Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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Location: Los Angeles, California - Cynara's penthouse suite

Stipulations: Apartment Style Wrestling Match. Victory to be awarded via Pinfall, Submission, or Knockout. No Disqualifications. Cynara will be present for the match.
There were twists and turns aplenty, but somehow Kat found herself ending up here. Tonight's main event had transitioned from a match in the arena to an apartment-style match in Cynara's very own highbrow apartment. Home field advantage didn't even begin to describe the efforts to which Cynara seemed to have meticulously crafted these stipulations to benefit her daughter. The match was being broadcast on the airwaves, for everyone who had come out to the arena and for all the LAW fans around the world. Had Cynara not been so poignant about her thinly veiled intentions here, The Super Kitty would have read into this as an instance of a mother going out of her way for her wrestler daughter's benefit. But there was more to it than that. Much more. Here, Kat was quarry. And Cynara had dragged her into the Lion's Den.

Kat had ignored many of the finer elements of the penthouse upon her arrival. There were many chambers and many relics of the past. This luxury apartment had more room under its roof than the average American's house. Nothing would have made Kat happier than being here under different circumstances, perhaps going through all the wrestling paraphernalia that had to be stashed somewhere and getting Cynara's own perspective on the days of the bygone eras. But business came first.
Kat Hart
After following everyone into the room she'd be wrestling Mina in, and after allowing the production crew to set up, Kat kneeled down to undo her laces and remove her shoes. She hadn't yet taken in everything in the room. There were deep blue wrestling mats covering the majority of the floors here. There were solid walls. Much of the furniture had been moved out of the room, presumably to avoid the fixtures getting in the way of the fight. But a couch remained for Cynara's use. The literal best seat in the house or anywhere.

After checking on her mask and adjusting it, and after losing the shoes, Hart would step onto the mats barefoot. Mina would no doubt be ready to go.

Before LAW, Kat hadn't really indulged in apartment wrestling. This was a rare instance where her opponent had a meaningful edge over her in terms of experience. This was a different type of match where the wrestlers would be counting their own pins and acknowledging their own falls. No referee required.

The toned, busty luchadora took her position in the middle of the mats in the large, mostly empty room. The thought crossed her mind that Cynara, and likely even Mina, had probably been wrestling in this very same space throughout the years. Kat couldn't be sure what to expect. But before the match could begin proper, something else crossed her mind as her gaze wandered: Hart was still carrying her tag team championship belt in her hand!

"Oh!" Kat would express surprise, realizing that she hung onto the golden belt because she was unsure of where she could or would place it. But she had a solution.

"Hey..." Kat turned around and walked towards the couch Cynara would be "observing" the match from.

"Could you hang onto this for me?" The blonde bombshell would ask the woman who masterminded this whole ordeal, much to everyone's surprise.

Kat stood with her feet shoulder's width apart. Her back towards Mina. Sure, it was proper wrestling etiquette to set these items aside before a match could begin, but Kat would explain herself here to quell what she expected to be a surprised reaction from viewers, Mina, and Cynara.

"What? It's not like there's any place I can put this that you wouldn't be able to grab it from, right? It's your house." Kat would shrug.

"Besides, if I hand this over to you now, mayyyyybe you'll be kind enough to see to it that I actually get it back when this is all over, yeah?" Kat would finish with a wink.

She didn't trust Cynara. Not anymore. But her options were limited and it showed. This match obviously meant a great deal to both Cynara and Mina. And Kat and the rest of the world were about to find out just how much it meant to them sooner rather than later!
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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Walking into Cynara Morgan's penthouse apartment in the heart of Los Angeles, it was hard to believe that the veteran wrestler had once come from a modest background. From the expensive wallpaper to the imported furniture to the gilded light fixtures that flanked the halls, everything about the facilities spoke to a sense of elegance and taste. But in the living room, those same lavish surroundings had been cleared to make way for a place of battle. The camera crews had set up their equipment a distance away from the center of the padded floors, close enough to get a good view of the action but far back enough to stay clear of the mayhem that was almost certain to erupt. And at the front of it all, seated on a couch and facing the camera setup, was Cynara herself. Seeing all the cameras on her, she smirked just a little bit. She had always craved the attention, especially knowing that the rich and famous across the world were begging to get a glimpse of her, and even after she'd retired and took to the high life herself, those feelings had never quite died down. This would be the very first night a member of the storied Morgan family would wrestle for a major pro wrestling promotion, and when it was happening under her watchful eye, at her own apartment, Cynara felt more relevant than she had been in years.

