Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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Kennedy parked her motorcycle and clicked off her engine as she unstrapped her helmet and stood in front of the small house in front of her. She ditched her normal leather clothing for something more casual and wore a leopard-printed top with some blue jeans donning her legs as well as pink combat boots covering her feet. She also had on a tiger necklace and cheetah earrings as she had been invited here for a special occasion. It was a little while back that she had encountered Alizeh Midori and had a little fun in the locker room showers. Unfortunately, Alizeh has been quite busy prepping for Apex and hasn’t been available in months, but Alizeh has told Kennedy about her mother and how single she is. She invited Kennedy over and maybe just hit it off with Aella to which Kennedy accepted gracefully.

Joining Kennedy would be her Scarlet Macaw named Rodrigo as he flew down landing on Kennedy’s left shoulder. He can be a little shit, but she wasn’t ready to let anyone else in public know she had a pet jaguar or monkey yet as they weren’t common pets for households. Plus, Rodrigo is less destructive and Phillip can be an over glorified cat while Bobo loved climbing to places he wasn’t supposed to be. Kennedy wanted to make a good first impression just in case she wanted to date Alizeh’s mother.

Kennedy cleared her throat and walked up to the door noticing the exotic plants touching them briefly before knocking on the door. She clapped her hands together as Rodrigo nuzzled her neck which helped her settle calmly.
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Re: Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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Soon after knocking the door would open revealing one Aella Midori there. Dressed rather casually in a pair of loose fitting black shorts along with a simple dark purple tank top whilst barefoot given she was home. "Ah Kennedy right?" She asked in a bright tone, tossing her hair back as she extended a hand out towards the blonde. "Nice to meet you! Alizeh told me a lot about you." She said shaking Kennedy's hand before stepping to the side to the side to let her step inside. "And who's this beautiful little guy?" She'd ask as a follow up while gesturing to the bird perched on Kennedy's shoulder.

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Re: Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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Kennedy would see Aella open the door and she had to take a moment to take in the former luchadora’s beauty as she flipped her short green hair back. Kennedy stifled a sexual growl to herself to make sure she was professional about this. First impression now then bedroom fun and maybe some drinks later. Kennedy grabbed her hand and shook it as she entered the house of the Midoris while Rodrigo chirped turning to Aella. He bowed his head towards her in a greeting.

Yes, I’m Kennedy. It’s so nice to meet you. You have a wonderful daughter….and I see where she gets the good looks from. As for my bird pal here, he’s Rodrigo. He’s a sweetheart, but is quite the handful,” Kennedy replied as she nuzzled her finger under Rodrigo’s neck to which he loved chirping louder.
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Re: Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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Letting Kennedy in Aella would subtly look the woman over before nodding to herself approvingly. Alizeh understood her tastes well if nothing else which made her chuckle a bit as Kennedy introduced herself and the now named Rodrigo. "Hehe lovely to meet you both, and stop you're too kind." Aella said in response with a joking tone while reaching up to gently rub her fingers across the top of Rodrigo's head before pulling back and turning to Kennedy. "Make yourself at home for now, I was just making some tea if you'd like any." Aella said warmly with a smile on her face before moving towards the kitchen, her hips swaying too and fro in the process.

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Re: Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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Kennedy grinned and watched Aella sway her hips back and forth essentially teasing Kennedy. The jungle woman let out a sexual growl and held her right hand to her heart to calm herself down. Damn, this would be tough not to take it to the bedroom instantly. Kennedy sat down on the couch as Rodrigo perched on a window sill for now looking around aimlessly. Once Aella would return with some tea, Kennedy accepted a cup and blew on it to help cool it down before her lips touched the rim to take in the brown liquid. She swallowed and sat back with a satisfied moan.

I don’t have tea a lot, but it’s always a nice treat once and a while. But it’s not the only hot thing in this room,” Kennedy teased at the older adult Midori.
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Re: Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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Aella wasn't dense nor foolish, she knew from her daughter that Kennedy had a certain.. appetite and intimacy was a matter of when, not if between them. However Aella making Kennedy wait was one hundred percent intentional as a bit of a power move. Not for any particular reason mind you, rather.. Just cause Aella thought it would be fun.

Returning and handing the tea to Kennedy the green haired woman would smile softly. "Yes I find a cup a day to be quite relaxing and refreshing for the mind... and body." she said a bit flirtily before Kennedy went directly shooting her shot, making Aella laugh slightly. "Heh, I see Alizeh wasn't kidding, you don't waste any time at all do you?" Aella asked with a grin on her face as she leaned back on the couch, crossing her legs as she did so.

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Re: Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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Kennedy liked playing games and it seemed Aella was set on making her work for her body. That’s fine by the jungle queen as a predator always stalks her prey before striking and claiming their prize. She just needed to bide her time until it was time to strike. Hopefully dear Alizeh wasn’t home and doing whatever training she was doing. Kennedy had a set date to seduce her mother and make her another partner for the sheets.

I got it during my private school days. It was co-ed and I had some falling out with my father so I distracted myself by getting under the sheets with men and women. That’s how I found out I’m poly and bisexual. Hell, I have three girlfriends currently and one of them works for LAW,” Kennedy explained as she sipped her hot tea.
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Re: Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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As Aella sat back and sipped her tea she would nod while listening to Kennedy. A little background knowledge was always good before jumping in bed with someone, and the fact that kennedy was also a rival in LAW made it doubly useful to get to know her, but of course Aella would return the favor. "Mhm I see. Well while I can't say I'm poly I can relate with much of what you said, just replace private school with wrestling training." Aella let out with a chuckle before setting her cup down and leaning forward. "Tell me about you're partner here in LAW, anyone I may know?" Aella asked with curiosity and a flutter of her eyes towards Kennedy.

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Re: Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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Her name is Finella Edelstein. It’s more casual right now, but hopefully we can connect more and form some kind of relationship. You know her sister, Harmonia. Haleigh and Sara, my other two darlings, are currently trying to find somewhere else in California to live since Santa Monica is getting more expensive to live on the beach,” Kennedy explained when Aella asked about her partners.

And aren’t you just a curious cat? Be careful if you know how the saying goes, La Pantera,” Kennedy teased as she tickled Aella’s chin flirtatiously.
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Re: Primal Meets Aerial (For Bare)

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As Kennedy answered about her partners Aella would nod along. "Ah Edelstein, I think I've probably fought her sister before then." Aella commented before looking up as Kennedy tickled her chin. 'Oh she is forward.' Aella thought to herself, looking up at the woman with a small smirk. "Oh? You think you can bite me so easily?" Aella asked in a challenging tone, reaching up and grasping Kennedy's hand, gently lifting it up to rest her palm against her cheek. "Fair warning though... I bite back." Aella warned, turning and gently bringing her teeth down on Kennedy's thumb, not enough to hurt, but enough to tease.

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