Also I made little accolades for people this time, planning on doing the same thing for anyone that participates and would like them

Alright, so if you're interested here are the details. I would like to make them VERY clear so PLEASE read.
- I would like there to be 8 participants
- The only two requirements to join are that you as a user have completed 3 matches and the character entered be a middleweight or heavyweight. I would prefer middleweights a little bit higher in their weight to compete with any heavyweights but that isn't really a hard requirement, just a consideration for everyone.
- If you are interested please send me a pm here or discord with the word "interested"
- Matches will be held over discord and posted to the board at an appropriate time. Depending on your placing I might ask you to do your matches for different rounds concurrently so that the whole event moves quickly.
- The winner, and all other placements, will be chosen RANDOMLY using a dice roller. I will try to honor requests for a losses in as early a round as possible but ultimatums (I'll only join if "blank) are beyond what I have patience for. Once places are chosen you are free to try and trade with someone else. If that is not ok with you, do not join. If you join and are not happy with your placing and leave, it will be noted that you're a bitch.
- second requirement to join to make sure people actually read the rules, make the pm or message also say "tournament " in front of interested.
- I ask that if you join, you make a commitment to post often (2-3 times per week per match). If you don't feel like that's a possibility please don't join. I get that things happen, but if you can't manage to post for weeks on end, I'd rather you not participate and I will not hesitate to boot people.
Anyways thank ya all. Hope to hear from people soon