Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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When it came to fulfilling her desire of physically dominating and outright crushing another human being, Mary Bloom's methods were fairly straight forward. When she spots someone who she thinks would be an absolute delight dominate, she follows them around, waits until they're in a secluded place, then proceeds to squeeze and smother them until they were completely drained of energy! This could happen anywhere; in the LAW gym, in line at the bank, or while she's out grocery shopping. It wasn't a perfect system, but it worked for Mary so far.

There were other times though, it paid for Mary to be a little sneakier when it came to her conquests. While she did enjoy the thrill of the hunt, sometimes Mary liked it just as well when her victims came to her instead! It certainly was an easier alternative to light stalking, and she could prepare her wide range of outfits accordingly to whatever suited her mood! There were various ways to accomplish luring someone into her grasp, but for today, Mary was trying a method she had never attempted before.
Mary hummed to herself as she inspected herself in the mirror, posing herself in the brand new outfit she had acquired just for this very meeting. The big blonde was in one of LAWs many special rooms that could serve for a variety of special matches. This one was prepared with bedroom matches in mind. Naturally, a comfy king-sized bed dominated the space, but there were also various tables and chairs inside to simulate a real life bedroom. It was here that Mary had arranged to meet the wrestler that had only recently signed on with LAW, a woman by the name of Neith; a drop dead gorgeous and enticingly curvy Egyptian woman. She was Mary's type in every way, and the blonde couldn't wait to get her hands on her, so when she found out the Neith also did session wrestling on the side, she leapt at the chance and arranged a meeting.

Letting her long, blonde hair flow past her shoulders, Mary inked at herself in the mirror and giggled. "We are going to have so much fun tonight!" she squealed. Now all that was left was to wait for Neith to arrive at the scheduled time, which should be any second now....

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Re: Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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Safiya found she rather hated being the second to arrive to a session. It reminded her why she typically arrived at the arranged location and set up well ahead of time. In this case, it so happened that the schedule simply did not work out as she intended. One well-paying and courteous client wanted to meet in a hotel near the Egyptian beauty's apartment, and she had obliged. Another well-paying client, this one a LAW wrestler, had asked for a session a mere hour later to take place in one of LAW's furnished mock bedrooms. Normally, Safiya would not have agreed, having to travel between two places and inconvenience herself, but practicality motivated her: after this move, extra money from two clients who had seemed unlikely to give her any issues was not an offer she should decline.

Having taken a quick shower and switched out her attire at home, Safiya rushed through LAW's hallways to find the arranged room; when it was found, she checked her phone. She was still a minute early. Self-satisfied, the Egyptian preened and pushed open the door with her foot, deciding that she should have had some of her new help haul one of the bags she carried over each forearm. One carried a camera, the other her street clothes.

She already had a picture of her client for this session. Safiya did not normally feel a great deal of curiosity about those she would meet so long as their wallets proved fat, but pictures of LAW wrestlers proved readily available. To find the rather large woman waiting for her (and looking impressive, at that, she must admit) in the room did not remotely shock her, and with the professional having not yet shifted into the goddess, Safiya regarded her with a simple blink. For all the larger men who wished to be dominated by a smaller woman, there were few women who fit that mold, though most women proved smaller than the Egyptian on average. Whatever the case, people of all shapes and sizes wanted a squeezing, and this Mary looked like more than an enjoyable squeeze.
Unceremoniously, Safiya unbuttoned and dropped the coat covering her one-piece. Before the pageantry of the goddess began, she needed to place the camera that Mary had requested. Already, she could smell the fresh pile of cash that would come from her squeezing a woman this beautiful once she sold this on her clip store, and her eyes lingered on the blonde's curvy frame with that idea in mind. "Hello, Mary. Excellent clothing choice. For once, I don't have to tell a client to change."

She strolled to a corner to drop her bags and pull the camera out. "It will take a couple of minutes for me to set up. I'll compensate you on the time," she coolly explained, as she trotted to the side of the bed to set it on its tripod. In a moment, she was squatting beside it, rear presented to the blonde beauty, while she adjusted a pair of settings for the room's lighting.

