Gold Ace vs. Desdemona Belti - Teenage Wasteland

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Re: Gold Ace vs. Desdemona Belti - Teenage Wasteland

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Dizzy couldn't help but chuckle a little at that, knowing exactly where he was cologne from. ”Yeah, Moms can be pretty critical sometimes.” She gave her own a knowing glance, as they stopped just in front of the curtain, hiding in the shadows of the scaffolding.

Dizzy reached out and returned his fist bump, giving him a thumbs up on top. ”Yeah, we’ll do it again sometime. Great match.”

She turned to leave, expecting her mother to follow alongside, but the older Belti hung back and looked Gold Ace over, pondering for a moment. ”Actually, before we go…” She clasped her hands and put on her warmest smile. ”If you don’t have anything lined up, I was curious - would you consider a match with me? In the next week or so?”

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Re: Gold Ace vs. Desdemona Belti - Teenage Wasteland

Unread post by The_Soul_of_Kia »

For the moment, it seemed that was that, the trio passing through the curtain that separated the arena from backstage, Ace and Dizzy sharing a fist bump and a promise to meet again in the ring, and the potential of friendship between the two young teens. All in all, certainly not a bad debut at all.

And then Angela spoke and Ace stopped in his tracks, looking over at her with wide eye, blinking a couple times as he took in her request. He pointed a finger at himself comically.

"You...want a match with me?" He asked, briefly glancing at Dizzy, noting the same reaction of surprise on her face.

That was unexpected. He figured Dizzys mum was a wrestler, but he had assumed she was maybe retired or something, he hadn't expected the attractive older woman to actually request a match with him. Had he done so well he impressed her? Was this a trap and they weren't as nice as he thought? Was the older woman into him?

Eh...probably not that last one.

"Wow, um, I'm flattered, really. Uh...yeah. Sure!" He replied, his voice gaining more enthusiasm as he spoke, a bashful grin appearing on his face. "Yeah, that would be great, I'd be happy to have a match with you!" He exclaimed, already excited at the idea of another match!

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Re: Gold Ace vs. Desdemona Belti - Teenage Wasteland

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Okay, Dizzy hadn't seen that one coming. She looked between her mother and Gold Ace, as if trying to make sure he hadn't grown six inches in the past two seconds. He was good, she wouldn’t take that away from the guy, but she knew her mother well enough to say that they weren’t on the same level. She definitely wouldn’t have accepted a match with someone that much bigger than her - well, no, that wasn’t true, she loved rolling around with big women. But as far as actually trying to compete with them? Nope.

He had guts, she’d give him that.

”Excellent. I’ll get things set up, and they’ll send the details along through the appropriate channels.” She nodded his way, then let her expression harder. Not mean, but stern, a mother’s expectant gaze. ”Be sure to train well, giovanotto. I expect competition.”

Angela gave him a short bow, then slipped behind the curtain, with Dizzy following behind. Before she disappeared, she threw him a sympathetic wave and flashed the peace sign. ”Good luck, dude. You’ll need it.”

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Re: Gold Ace vs. Desdemona Belti - Teenage Wasteland

Unread post by The_Soul_of_Kia »

Ace felt a shiver go through him as Angela cast a stern gaze on him and made her expectations clear, with Dizzy giving him a warning before the two women left him at the curtain, with Ace waving a farewell and wondering just what the hell he had agreed too. Ms. Belti was going to be an entirely different kind of threat and challenge than Dizzy was, and he'd never actually faced an opponent that size before...

...Maybe he had been too hasty in accepting that match...

Still, a successful debut, interesting new league, interesting new people...for his first day on the had been pretty good!

Gold Ace wins via Pinfall

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