Tonight, though, it wouldn't be Cynara who would be the star of the show. At least, not formally. It was her daughter Mina who was set to face off against Kat Hart. And even when she was going up against a mainstay of LAW, and one of their champions at that, Mina showed no hesitation. She sat on her knees on the mat below the couch, her hands resting on her thighs, letting her mother massage at her shoulders in preparation for the bout. Since arriving at the apartment, she had changed into a more traditional outfit for a match like this, shedding her leotard in favor of a lace-trimmed black bikini not unlike what Cynara herself had worn when she won the AHW championship. And her eyes were focused with laser precision on the door across from her, awaiting the moment Kat made her entrance.
Mina Morgan (without the stockings)
Cynara Morgan
"Mina, dear," Cynara began, "don't forget, now, this isn't just any match. This is for it all. You're in the main event, you're facing a champion...make me proud, all right?"

Mina barely budged, but she lowered her head in a nod, accepting her mother's wishes. "Don't worry. Failure was never an option."

When Kat walked into the room, a few of the cameramen cheered, some even reaching out for high-fives. But Cynara watched it all with a chuckle, sitting back against the couch. She really thought she could keep the focus on her. That was cute. This wouldn't be an Apex qualifier any more, but that no longer mattered. What mattered was that Mina was going to take on one of the greatest wrestlers in all of LAW. And, as far as Cynara was concerned, she was going to beat her. This would be a match no one could forget.

"Welcome, welcome, Ms. Hart," Cynara began, playing the part of the gracious hostess. "I hope you didn't have too much trouble with parking. I think we can say with confidence that at this point, all that remains is to let the best woman win?" She had carefully construed her words to seem welcoming to Kat - but the glance she shot back at her daughter was enough proof that Cynara knew exactly who she was referring to.

Then, however, her eyes turned to the belt in Kat's hand. And, when the luchadora offered to let Cynara hold it, the veteran nearly gasped. For the first time since returning to the apartment, something had happened to throw her off her game. She never expected Kat was going to agree to such a risky plan, handing the belt over to someone who had engineered this entire match to put Kat at a disadvantage - facing Mina in a style she had less experience in, on the Morgans' home territory, with no referee around to stop them and no disqualifications in effect, and with Cynara well within reach to tip the scales if she had to. But it seemed as though Kat trusted her enough, at least as far as the belt was concerned.

Mina at first looked back at her mother with a raised eyebrow, but Cynara brushed off her concerns, reaching to take the belt from Kat. She looked up at the masked woman with a smile. "My pleasure. And believe me, it is an honor to be so close to such an esteemed title as yours." As she spread the belt in her lap, Cynara's smile grew a little wider, looking over the glittering gold of the plates. It had been so long since she had her hands on a trophy like this, and the mere act of holding it brought back memories of her past glories, memories that made her heart quicken with excitement. Soon, she knew, her name would be up in lights once again.

However, what Kat said next soured the look on Cynara's face. It was those few words that told the veteran that Kat knew full well what she was doing - that she understood the dangers, and she entertained the possibility of Cynara holding the title hostage. Her brow furrowed, and her eyes narrowed. Perhaps, she thought, she wouldn't be fully in control after all. But she laughed that off soon enough, letting some fascimile of a warm smile come to her face. "Ah, Kat, Kat, Kat. Don't get such silly thoughts in that head of yours. What might I do with a tag title? I've never wrestled alongside anyone...and I don't think anyone could come close to me, anyway." She winked back at Kat; before a single blow had been thrown, Cynara was still making her moves to hold control of the playing field, and to deny Kat the high ground.

