Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Finally, it's time for Bethany to make her debut in LAW. Her twin sister, Cynthia, had made her debut first, as Bethany had something to deal around that time, but she didn't mind. As long as they got to wrestle together in LAW, that should be fine. Wearing her form-fitting, skin-tight blue leotard, Bethany did a bit of stretching up in the gorilla position as she waited for her cue to make her entrance. She was a bit nervous, but she was also excited about the prospect of wrestling in front of a large crowd.

Soon after that, Bethany heard her cue as her music was played. Giving herself one last slap to her own cheeks to psyche herself up, Bethany stepped out into the stage, greeted by the sight of many spectators who were looking forward to see the next match. Showing up, Bethany ran down the ramp energetically, giving high-fives to a few fans who were ready to give encouragement to new faces. She would then reach the ring, and she climbed up the apron before slipping into the ring through the ropes.
Bethany Hunter
Walking around the ring, waving her hands at the crowd, Bethany would then head over to the corner, where she would wait for her opponent to show up. She was looking forward to see what kind of wrestler her first opponent in LAW would be like. Waiting in anticipation, she would lean against the turnbuckle, looking at the direction of the entrance where her opponent would presumably show up.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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Kohaku would wait patiently backstage for her opponent to make her entrance. Peeking out to see Bethany, her first impression was that the woman was full of energy. She had to admit, her opponent was cute. Kohaku would have to try hard to outshine her. While her foe was wearing an outfit clearly made for the ring, Kohaku's pink and white outfit was a bit less traditional. As soon as it was her turn to enter, Kohaku jumped out from backstage and flashed the peace sign at the cheering crowd. With a wide smile she waved and ran towards the ring. The black haired wrestler slipped through the ropes and stood to face her new opponent.
Looking her opponent up and down, Kohaku didn't exactly know what to make of her. "Wow, ya look like a superhero or something. Do I get to be a supervillain?" She teased before flashing a smile to Bethany. While she certainly didn't intend to pull any punches, there was no need to start off too mean. "Hope you don't mind being under me, cause that's where you're gonna end up for a three count." The black haired wrestler continued before making her way back towards the corner. She'd wait for the bell to ring before she tried to prove her assertion.
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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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Bethany looked at her opponent, whom she thought to be pretty cute, though she seemed to be wearing a rather non-traditional wrestling outfit. Well, it's not like it's her business or anything like that. When her opponent, Kohaku, was standing in front of her, the other girl seemed to be looking at her up and down. Chuckling after hearing Kohaku's comment about Bethany looking like a superheroine and her getting to become a supervillain, she said, "Hehe, it depends. Actually, I'd rather be called a space bounty hunter than a superheroine, because that's what my outfit is based on." Technically, she took after the design of her mother's outfit, but that's besides the point at the moment.

When Kohaku declared that she would be the one to win this match, Bethany would thrust her chest up confidently, undeterred by her opponent's statement. "Oh, is that so? Well, I'm planning to do the same to you, so please be prepared for that..." she said with surety in her tone as she looked at Kohaku heading back to her corner. Bethany took her chance to do one last stretching up before the referee called for both wrestlers to come to the center of the ring so that the match could begin.

Once the bell was called, the match would begin. Bethany would like to start the match by taking a stance, holding out her arms, offering Kohaku a lock up for a contest of strength. She would like to see how strong her opponent was and would decide what to do after that once she got to know her opponent's strength.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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"Haha whatever you say space dork" Kohaku teased as she made her way back to her corner. "We'll see who has the better plan." She continued. While her opponent stretched, she would just lean back against the turnbuckle. She wasn't nearly as concerned about warming up as Bethany was is seemed. She figured everything would be under control pretty soon anyway. With no doubt in her mind about who would win, she smiled and waited patiently for the match to start.

Finally it was time to begin things. Kohaku met her foe in the middle of the ring. The blonde invited her in for a test of strength and she was happy to give it a shot. She wasn't sure who was stronger but it couldn't hurt to know. Kohaku wasn't about to try and overpower her opponent though. That was far from her style. Instead she was quick to try and push her foe's head down so she could attempt to catch Bethany in a quick headlock. Restricting her foe's air was certainly easier than trying to strike and slam the other woman. If all went well she might be able to maneuver her foe a bit towards the corner.
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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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Bethany pouted a bit when Kohaku called her a space dork, but she let it slide as she would focus on the match. But, as soon as the two of them were locked up, Kohaku immediately pushed her head down, quickly putting her in a headlock. "Aaah!" Bethany let out a yelp when her head was trapped under Kohaku's arm, and she flailed her arms a little as she tried to keep her composure.

