Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale
Humilation match
First to beg the other to stop humiliating her loses.

Morgana Corvi was chancing into her wrestling attire as she wondered when she gets a good chance to use her attire with her cloak as she felt it was not really handy in this scenario.So the Italian decided to just wear a purple Leotard that felt her legs exposed as she wondered what her opponent would be wearing as this was to be the other wrestler's debut. It actually made her giggle a bit as she thought about it as it seems the people in LAW enjoyed having wrestlers debut in wrestling matches where they may end up getting embarrest before the match was over with. Now this would likely happen tonight regardless as either herself or the person she be facing would have to verbally submit , and then beg for the other wrestler to stop humiliating them.

Now this kind of match type seemed to be perfect for her as she felt like she had no shame to begin with. Now this was untrue of course , but the Italian thought that she would be able to endure whatever her opponent does to try and embarrass her with.The moment she reached the backstage area she would talk with some of the crew their as she was glad they gotten her new ideas for an entrance as the moment Angel of Darkness by Alex C ft Yasmin K started to play the lights in the area would go down.

Running on the entrance ramp she would stand their in the dark until 20 seconds had past , and Yasmin . K would sing the line Angel of darkness for the third time. As on that moment for a few seconds the spotlight would shine on her , and then go off again as she walked down to the ring as during certain moments the spotlight would shine on her again as she strikes a pose while it happened. As the fans were cheering loudly the announcer was trying to introduce her as he said ''now entering from Rome,Italy.Weighing in at about 150ibs,it's Morgana Corvi'' as she would reach the ring , and enter it while the lights were still out. Then when the music would stop playing a spotlight would shine in the middle of the ring to reveal her standing their , and then go out as the lights would turn back on in the arena as she yelled ''who is ready to see me humiliate a rookie tonight'' to which the crowd would respond just by loudly cheering her name.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:21 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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LAW was calling and giving her the opportunity of a lifetime. Looking at the match rules no doubt Layla was expected be the girl they were hoping to humiliate in her starting match, unfortunately for them they were messing with a girl who was far less attuned to giving up and more attuned to messing and humiliating her own opponents. OF course it could have been Marissa working her magic. The manager in question came in shortly has she was finishing up with her hair. "Well its time, this girl is pretty tough but nothing your not used to. Just make sure to keep smiling and you'll be fine." She said with an encouraging smile as Layla looked back in the mirror. "Smile is ready. And so am I."

Standing up and moved and gave Marissa big hug before leaving and heading towards the entrance. Skipping out to her entrance music as she skipped around the ramp and then posed as the crowd ate up her looks, looking at the stupid looking goth in the ring trying to hype up the crowd, wanting them to be talking about her when it was all said and done. Oh they would be talking about her, mostly about how pathetic they looked when Layla was done with her as she tried to play the typical nice girl to all of the fans in attendance. Entering the ring as she hopped to Morgana with her smile never fading. "Well im not sure about humiliation but i can tell you ill be doing my best."
Last edited by Geckosun on Sun Mar 25, 2018 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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Morgana was hoping that her newly thought out entrance would not be blown away as she heard what she assumed was her opponent's entrance music coming out of the speakers. What followed afterwards was what she assumed was your typical blond girl skipping down to the ring as for a moment she had this feeling the other wrestler was thinking she was just some stupid looking goth. Well who would care if she was as she would do what she felt was right for her , and what she assumed was likely some cheerleader could do the same as even her reply was so sweet and innocent it made her wanna puke.

It was made even more adorable by the fact her opponent was smiling at her the whole time as she would just smile back as she whispered ''please don't tell me your really this sweet and naive right.As I don't want to throw up so can we please get this show on the road as I can't help but think I am about to face some happy go lucky cheerleader who believes she can fix everything by doing her best. Well guess what tonight your best will only get you humiliated by me''.

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Re: Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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Oh yay, she had a backbone, for a second there Layla was worried she'd have nothing to tear down. The blonde simply laughed and smiled at Morgana's words as she moved in closer to the girl. "Well I dont know about everything but in a wrestling match all you can do is try your best to win." Which was very much true for her, unfortunately for Morgana she probably had no idea what all she meant by that statement nor did Morgana know the lengths she would go to come out on top, though shed soon find out when Layla really got started.

