Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Standard Match
Rules - Win via Pinfall, Submission, or Knockout!

Nuo exit out of the backstage, waving and smiling as she strutted down the ramps. Wearing her usual attire of her revealing outfit, thigh high socks, and her pink mask. Making her way to the ring where she used the ropes to climb onto the apron. She then bend down, squeezing between the top and middle rope as her assets rub all over the middle rope. Once Nuo finally entered in the ring, she did a lap inside till she stopped to the nearest corner of the ring. The newbie struck one last pose by placing one hand on her hip and the other turning into a fist and raising it up in the air.
Newbie Nuo
Entrance Music
Once Nuo's theme stop, she leaned her back against the turnbuckle. Her leg crossing over the other and her arms resting over the top rope, waiting for her opponent to make an entrance.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Emelia was ready for a new fight, so stretching a bit, she would look at the situation carefully, seeing what Yukari would have brought her about this opponent, Emelia would think a bit about how she could take advantage of this fight, so then she once she was warned to enter, she smiled and taking a breath of fresh air, she advanced until she finally made her presence in the arena, waving to the audience, while advancing towards the Ring.
Once in the ring, she looked at her opponent.
You know, I was told you're quite a catch, so tell me...... How bad would it be if I took that mask off of you?

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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"I prefer to keep my mask on, thank you..." Nuo answered, her hands reaching for her face to tug her mask to see it was on her face which it was. Showing how sensitive she was to the topic involving with her mask.

With both of them in he ring, Nuo got out of the corner, making her way to the middle of the ring to meet with Emilia. Getting into a stare down as she placed her hands on her hips with busts pressing against hers. After meeting in the center, the newbie would take a step back to get into position. Her arms hanging underneath her chest, her legs spread out and her knees bent to maintain her balance.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Being face to face in a short time, Emelia seemed determined in this fight, of course her last fight was a bad way to make herself known, but up to this point no one knew much about her, so she still had time to write her own story, what she was sure of was when their chests collided and pressed together.

Soon they would both take a little distance, with Emelia taking a stance that indicated she wanted a duel of strength, as she smiled and waited for the bell to ring to start this whole fight once and for all, being curious about this woman that all the gimasnio was mentioning about her.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Once the bell finally rang, both decided to keep their distance, waiting to see if the other would strike first. Emelia offered a test of strength, wanting to see what the newbie can do based on her record. Nuo gladly accepted as she raise her hands up to grab onto Emelia's, holding their hands together with their fingers locked. The newbie continued to push, letting their abs grind each other while their busts mushed together.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Soon both women were putting their effort into locking horns, clashing with each other's bodies, Emelia and Nuo were pushing to try to overpower the other, although little by little Nuo would begin to adopt a more defense-focused posture, ready to be the one to receive all the energy Nuo had for her.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Nuo continued to push and push not realizing how much energy she was wasting while Emilia saving hers. Later, she'd try to break the test of strength by throwing her opponent's hands away, circling her from behind. She shoot her hands underneath Emilia's armpits before going over her shoulders, adding one last touch by placing both of her hands on the back of her head, attempting to trap her into a Full Nelson!

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Soon the war that those two women were giving was being taken advantage of by Nuo, where Emelia was trying to make a surprise attack, soon Nuo would attack first by breaking the grip, leaving Emelia exposed to an attack, she was grabbed from behind and her arms trapped, to soon her head was also trapped as well in a Full Nelson!

Emelia would complain, but to try to get out of there she would try to move her hips and throw a hip strike as hard as she could.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Nuo swung Emilia from left to right, letting her breasts swinging in front of the camera as she struggled in the newbie's Full Nelson. It didn't take long for her opponent to throw her hip into Nuo around her crotch or stomach, forcing her to let go. She retreated with her arms unwrapping itself from Emilia's shoulders before holding her stomach.

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Re: Emilia Watson vs Newbie Nuo - Standard Match

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Emelia finally managed to get out of there, although her legs hurt a bit because of the uncomfortable position they were in, she was glad that the grip didn't last long, although she still had to think about what she would do now, stepping back in the fight, Emelia would look at Nuo, maybe she knew how to fight in different ways, but Emelia had some good strategies in her mind, so getting up and placing herself in position, Emelia would run against the ropes, bouncing to propel herself and trying to ram Nuo's body and grab him to take her against the corner, something simple, but she trusted her strength to make it hurt.

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