Haley vs Collei trib fight

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Haley vs Collei trib fight

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

match type tribadism ko
win by tribbing the othre girl to knockout
loser kisses the winners ass
attire: nothing

Haley blushed as she would walk down the ramp her music playing hse was so embrassed for this match. she never knew how she agreed to it. however deep down she was looking forward to see how much her pussy can take against an other girl. wearing a robe Haley had nothing under it and it excited her for some reason. "mmm" she blsuhed as she enter the ring and looked at the entrance for her opponent. "who is this collei girl is any way" she asked herself.

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Re: Haley vs Collei trib fight

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Collei was surprised to be approached by a LAW official after her debut match defeat, with the prospect of another match, this time with a never-before-seen gimmick in LAW, one where they would both be forced to press their pussies together to make the other girl pass out. It was a match type she was actually pretty confident in, but she didn't know who her opponent was, so she couldn't get complacent.

Upon arriving in the ring, covered in just a green robe, she walked down the walkway as her theme, Swirls of Shamshirs, played for the first time. She was understandably nervous, but also excited to meet her opponent. As she reached the ring, she shook hands with the referee, before dropping her robe and showing a hand to her opponent.

"Hey there, my name is Collei" She said with a smile as she looked at her opponent, waiting for her to reveal all.
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Re: Haley vs Collei trib fight

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Haley looked at Collei as she smiled abit sheepishly and saw her unrobed revealing all. Blushing brightly she would gulp and undo the knot on her robe and slide the robe off her shoulders as it fell off showing off her tits and shaven pussy. she would look at collei. "hello there collei im halye nice to meet you" she said blushing as she stood there bare. she used to wearing panties or bikinis however she never started a match naked. "well ready to get started ? " she asked as she would walk to the middle of the ring and sat down spreading her legs and moved her hand sensually down her body and spread her lips for collei and the camera blushing a bright shade of red as she looked away still embarressed.

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Re: Haley vs Collei trib fight

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Collei blushed brightly in return as Haley bared all in front of her. She was very much a cutie, and her body was lovely. Collei swiftly moved the two robes out of the way of them both, before watching as her opponent took her position. Collei nodded lightly in response, walking up to Haley and scissoring her legs with Haley's, but not yet pushing their pussies together. Instead, she parted her lips and showed her opponent her open pussy.

"M...may the best woman win..." Collei said shyly, curling her green toes, preparing herself for the bliss that awaited them once the ref rang the bell.

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Re: Haley vs Collei trib fight

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Haley blushed as she looked at collei she was a cutie. getting into position she would feel collei's pussy heat emenating on hers, she would let out a soft moan "mmm yeah...may the best woman win" she smiled shyly. the bell rang and Haley would push her pussy into Collei's and lean back lifting up her ass abit to get better grinding on the girl. she would grind her pussy softly on collei's pussy at first moaning loving the feeling of it.

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Re: Haley vs Collei trib fight

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"Mmphh" Collei moaned as their womanhoods met for the first time, sending a rush through her body. She had done this before though, so she wasnt as loud as Haley. Collei too leaned her ass up a little bit, before starting to grind against her opponent, blushing lightly.

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Re: Haley vs Collei trib fight

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Haley smirked at Collei as she would lift her ass up to and the two started grinding and moving their hips in rhythm "mmm your pussy feels nice" Haley said as she pressed harder and would look at Collei " i cant wait to see you squirting and cumming to the superior pussy " Haley giggled as she grind more feeling the waves of pleasure.

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Re: Haley vs Collei trib fight

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Collri smirked back to show confidence, even though she had never dont competitive scissoring before. She pressed harder as the two women began to attempt to assert sexual dominance, with the pleasure already starting to build.

"Mmm, you'll be the one begging me to give up. My pussy is far stronger than yours..." Collei said in a somewhat sultry tone.

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Re: Haley vs Collei trib fight

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Haley has been in a few Hentai matches but she never done just scissor. As their pussies touched Haley let out a shiver as she moved her hips and would press herself more into Collei. "mmmm no way your gunna cum and beg me to stop." Haley said in an equally sultry tone. she looked at the girl and kissed her lips smirking at her.

"mmm your already so wet arn't you" Haley said as she kept grinding her pussy into Colleis trying to sexually dominate the girl.

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Re: Haley vs Collei trib fight

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The match had gotten off to an fairly balanced, yet also steamy start, with both girls already blushing and wanting more from each other. Collei kissed her opponent back, and curled her legs around Haley, preventing her from moving away, as she slid her clit over her opponents pearl with slightly more vigor.

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