Once the bell would ring Layla would stop hopping around and get in a more appropriate stance moving closer to Morgana, what was this girls style, what would she do in a certain situation, she had no answers but she did have a few ways to find out. Rushing in Layla would do the first thing she thought Morgana wouldnt expect, going for a punch straight to the boob.

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Re: Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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''That may be true , but in the end only the best wrestler will win''replied Morgana as she would circle around her opponent as she saw Layla would stop hopping around. Then within an second or two she would be surprised by the quickness of her opponent as she would attempt to raise her arm to block an incoming punch to her boob. Rather then get angry at the fact the other wrestler would attack her like this she would just smile as she would attempt to return the favor as she lash out with an jab towards the other wrestler's breasts.

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Re: Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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And she was looking at the best, yet this bitch was too blind to see it just like everyone else she tricked. Though if Morgana did find out she wasn't her job, so how much she could blame her for not being able to tell was hard to fully pin down. Instead she would try and play it off and go quick attempting to strike her with a shot the girl was barely able to deflect, and just as quickly as she was on the attack she was on the defense and when Morgana attempted to punch her chest Layla was quick to react in turn.

Layla brought her hand up and deflected the shot and tried to knock her arm away as she kept staying close, attempting to punch Morgana in the face once before going for a double punch to her chest to keep rattling her before moving back before the girl could hit her or even attempt to retaliate.

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Re: Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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So far neither had managed to land an blow on the other as both had managed to deflect or raise their defenses up to block the other's attack.However soon one of them would have to take that first hit as she would watch as Layla would stay close by after she deflected her arm , and attempted to punch her in the face. To avoid the punch the Italian thought it would be a smart thing to move her head out of the way , but that felt her wide open as her opponent would follow up that failed attempt with two straight jabs to her chest which caused her to moan out in pain on impact.

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Re: Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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And first blood went to her, connecting with those mounds on the goth as she was too slow to learn how to block or dodge it. And better yet it opened her up to take it further and press her attack, hopefully catching her at the best possible moment for another move as she closed the gap and grabbed her hair trying to pull the little punk in for a knee to the gut to try and bend her over. Then she would try and grab at her side and pull her closer for something else.

A humiliation match needed a way to mess with the opponent to actually, well humiliate them. And if there was one thing she could reliably count on to serve as a humiliation tactic it was messing with the girls more private areas. So to start she brought her other hand up and proceeded to give Morgana's booty a few good smacks to the crowd while she was bent over. "No wonder you wear the leotard, you've clearly got nothing to be ashamed of!"

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Re: Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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Morgana had not expected this to happen so soon as she was counting on her opponent trying to test her out , and from their to actually try and out wrestle her before going to attack her like this. Still the Italian was not that disappointed that the other wrestler forgo step two , and went straight to the sexual attacks as she would not have to waste time going easy on Layla.

However that did not chance the fact she was bend forward as she would soon after feel her opponent grab her from the side as she got pulled closer. It only got worse from their as she would hear the fans wolf whistle at the sign of her behind , but that chanced to them cheering Layla on when she would spank her as she replied back ''you got that right as you won't ever make me beg for mercy if this is all you can do''as she would attempt to sink her nails into Layla's side.

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Re: Morgana Corvi vs Layla Vale . Who of these two got no shame

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Layla was nothing if not a crowd pleaser, so long as pleasing the crowd was at the expense of her opponent. Afterall what was entertaining about little old her suffering? Spanking Morgana with a smile on her face she heard the smacks all through the arena as she giggled while she also decided to give her rear a brief squeeze before she felt Morgana clawing her sides. "Woah Oww! Hey, hey, hey! This is a humiliation match not a catfight!" Layla said as she pushed the goth bitch away and rubbing her side.

She felt the pain where her nails were latched onto her and wanted to say something worse but once again stopped herself, if she was gonna play like that she wasnt sure how long her charade was gonna last. "That was rude, were already in an embarrassing match no need to be a savage about it."

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