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Re: Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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Mary had just been finishing up her last looks when she heard someone fiddling with the door. The blonde giant turned a watched with bated breath as the goddess she had been waiting for made her appearance. Safiya Ashour was her name, but the nom de geurre the woman preferred to go by when working was Neith, and she was just as fantastic looking in person as she was in the pictures Mary had seen! She was a bit shorter than Mary but she looked to be quite filled out from the little Mary could see of her. She had entered wearing a long coat and carrying the film equipment that she had intended to use to film the session. Safiya had offered the option to Mary when they made contact and of course Mary leapt at the chance to immortalize their time together!

"Oh, welcome! So nice of you to come!" Mary would greet to Safiya once she had entered, gleefully addressing her despite the hurried nature the Egyptian seemed to be taking to get their session together started. It didn't bother Mary though; she imagined Neith was a busy woman after all. In fact, Mary was about to ask her how her trip was when Safiya suddenly dropped her coat to the floor, revealing a stunning and decorative one-piece that made Mary's heart skip a beat! The woman truly looked like an Egyptian goddess come to life, filling out that outfit with curves to die for.

Oh, how Mary couldn't wait to dominate that body for all it was worth! She had to bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from jumping on the woman right then and there! Fortunately, she was somewhat snapped out of her passion-filled trance when Neith both greeted her and complimented her outfit. "O-Oh, thank you very much!" Mary managed to stammer out. "Yours is also quite something...."

It was then the Egyptian turned her back to Mary to set up the tripod camera. In that moment, Mary was a predator that saw her prey make a fatal mistake; turning their back on a hunter. With such an opportunity presented before her, the blonde could no longer contain herself! She would slowly start sneaking her way up behind Safiya while she fiddled with the camera, making sure to not give herself away too early. "No worries. Just take your time," Mary would say as she slowly approached, inching her way closer and closer until she was nearly breathing down Safiya's neck! When Neith had set the camera to start rolling, Mary would already be behind her. "Well then.....I guess we can get started!"

And it was with that final declaration that Mary's arms would suddenly move to snake around Neith's throat and head, wrapping themselves around both to apply a tight sleeperhold to the session wrestler! If successful in catching Safiya off guard, Mary would squeeze the choke with a great deal of her monstrous strength, and due to the height difference between them Mary would force the smaller woman up onto her tippy toes, trying to render her victim helpless right from the get go!

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Re: Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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A perky one. Safiya sometimes found them...overbearing, but she could tolerate perkiness over those assholes who tried to act aloof, as if they had hired a prostitute and were too good to show any enthusiasm outside of the fuck. Based on her quick analysis of their conversations in arranging this session, Mary seemed the type to merely be an enthusiast about clashes of the female form, which Safiya did not struggle to understand. It helped that female clients tended to have a head start in staying on her good side; they tended to present fewer problems.

She did think to correct that it was less nice of her to come and more because of the pay, but that seemed as if it could put a damper on the woman's excitement. Safiya preferred pleased clients, and instead of the correction, she chose to nod her head courteously at Mary's thanks about her outfit. It gave the Egyptian another excuse to peer at her. Jealousy of her client's shape attempted to trickle in, but Safiya knew that she was the attraction here. Which of them had one of the top ten clip stores in the world?

With that pleasing thought in mind, Safiya merely uttered a "Thank you" in response to Mary's return compliment, then handled the last bit of business before the show could begin. Perhaps in a hotel room, Safiya would not have turned her back to the big beauty, nor anyone. Perhaps if she had been the first to arrive as she usually preferred, she wouldn't have needed to do so. Perhaps she would have heard the shuffling of feet across the cheap faux wood floorboards if the exotic beauty hadn't thought they were simply some light noises from somewhere down the hall, where Safiya had noticed them working on a new set.

But she mashed the record button, giving it a to-be-cut shot of her crotch, without a worry in the world until she heard Mary right behind her. Merely thinking the woman eager, Safiya started to turn, summoning the goddess within-

She didn't know quite what was happening until it had already happened, and only then, she realized it after it felt like her head had been separated from the rest of her body by two of what were possibly the strongest and muscle-thick arms she had ever witnessed on a woman. It was then she realized Mary's position behind her when the other woman's breasts pushed against her back, and any hopes to cry out in shock were silenced by the pressure on her neck. Safiya did not even fight at first, just stared at the far wall like the grim reaper had come from her as Mary crushed her neck.