But now, it was time for the match to begin. Mina stood, holding her back straight and focusing in on Kat with a cold, unwavering glare. "Let me just say this right now. I know you're a champion...but plenty of girls have stood where you are right now. And they were terrified."
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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The stage was set. The pretenses that Cynara worked hard to arrange here had grown so paper thin that everyone watching this back and the arena and around the world could see straight through them! It was plain to see what was going on here. Past all the fake smiling, the flowery language, and the wrestling lineage and legacy that were Cynara and Mina Morgan were two women that had taken every step to push Mina to the moon! Tonight's match was a trap and despite having every opportunity to evade it, The Super Kitty looked to live up to her namesake and step into the fray without hesitation! Not out of naivety, but because she truly believed that if anyone at LAW could handle what Cynara and Mina had cooked up here, it would be the one and only Kat Hart!

By this point, both ladies were ready to begin. Mina stood up with a posture that echoed her discipline and focus. Despite her lithe, smaller form, her intense stare did not falter. Katherine could feel Mina's drive to win permeating the atmosphere of the room. The luchadora planted her bare feet firmly. She placed her hands on her hips. She smiled confidently and returned Mina's gaze with a cool and collected expression...and she shrugged it off!

"Ohhhh, but I AM, terrified, Mina! I'm terrified of all this OPULENCE!" Hart's eyes widened as she returned her focus back to Mina. She joked halfheartedly before glancing up at one of the light fixtures that everyone had to pass to get in here.

"I mean seriously, look at those chandeliers! I bet you anything that they cost more than any of the cars I saw on the road on my way here, haha...." With a faint chuckle, Kat bowed her head for a second, before finding her usual smile.

She took one step closer to Mina. The difference in height and size between them once became just as apparent as it was when they were back at the arena. As the atmosphere grew more serious in anticipation of the match getting underway, Hart's tone grew slightly more serious as well.

"I'm sure a great many women that wrestled in this same apartment were terrified. But none of them had the skills that I have. None of them had the resume that I have. None of them were LAW's own Super Kitty."

"So if you want me to be terrified of you, believe me, you've got your work cut out for you." Kat placed a hand on her own buxom chest before leaning forward and turning this same concern on Mina.

"If anyone's terrified right now, I'd put money on it being you, don'tcha think?" Kat would wink.

"This is your debut. Your main event. Your night to prove yourself. Your family's apartment....your shoes to fill...." Kat would look past Mina to focus her gaze on Cynara with those last few words. But she'd return her attention to Mina right away.

"The pressure's on. And I'm excited to see what you're made of....so show me....Mina Morgan. Let's have us a good match, hun." Kat would extend a hand to Mina to offer her a handshake as a show of respect to start this contest off!
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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In threatening Kat, Mina had thrown her first blow. The match hadn't yet started, but a battle of wits was raging. Even if she was confident in her victory - assured in her past successes, knowing she had her mother on her side, and taking advantage of her familiarity with her own home - Kat still barged in like she owned the place. Her very presence here, and the confidence she showed, was a threat to Mina in and of itself, one that told her none of those things would matter to Kat - not if she still believed she could win. Mina was still jockeying for the top position, trying to raise herself up and bring Kat down with her boasts, and to put the Super Kitty in her place. But Kat wasn't taking the bait - she still faced Mina's challenge with the determination of a champion who was every bit assured she could win!

But that was fine. The Morgans weren't going to let that stop them, either. When she heard Kat's comments about the opulence of the penthouse, Cynara simply smirked, sinking back further against the couch as she raised a glass of champagne from an end table and held it to her lips. "Oh, believe me...I'm glad you like what we've done with the place. It's a bit of a splurge to buy out another apartment across the country after I moved to New York, I know. But who can blame me for wanting to stay in the city I put on the map for apartment wrestling?" Even now, she was willing to turn this into an excuse to brag about her accomplishments, and she chuckled at the fond memories of her championship reign. But she narrowed her eyes at Kat with a glare, all the same. Kat might have been a champion in her own right, and she may have enjoyed a storied career wrestling all around the world. But tonight, Cynara wanted her to feel small and insignificant. This was her world, and she was its brightest star. Kat didn't have a chance.

