Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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Lilly Schmid vs Yui
Bed match
Win by pinfall,submission or being shoved off the bed

Lilly was confident she would win again tonight as she had just beaten Sakura Hagiwari in her first ever wrestling match in her career.Now it did help it was an hentai match , and her opponent in that match appeared to be too shy for a match like that. Still this was another kind of match as she was told to chance in this room , and once she was done open the door which read bed.As the redhead had bin booked for a bed match as she decided to wear white lingerie which barely covered her body. Then again when you only wore panties and a bra their was not a lot of fabric that could be used to cover yourself up.

Letting her hair just fall down the redhead would just smirk as she opened the door , and saw only the ref girl was inside the room. What was more importantly was the large queensize bed that was in the center of the room as she would hear a voice over the intercom system say' 'Now entering from Sankt Moritz,Switzerland weighing at 140ibs.It's , Lilly Schmid'' as she would climb on the bed. After getting an pillow to cover part of her body she would look at the door where her opponent would likely come through as she hoped that just like her first opponent this girl was sexy , and more importantly ready to be her plaything.
Lilly laying on the bed
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Re: Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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Long enough the bluenette thought. Her last match was quite awhile ago and she feared that she would get a bit rusty. Yui switched immediatly into her outfit. She just had a black bra and black panties. Since she got here she had nothing really to wear but through a few part time jobs she got thanks to internal connections with her manager. Yui finally got some money to buy new clothes but this match came between her and new clothes.

The bluenette stretched and warmed up before she would enter the ring. A good preparation is the first step to victory she thought. While she was getting herself into fighting mood she hoped that her opponent wouldn't be a pervert. Despite the fun she has when she is beating such persons to a pulp the bluenette didn't like it to be touched infront of a whole crowed.

As she looked to the clock Yui saw that it was about time to enter the stage. She took a good look around herself and saw that there was a huge bed inside. The bluenette was atleast happy that the people at LAW where creative with there matches and all. Her song Ignite played and she walked to the ring. As the, like always way to hyped anouncer announced her, Yui was climbing inside the ring and watching at the huge bed. She then saw a red head laying already in the bed.

"Are you my opponent or just a part of this bed."
She said joking and wanted to see what kind of person her opponent would be.

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Re: Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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Lilly would lick her lips as she would watch as the door would open , and a very sexy blue haired wrestler walked into the room as an rather lovely song would be hear.Soon both she and her opponent would be face to face as she would slowly rise up after she got asked if she was her opponent or part of the bed. That question was rather amusing as she would just respond back by saying ''why don't you try and get on this bed so you can find out.As I can tell I will have a great time having my wicked way with you once you get on it'' in an seductive tone.

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Re: Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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Just from Lillys tone Yui could tell that the red head was a pervert. It always made her fun to beat up perverts. Still Yui had her problems with this kind of opponents. Her first match was a hentai match but she could just win because her opponent wasn't the best. She thought that her opponent would attack Yuis sensitive parts. She was sensitive and against a skilled opponent the bluenette would maybe not last long.

She tried to make a strategy how she should fight. Yui knew that in case Lilly would really go for sexuell attacks and make her orgasm she would lose for sure.
"I hope you don't mind when I won't let you have your way with me Red."
She said to her opponent and climbed to Lilly in the bed. She would watch her opponent closely and prepare for the start.

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Re: Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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As she waited for her opponent to decided to either respond or get on the bed she would study the other wrestler's body langues. As she thought for a moment she could notice some hesitation in the other wrestler's action as finally Yui would reply back. The responds caused her to frown as she just licked her lips in responds.

Still with both of them now on the bed she would crawl closer towards Yui as she would lean in closer as she whispered ''then I just got to make you see the error of your ways.As I can promise you that when I do get to have my wicked way with you that resisting me is the last thing on your mind''.

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Re: Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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Yui got a bit unease about her opponents words. Somthing about Lillys wicked ways made her uncomfortable. She had to be cautios and not let her red haired opponent have to much freedom. She was watching her opponent closely and prepared for the bell to rang.

"If you relly want me not to resist you you have to be good and I won't let you."
She smiled at her opponent. Yui tried to hide her insecurity she felt right know. The bluenette would get into a fighting stand symbolising her opponent she was about to take her down.

The bell rang

Yui heard the sound of the bell and she rushed at her opponent. She knew that Lilly wouldn't go of the bed just like this because of that Yui would tackle her down and place her breast over Lillys face. She wanted to go for a breast smother which she hoped would exhaust Lilly a bit.

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Re: Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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''Well you will soon find out just how good I am as I will cause your will to resist to crumble within seconds'replied the redhead as she would suspect the other wrestler to go for some kind of lock up. So she was surprised when suddenly Yui was right in her face as she would be tackled onto her back as the back of her head landed on the pillows she laid on just seconds earlier.

From their it only got worse as she would watch in horror as her opponent would lower down her breasts as she attempted to raise her hands to avoid becoming the victim of a breast smother this earlier into the match.

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Re: Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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Yui successful got to Lilly. She didn't put much resistance and Yui thought that she got the red head. To her misfortune Lilly raised her hands intime and avoided the breast smother. She wanted to end this quick before Lilly could start any kind of trick. Avoiding her attack wasn't in Yuis plan.
The bluenette tried to think of a new attack. If Lilly would be as good as she claims herself to be Yui had to get her breasts away from Lillys hands.

"You won't even tryto touch me when Iam finished with you. My good parts will definitly not be yours to play with today."
The bluenette said with a prideful smile.

Yui would then try to get up fast with her upper body. She would then grab one of her opponents hands. The girl would then put the hand between her legs. She would go to the side of her opponent put her legs above her and lean back to increase the pressure on her arm and to give her some pain.

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Re: Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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While Lilly may have bin unable to stop the other wrestler from pushing her onto her back she would do all she can to stop Yui from accomplishing what was step two of her opponent's plan.As she would raise her hands , and as an result was able to stop the breast smother attempt as she would have to push the bluenette away with all her strength. However it seems that this was not going to be easy as while they may be fighting on a bed it seemed her opponent defiantly had the speed advantage on her side.

As before she could pull her arm back she would feel Yui grab one of her hands with her own as it was soon trapped between the other wrestler's legs. From their she would watch as the bluenette would lean back as she felt the pressure increase immediately as she would yell out ''you don't get to take control of me on an bed'' while she kicked at her opponent.

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Re: Bed match Lilly vs Yui

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Yui had the upper hand in this match right now. Everything went nearly according to her plan. She didn't let her opponent do a move so far. Her opponent on the other hand wasn't so lucky with how things where going. She countered her breast smother and now it seemed that she would counter Yuis next attack with her legs. Yui tried her best to avoid her kicks but she would get hit soon.

As the bluenette was hit at her knee she stumbled and fell backwards. She lost her grip and fell with her back on the bed. The bed was really comfortable and her fall didn't hurt at all.
"Don't you like it to get dominated red?"
She said to her opponent as she tried her best to get some distance between Lilly and herself. She didn't want to give her a chance at all to make a good move against her.

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