But she finally rasped out something that sounded like what the fuck!? and tore into possibly the greatest tantrum of her life (impressive given her track record) as her toes scuffed the floor and her hands clawed, nails and all, at the big woman's tightening arms.

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Re: Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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Mary had barely even waited ten seconds after Safiya had arrived before succumbing to her carnal desires! With surprising stealth for a woman of her size, Mary was able to successfully sneak up behind the Egyptian while she was busy with the tripod. She probably could have pounced on her a little earlier, but, funny enough, she had wanted Safiya to finish setting the camera up to record. She had never had an honest to goodness recording of one of her conquests before, and thought it might be fun to try out! So as soon as Safiya was finished, Mary sprung into action, locking in a textbook slepperhold on the smaller woman before she knew what was happening, trying to take weaken her victim straight away!

"Oh, there we go," Mary giggled as she tightened up her choke, using her powerful arm to cut off Safiya's air and bloodflow while the other one braced against the back of her head. She pulled the Neith tight against her, docking her crotch with the woman's ass and mashing her massive breasts against her shoulder blades. There was a slight delay in reaction but soon enough Safiya was putting up a desperate struggle! She clawed at Mary's arms around her neck in an uncoordinated attempt to break free, sinking in a few scratches into the blonde's near flawless skin. Despite this, Mary still didn't let go. In fact......she looked to be enjoying herself!

"Mmmmmm, don't fight it sweetie," Mary whispered, her lips close to Safiya's ear so the session wrestler would feel the blonde's hot breath against her neck. "It's no use......I got you now...." As she whispered to the Egyptian, Mary's arms seemed to grow tighter and tighter, even with Safiya's frantic struggling. Though Neith was clearly quite strong, there were few who could match Mary Bloom when it came to raw power. "Shhhhhhhh, that's it......just relax. I got you....."

Mary qould continue applying the sleeperhold to Safiya while whispering sweety nothings into her ear, almost like a lullaby. She would simply wait for the fight to flow out of the curvy Egyptian until she was nice and limp in her arms. Though she didn't want to KO Safiya just yet, Mary would certainly take her to the brink of it with expert efficiency. All while the camera recoded every excruciating second....

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Re: Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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Many of those worthless, bony fitness models had tried to apply a sleeperhold to the Egyptian beauty in online-produced matches. They had either been so poor with their technique or their strength that Safiya could shake them off no problem by throwing her weight back against them or, if they were truly light, flipping them over the top of her head. Not once had a sleeper managed to do anything more than drag her to the floor, and that was because she had lost her footing. Getting caught in one that presented even a remote amount of danger was often the farthest thing from her mind in a session.

That would change after this meeting. Frantic fingers ran over muscled arms as Safiya's furious fight continue as if the sleeperhold offended her more than had her panicking. She opened her mouth twice to spit a million insults and threats at the blonde for daring to lay a finger on her without permission, but not one horrendous word would come out: only rasps and shrill, meaningless sounds. These situation had never lasted for her, and in the cocky session mistress' mind, the clawing, the beating with her fists against Mary's forearm, and her general incensed state would force the woman to behave soon.

But when another few heartbeats passed without an escape, the fear began to set in to the woman who answered nearly any danger or pain with anger and noise. It was an almost claustrophobic panic between the size of the arms swallowing her neck and the feeling of her client's breath against the dusky skin of her neck. By the time that panic fully took command of her senses, Safiya's face was already reddened, her eyes had started to roll toward the ceiling, and her lips hung open with the chokes and coughs coming from her throat, all sights captured by the camera. She did not often feel helpless in a situation; it was foreign and jarring and overcame her all at once.

Her fingers fumbled with the marble arms snaring her until they slowly slipped free; spots started to block her eyes from the light at the same time. Almost before she herself knew it, the Egyptian rushed to dreamland.