Mina wasn't the least bit worried, either. Kat touched on it - the pressure she was under, the eyes of the world no doubt resting on her, and the unspoken question of if she would be able to live up to her mother's legacy. She might have competed before, but never with an audience like this, and never against opponents like Kat. And yet, Mina didn't flinch. She simply looked up at Kat with a watchful glare, placing her hands on her hips. No matter what she had to face...she was ready for it.

"Oh, believe me...I'm ready." Seeing Kat's hand extended, Mina reached out to take it. Their eyes locked, and she kept a gaze closely on her for, even as she nodded her head. Her expression was fixed and motionless; even when she could size herself up against her opponent and see how much smaller she was, she remained calm and collected. Even in a bikini, Mina seemed the image of professionalism and composure...

...until the last minute. Suddenly, a maniacal look flashed through those same eyes, and she snarled under her breath. Her hold on Kat's hand tightened, and she gave it a yank, trying to pull the luchadora closer - where she would swing her knee up at her groin to try and catch Kat by surprise with a low blow to open the match!
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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Cynara's comments nearly made Kat roll her eyes. Instead, The Super Kitty had placed her hands on her hips and returned her undivided attention to the Morgan daughter in front of her. Where Cynara's eyes narrowed and Mina remained unflinchingly cold in her expression, Kat's met both with her air of unshakable confidence and ability, and her signature undaunted smile and posture.

The luchadora extended her hand to Mina. She bent forward about to make up for the difference in height and size between them. Viewers seeing the two wrestled stand next to each other like this were likely already hedging their bets on Hart based on size and experience alone. In spite of all this, Mina stood firm. Both ladies planted their bare feet into the mats beneath them and locked eyes with each other. Mina reciprocated Katherine's gesture and took the masked heavyweight's hand with her own. Feelings of anticipation and expectation mounted as the two women got ready to spring into action! Mina's composed look and her aura of readiness painted the picture of a woman that was ready to approach this contest like a professional! Until suddenly...!

"?!?" An expression of shock formed on Kat's face when she felt Morgan pull her in by the wrist!

The last thing Kat expected both before and during the match was Mina to try and womanhandle her! Putting strength vs strength seemed like a fool's errand for a girl of Mina's weight and stature! But therein lay the skill of the technique of the second-generation wrestler!

Mina didn't need to pull Kat any real distance at all! When moment she jerked her hand backward, Kat stepped forward to catch herself and find her footing! In that one second, The Super Kitty's big, toned thighs parted! And that small opening was all Mina needed in order to capitalize!

"GUH!" A deep, breathless groan left Kat's lips as Mina caught her dead-on, right between her inner thighs with a hard knee lift!

The apartment would fill with gasps from the staff recording and covering the match as Kat was forced up to her tippy toes by Mina's Low Blow! Likewise, the arena where this match was being broadcast would certainly be filling up with boos!

The match hadn't even started off properly yet! But with no disqualifications, who was going to stop Mina!?

Kat silently placed a hand on Mina's shoulder as she hunched forward in pain! Her eyes remained closed. Her free hand covered her hurting womanhood. Her face transitioned from a look of shock to one of anguish!

Left uninterrupted, The Super Kitty would sink to as knees in a slump against Mina's thighs before falling and catching herself on all fours out of instinct! Kat panted heavily as she tried to catch her breath and recuperate. It was plain to see that dirty or not, Mina had gotten her good! And with Kat at her feet and at her mercy, concerns grew that Mina might continue showing off those wild, maniacal tendencies and pounce on the luchadora!

Officials began to clamor and deliberate the possibility of intervening and postponing the match until Kat said she was good to wrestle. Despite all the pain she was in, Kat was cognizant of this as both hands sank into the blue mats to keep her up. She fully expected that Cynara would try to sweet talk her way into convincing everyone that the match was already underway! She had been known to do as much way back when in her wrestling days after all! The difference was that where Cynara was haughty and conniving, Mina seemed to be much more wild and sadistic! And Kat and the rest of the LAW roster were finding that out firsthand in the middleweight's debut match now!
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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With Kat and Mina squaring off, it would appear that the two women, both champions in their own fields, were going to treat this match with the professionalism that such an occasion deserved - even though it seemed that Kat had the clear size advantage over her foe, Mina seemed willing to put the two of them at a level playing field, taking the luchadora by the hands in a mutual lockup. The whole time, her back was straight, her expression flat and composed. She had carried herself with the conduct of a professional, befitting her upbringing in the lap of wealth and luxury and the shrewd business sense of her family. It was no wonder, considering that her mother showed just the same sense of dignity as she watched from the couch.