Then, she felt like Kohaku was dragging her towards the corner. Not planning to let Kohaku do whatever she wanted on her, Bethany would start to get into action as she would wrap her arm behind Kohaku's waist before attempting to lift her up, throwing her back into the canvas with a side suplex, releasing her body upon impact!

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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Kohaku squeezed tightly, pressing the other wrestler's cheek firmly against the side of her chest. "Hah, gotcha!" The black and pink haired wrestler yelled, happy with her small victory. "Now it's time to have some fun." She said with a grin that only widened as Bethany flailed around. Kohaku began to lead the woman into the corner. She had plenty of plans for Bethany that she was sure the crowd would enjoy. Her opponent had plans of their own though.

"Huh? Ahhh hey!" Kohaku yelped as she soon felt herself being lifted off of her feet. She made a quick grab for the ropes but it was far too late. Before she knew it, Kohaku was flailing in the air and then swiftly brought down to the mat with a loud thud. "Ughghhh!" She groaned. She quickly rolled onto her side, a pained expression now on her face. The woman clearly had underestimated her opponent and for the time being was paying for it.
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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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Successfully throwing Kohaku into the mat with the side suplex, Bethany decided to press on her advantage as she looked at her opponent rolling over onto her side. Not planning to give her any chance to recover, Bethany would come over next to Kohaku as she would pull her up, getting her back on her feet. Still, she didn't intend to help her opponent as she would proceed to send her running towards the ropes with an Irish whip.

She was planning that once Kohaku returned back to her after rebounding from the ropes, she would try to run towards her, hoping to ram her shoulder first into Kohaku's chest with a charging shoulder block, hoping to send her crashing back into the mat with the move.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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Kohaku, still in pain, didn't put up much resistance as she was lifted to her feet. In fact the help was quite a welcomed surprise. She had just expected punishment. The black haired wrestler wasn't exactly thrilled to be tossed into the ropes though. She would much rather taken a few more seconds to recover. Instead though she found herself bouncing off of the ropes and stumbling right towards Bethany. Unable to stop herself and knowing what was likely to come next, Kohaku braced herself.

The next thing Kohaku knew, she was on the ground gasping for breath. Bethany had just rammed a shoulder pretty hard into her and the impact sent Kohaku off of her feet and crashing onto the mat. The black haired wrestler groaned as slowly she rolled onto her stomach with her hands clutching her chest.
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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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Seeing that Kohaku had ended up on her stomach, Bethany saw this an opportunity to press on. So, she would sit on top of Kohaku's back before she went to grab both her arms, draping them over her knees. One could see what kind of setup was this as Bethany would then reach down for Kohaku's chin, clutching her hands together under the chin so that she could pull her head back in a camel clutch.

"Haah!!" Letting out a yell, Bethany would pull back, applying pressure around Kohaku's neck and spine in the camel clutch. With her arms draped over her knees, she was hoping that Kohaku would have trouble freeing herself from this hold.

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Re: Bethany Hunter vs. Kohaku Kariya - Trickster Hunting

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It didn't take Kohaku long to realize that she was in trouble. As soon as her arm were put over her foe's knees, she knew what was coming next. "No waaaaaait!" She cried out as she was painfully bent back. With the pressure on her back growing she began to writhe about in pain. "Gaaaaaaah! Owww l...let go!" She yelled, unable to do much else. Kohaku only hoped that she could somehow move herself towards the ropes before she was snapped in half.

With Bethany focused on yanking her neck back, the black haired wrestler hoped she could free her arms and reach forward. However hard she tried though there was still no way to lessen the intense pain she was feeling. Her only hope for relief was to either be able to turn and push Bethany off of her, or to grab the ropes. Unfortunately either option was going to take her more effort than she wanted. For now Kohaku would opt to try and crawl forward and reach for the ropes.
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