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Re: Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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Neith was certainly a fighter, that was for sure! Despite Mary's telling her the futility of her actions, the Egyptian session wrestler continued to put up a frantic struggle against her! It was cute to watch. This was always the part Mary enjoyed the most about her little adventures in domination. The part where her victims put up as much a fight as possible in order to avoid their fates, not knowing that it had been sealed the moment Mary chose them for conquest. From Safiya's reaction, she was particularly taken aback by what was happening here! Unfortunately, that would not save her tonight!

"There, there. Thaaaaat's it," Mary cooed close to Neith's ear as finally the curvy woman's struggles began to slow. The frantic clawing at her powerful arms had devolved into weak little pawing, and her kicking feet now started to drag along the floor. It wasn't long before Mary had to support most of Safiya's weight as the woman started to go limp on her. "Shhhhhhh. Just let it go...." Soon enough, Mary was the only thing keeping the Egyptian beauty upright; in the same way a noose kept a body upright.

Sensing that Neith was only seconds away from passing into unconsciousness, Mary would smile sweetly before unwinding her arms from around the woman's throat, freeing her from the sleeperhold. Keeping Neith upright on her own, Mary would swing the woman around so she would come face-to-face the powerful blonde. Then, without a word, she would wrap her arms around Neith's waist while trapping the woman's arms at her side as well, locking them together at the small of her back.

Perhaps Safiya would still be too woozy to see the smile and wink Mary would flash her way, but it would be the only indication of what was coming! Because directly afterwards, Mary's arms would tighten around the Egyptian's waist to pull her in close, mashing her curvy body against her own. She would then lift Safiya clear from the ground, sweeping her up into her embrace as easily as she would a teddy bear! Then those arms would begin to tighten around the session wrestler. It would be slow at first but as the seconds past the squeeze Mary put on Safiya would tighten more and more, closing any gap that might have existed between them in a matter of moments! With frightening power, Mary would apply a devastating bearhug to her victim; one that would make the heavyweight wrestler look like a mere child!
Last edited by Darius 2.0 on Tue Apr 04, 2023 1:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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Safiya retained just enough awareness to fear the coming sleep while her body failed. Her body almost never failed her; it was a pride and joy. She had only been put to sleep a couple of times in her whole career: very early on before she discovered who she should be targeting in her more realistic matches to ensure she would be scarcely threatened. Those experiences had been miserable, and they came flooding back to the Egyptian beauty, alongside all the world's anxiety, as her eyes fluttered.

When the terror of the world shuttering had just started to hit, Safiya tried one last time to breathe in...and could. The breath turned into a giant gasp and a round of fitful coughing that went along all too well with the tears that had been forced from her eyes and the snot from her nose. The vain woman, drained of clearer thought by the sleeperhold and seemingly out of danger, switched all of her focus onto obsessively wiping everything off of her face while she continued to cough.

Mary's turning her on her unbalanced feet, however, brought her back to reality. A fury returned to her eyes, though marred by something akin to drunkenness and the beginnings of a mascara trail onto her cheeks, and Safiya's mind said swing at this bitch. Her body did not obey. It would not have mattered, anyway, as her arms were stuffed behind her back. That did not stop the hatred from remaining on the Egyptian's face.

"I'm going to...fucking destroy you," Safiya threatened...or tried to. The raspy, warbled nature of the threat took away most of its menace, and her face already looked like she had lost three straight rounds by submission. "No, worse...I'm telling LAW you- AAAAAAAAAH!"

Far too focused on her empty words and her heavy head to notice what was happening, Safiya had ignored Mary's massive curves coming forward to squash her own fine body, and she had even failed to notice the arms that had just trapped her head now wrapping around her body. But when they squeezed, she screamed like they were blades meant to cut her in half. She tore into a wrenching fight, but her strained arms were a part of the hold. Only her legs could move, and all they did was scuff and slide against Mary's thicker pair as she kicked and screamed in the air, instantly overwhelmed and desperate.