But in those few seconds before Mina struck, a maniacal grin crossed her face. And at just the same moment, the corners of Cynara's lips turned up just a little. Those who weren't familiar with Mina Morgan had no idea what Kat was going into - but she did. Mina might have been a calm, collected, and stone-faced woman in her personal life. But the moment a match began, all her inhibitions went out the window, and she was ready to strike with brutal force! Playing fair or following rules meant nothing to her when all she cared about was winning. And when Mina was out to win, she would take the direct approach, going right for her opponent's most sensitive targets!

For Cynara's part, her attitude was different. Not even in her prime did she show her daughter's aggression, even in her most heated of matches. But she was clever enough to recognize what Mina's change in attitude meant. When Mina flew into a frenzy, she could take down even the most capable foes in minutes. As long as Mina was geting worked up...Kat didn't stand a chance. She could see that even before the first blow was thrown. In agreeing to her challenge, Kat had walked right into her doom.

That first blow would strike true. Kat hadn't even anticipated that Mina would ram her knee into her groin, let alone in the first few seconds of the match! With no way of defending herself, the heavyweight swiftly crumbled and fell to her hands and knees. In one move, Mina had turned the tides!

With Kat down, she wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to close in for the kill. As soon as Kat fell, Mina lunged closer, dropping to her own knees - but with her legs stationed at either side of Kat's head, setting up for a headscissor as she clamped her thighs into place around her temples! If she could so secure Kat's head, Mina would lift her arms, going to rain down elbows all along the luchadora's back!
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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Mina spared no moment to savor her handiwork here, she offered no words, just a primal, darn near feral aggression! The moment she made The Super Kitty crumble before her, Morgan closed in! With Kat kneeling and coming down to all fours, Mina was able to apply her Headscissor from this kneeling position with ease! Before Kat could react, Mina had already begun applying pressure! With the smaller blonde on top of her, Kat was supporting Mina's weight while she was on all fours, inadvertently giving Mina additional leverage for which she could clamp down on the luchadora's masked head with her thighs, cross her ankles, and mercilessly squeeze!

"Ah!" Kat grunted in pain! Mina's thighs were slender yet strong! And the situation would only get worse!

"Ngh! Augh! Ow!" With each passing second, Mina rained down elbow after elbow! The Morgan daughter seemed to hold nothing back! She struck with reckless abandon! Each blow was every bit as hard as the last! With each elbow, the toned heavyweight sunk down lower and lower! It took five or six blows or so, but soon Kat's hands began to part further! Her head came down lower and lower due to the strikes and due to Mina's squeezing! The staff watching grew concerned for both competitors. People watching the broadcasts of this match were taken aback as well!

There was a lot to take in. Sheer dissonance between Mina's proper and professional demeanors, between the woman she was before and after the contest began, was jarring to everyone! But most of all to Kat! Like much of the present-day audience and viewers, Katherine wasn't around for much of Cynara's historic apartment wrestling career. But she had heard stories, read articles, seen old photos online. As haughty as she was, as sultry as she was, as miserly as she was throughout all her days in and out of the business and beyond, Cynara's personality carried over to her conduct on the carpets, sheets, and mats she wrestled on. Surely, she wasn't above foul play. This entire match, this trap she had set The Super Kitty up for was a testament to that! But for all her conniving and her lust for the spotlight, the Morgan mother was every bit as much a measured and calculating athlete and performer as much as she was a dangerous mind in the business. And by contrast, Mina...

"Uuugh!" Kat let out a groan as the elbows finally dropped her down from all fours to flat on her front! The Super Kitty sank into the deep blue mats beneath her! Her toes curled as she lay there in pain! Without a doubt, Mina's scissor hold over her head would still be applied. The lingerie-clad girl seemed to use the height difference between them to her advantage. Mina's more petite statue compared to Kat's had helped line her up nearly perfectly with Katherine's lower back, where those elbow strikes seemed to be focused! As Mina lay atop Kat, fans the world over began to grow fearful for The Super Kitty! After all, Mina showed no signs of letting up!

