This was it. The months of teasing and silliness leading up to this match on Twitter were one thing, but today it was finally time for "Circus Cat" Tracy Canon to meet the cold, calculating, unpredictable W Y V E R N in the ring!
When Tracy's music hit, the crowd came alive! The Circus Cat burst onto the scene! She jumped through the curtain and posed triumphantly at the top of the entrance ramp, tag team title belt in hand! Tracy raised it high above her head with both hands before winking at the cameras and slung the title belt over her shoulder before skipping down the ramp!
Tracy had a huge grin on her face! The curvy, redheaded luchadora was animated. She was bubbly. It was clear that she had been looking forward to this contest for some time! Tracy high-fived a few fans along the way. She stopped to shine the tune of her theme music with one of the girls in the crowd. But after a few seconds, the masked gal took off!
Fans gasped as Tracy vaulted onto the apron with one jump and then immediately over the top rope with another! She showed off her background as a circus acrobat when she made it look like one, big, fluid motion! Tracy would roll forward onto the canvas and then pop up to her feet with both hands in the air! After getting a few more cheers for "sticking the landing", she'd ask the announcer for the mic for a moment. Normally, this would be the point before a match where the staff would introduce both wrestlers. But it seemed that this time around, The Circus Cat had something she wanted to get off her sizable chest.
"I love you guys!" Canon would declare loudly, much to the crowd's delight.
"But there's someone else I want to announce my love for, too! See, tonight I'd like to dedicate this my opponent!" Tracy perked up and held her mic in both hands.
"My one and only work wife, Wyvern!" Tracy would wink here.
"I've been looking forward to this! Not just because you're fun to tease, but because you're fun to butt heads with! Fun to challenge! You said that anyone that tries to smother you will find out that meat's back on the menu! For months now, you've imparted us with many a wisdom both online and in person, I'm sure!" Tracy began to pace about the ring.
"But I've been doing this for quite a few years now! And Mama Tracy Canon thinks she's got a few nuggets of wisdom that she wants to share with you!" Tracy's eyes would light up as she turned her attention to the entrance ramp in anticipation of her opponent's arrival!
"Ahem..." Tracy cleared her throat for a second. With her free hand, she put the fingertips of her index finger and thumb together as she pretended to pen this next quote.
"If the cheeks are slappable then they're clappable...! And Wyvern, once you get inside this ring with me, you best believe your booty cheeks are gonna be in slapping range!" With that, Tracy tossed her microphone aside. The crowd ate it up and The Circus Cat drank in their reactions!
Tracy was renowned the world over for her ability to work a crowd. The tag team champion had cemented herself among the top brass at LAW. And as she scaled the ropes and appealed to the fans, Canon got ready to show her opponent and the world exactly why she was among the very best in the company!