When she reached the ring, she did not grab a rope. Instead, she lifted one enormously long leg, let it rest in the ring, and pushed herself up until she stood by the ropes at her full 6-foot height. Her eyes did not once leave Leo. Not when she collapsed the sunshade and hung it on the rope; not when she settled and let her ass rest against the ringpost in her corner.
Her Majesty the Princess

”Make a note, Siegfried.” One of the twelve pulled out a black leather notebook and began to scribe. Still the Princess did not permit her eyes to lift from Leo’s. ”Today's conquest is Leo Masters. A Young Lion. On his debut. Hmmmph.” She sank further back into her corner, crossing her legs and her arms as a pout formed on her lips. Her brow creased with irritation. ”Off the record—” Siegfried's hand immediately went still. ”This is a really, really stupid joke.” The princess glared at Leo. The longer she stared, the angrier she seemed to become, as her chin arched down, her fingers tapped along her shoulders, and her long black eyebrows formed a kind of v. ”You agree, right? Mm! I have an idea.” She snapped her fingers to emphasize her moment of inspiration. ”You give up. As soon as the bell rings. It'll be a...punishment for management for booking us like this. How's that sound, mmmm, Leo?”