Humilation match
First to beg the other to stop humiliating her loses.
Morgana Corvi was chancing into her wrestling attire as she wondered when she gets a good chance to use her attire with her cloak as she felt it was not really handy in this scenario.So the Italian decided to just wear a purple Leotard that felt her legs exposed as she wondered what her opponent would be wearing as this was to be the other wrestler's debut. It actually made her giggle a bit as she thought about it as it seems the people in LAW enjoyed having wrestlers debut in wrestling matches where they may end up getting embarrest before the match was over with. Now this would likely happen tonight regardless as either herself or the person she be facing would have to verbally submit , and then beg for the other wrestler to stop humiliating them.
Now this kind of match type seemed to be perfect for her as she felt like she had no shame to begin with. Now this was untrue of course , but the Italian thought that she would be able to endure whatever her opponent does to try and embarrass her with.The moment she reached the backstage area she would talk with some of the crew their as she was glad they gotten her new ideas for an entrance as the moment Angel of Darkness by Alex C ft Yasmin K started to play the lights in the area would go down.
Running on the entrance ramp she would stand their in the dark until 20 seconds had past , and Yasmin . K would sing the line Angel of darkness for the third time. As on that moment for a few seconds the spotlight would shine on her , and then go off again as she walked down to the ring as during certain moments the spotlight would shine on her again as she strikes a pose while it happened. As the fans were cheering loudly the announcer was trying to introduce her as he said ''now entering from Rome,Italy.Weighing in at about 150ibs,it's Morgana Corvi'' as she would reach the ring , and enter it while the lights were still out. Then when the music would stop playing a spotlight would shine in the middle of the ring to reveal her standing their , and then go out as the lights would turn back on in the arena as she yelled ''who is ready to see me humiliate a rookie tonight'' to which the crowd would respond just by loudly cheering her name.