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Re: Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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Though it would have been simple enough to KO Safiya right away with her sleeperhold, Mary wanted the session wrestler awake for what came next. There would would plenty of opportunities to knock her out later anyway if the evening went to plan! So after releasing the sleeper and spinning the Egyptian around, Mary would proceed to lock her arms around her waist, just as Neith had gained enough of her faculties to rasp out her displeasure, even going as far as beginning to threaten Mary!

Whatever silly little threat Safiya was going to utter would die in her throat the moment Mary flexed her arms around the woman's body, lifting her clear of the ground while she performed a long and draining squeeeeeeeeeze. The powerful blonde would apply massive pressure the Neith's shapely waist, pulling the woman against her with such power that she she could feel her spine and ribs begin to compress together. A loud scream from her victim was Mary's reward, but thanks to the private nature of these rooms, they were sufficiently sound-proofed, meaning no one but Mary would hear the desperate cries of her chosen victim!

"Oh, aren't you a fun one to squeeze?" Mary would giggle, accentuating her point with another firm jolt of power into her arms. The feeling of Neith's thicc, curvy, half-naked form grinding up against her own was pleasant indeed, and thanks to her trapping her arms at her sides, there would be little the Egyptian could do about it! "I knew you would be when I found your ad. I was pretty nervous when I answered it but I'm glad it's all working out so far!" Looking into the eyes of Sayifa, Mary's emerald ones would twinkle with mischief. "Now where were we....?"

Once again utilizing her abnormal strength, Mary would bounce Neith upwards in her arms so she would end up higher off the ground and her bountiful breasts would end up right in Mary's eyeline! Once that happened, the blonde bombshell would waste no time shoving her face right between Neith's cleavage, plunging into it's depths eagerly! This new positioning would give Mary plenty of leverage to tighten her arms further around the waist of her trapped victim in yet another mighty squeeze, one that would seek to force the very air out of the Egyptain's lungs! The recording camera would witness it all, and though both were heavyweight wrestlers, in Mary's arms the Egyptian might as well have looked like a doll!

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Re: Fallen Goddess - Mary and Neith

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Safiya experienced a series of firsts and worsts. The first client who had ambushed her in a session in this particular way. The first client who had succeeded with that ambush. The largest arm that had ever wrapped around her neck. The worst bearhug she had ever experienced. She did not acknowledge each of them now: she was too busy screaming and, in her mind, actively dying from the compression of her curvy body. But all of these factors had the ever-confident woman in a position completely unfamiliar.

Her screaming scarcely stopped as the woman's body buried and crushed hers, leaving Safiya looking to the camera behind like nothing more than a swinging pair of legs and a pair of shoulders with nothing left in the middle. She looked like nothing was left in the middle but a giant, pale pair of arms, and even more of her curves in front had been gobbled up by the blonde's shape. Safiya's full-on fit lasted several seconds, a tornado of manic, angry emotion that partly distracted her from the pain she was experiencing.

But then her breath and energy wore thin, and Safiya's screams turned to choked cries. This was utterly foreign to her. Yes, she had lost at times, and more often, lost in moments. She had only recently emerged unscathed (with the help of much soap) from her match with another session bitch who had three times had her wailing. But she could not remember a time when she felt no escape, as if she were totally at the whims of the woman controlling her. A sense of dread grew that matched the pain of having her obliques mashed underneath her ribs and her spine bent down the middle.

"Fucking let me-", she spoke as quickly as she could to get it all out as she stared across the room at the wall like a woman sensing her impending doom, but she still had to stop to desperately suck in breaths. Her stomach couldn't move. "-go or you're...going...to...break my ribs. I'll sue the-"

The briefest relief also resulted in another scream as Safiya was tossed up. That relief only lasted a second, and was ruined by Safiya's hatred for anything relating to her body's being thrown in the air, and it resulted in the pain being transferred from the space at the base of her ribs to her waist. The remaining breath was audibly pushed from her lungs, her eyes widened, and her mouth drooped open, and the Egyptian beauty likely would have fallen over forward if not for the face getting shoved between her tits.

Even with Mary's grip shifting off of her arms long enough for one of them to have popped free, Safiya didn't have the strength to do more with it than grip and pull at the strap of Mary's one-piece and groan.

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