The glass pulling away from his lips, Wazy begin to circle his index finger around the rim. "It would be my pleasure to make something more out of this. In fact, I have a little proposition in light of tonight's sensational twist..." He paused, catching her eye with a sensual wink. "Adorably feisty ladies such as yourself have a certain charm in my mind. So why not ditch that heartless husband of yours and make love to me? Trinity is just down the road, you know...~"
It was like a bomb had gone off. Husband and wife both had their faces turn bright red, albeit for decidedly different reasons.
"W-Wazy!! I...I couldn't...!"
"YOU. Why don't you run off and try to pull your moves on someone besides another guy's wife, huh pal?!"
"Ugh. I've had enough of this." The other woman had finally spoken up, rising from her chair. Bingo. Looks like Wazy's little trick had worked. "If you want to have an affair, James, be smarter about it next time. Now, I'm off to try and bag another rich fool, if there's one here." Before he could even protest, she was walking out of the room, as his wife regarded him with a deathly stare which he cowered under.
"Just a colleague, huh...?!"
Closing the door behind him and turning the sign around, Wazy descended the steps into darkness. With a sigh, he flicked his finger against the switch, illuminating his bar. He hadn't planned to open tonight. But now that his client had slapped her cheating husband and gone off into the city nightlife alone, he no longer had reason to keep Trinity closed for the evening. Slipping his jacket off and hanging it up, the green haired male began to pour himself a drink behind the counter.
Perhaps if he was fortunate, some business might wander in to entertain him...although in truth, it was his job to entertain them. Luckily, being in LAW meant you were never bored for long. Walking back up the steps, he turned the sign upon the door around.