By contrast to Cynara, as a wrestler, Mina was a cold and unrelenting shrew! A typhoon of an apartment wrestler that looked to blow past her competition by throwing herself at them over and over again, until there was nothing left! Now that Kat had come to this understanding, she could finally crack a smile and chuckle.

"Heh....so this is it, huh?" Hart would press her palms against the mat and push into them, once again carrying Mina!

"THIS is who you are?!" Kat would roar as she looked to leverage her power and grit to push up and bring one foot underneath her such that she could catch Mina by surprise and quickly work her way up to a standing position with Mina in tow! If Kat got her way, she'd stand up, forcing Mina into an upside-down position! The luchadora would take a moment to catch her breath before looking to part Mina's thighs and undo the scissor hold in the hopes of hooking her arms over Mina's thighs to set up for something big!
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General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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A chuckle left Cynara's lips as she sank back into the couch, smirking to herself. She folded one leg over the other, swirling the champagne around in her glass to savor the moment. Now that the match had begun, Mina had wasted no time in showing off that raw aggression, that borderline-reckless rage, that had worked so well in many a battle before. Kat was on the receiving end of it all, and just as Cynara had calculated, she was woefully underprepared for what she would find. Up until this point, Mina might have shown the shrewd, no-nonsense attitude of the rich heiress she was, groomed with business sense and professional conduct to one day take over her family's publishing empire. But now that the bell had rung, she was letting all those repressed emotions come flooding to the surface - with her opponent caught right in the middle!

Even as Kat sank lower, her balance giving out as she flopped onto her face, Mina didn't let up on her assault. She only gripped the luchadora's head tighter between her thighs, raining elbows down over her back, aiming for her kidneys, her spine - everywhere she was sure a well-placed blow could make Kat crumble. Her teeth tightened further into a snarl. Mina wasn't slowing down any time soon. She had Kat right where she wanted her, caught in the jaws of a ravenous beast. And she wasn't going to let her go until she had torn her apart!

At least, that was what Mina thought. It was what Cynara thought, too - she was all but convinced that her daughter's victory was assured, and what she was seeing now gave her little reason to doubt it. But Kat was far from finished. The luchadora would soon show that she wasn't quite as helpless as her opponent had thought! As she called back in defiance, Cynara's eyes went wider in shock - she was sure Kat wouldn't have it in her to fight back at this point! Even Mina was taken aback by how swiftly Kat had managed to get a foot beneath her. Even with Mina's legs wrapped around Kat's head, the luchadora was still able to force her way to her feet! Before Mina knew it, she was dangling upside down, only clinging onto Kat's head for dear life. Her grip had begun to ease from the shock of her situation - but just a moment later, reminded by Kat's taunts, she clamped down harder, both to keep herself from falling and in defiance of the urge to yield! Nevertheless, Kat was able to pry her legs apart, securing a more firm grip on Mina - and no doubt putting her in even more danger!

Now, the tables had turned. Mina was at Kat's mercy, and she knew she would have to act fast - being hoisted upside down by a powerhouse like Kat Hart could only end in disaster! She quickly steeled herself, her teeth clenching into a snarl as she leaned down over Kat's back, attempting to grab her by the thighs in turn and dig her nails into the flesh. But it was anyone's guess as to if she could save herself before Kat saw fit to carry through on what she'd started!
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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

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Cynara's enjoyment of all this, from the satisfaction she took in setting Kat up to her devious smile as she relished in her daughter taking it to Kat here by hook or by crook- none of it was lost on The Super Kitty. Kat knew that Cynara had every intention of throwing her to the wolf that was Mina Morgan. What she didn't know was that Mina takes on a completely different persona the moment the fight begins!

Kat Hart might not have stood across apartment carpets or mats across from a fighter like Mina Morgan before, but she has a wealth of experience and a proven track record outside of apartment wrestling! Kat had shared the ring with all types of people and fighters from the most dignified, technical, and composed veterans to the most unhinged, ruthless, and sadistic beasts! Where Cynara might have expected the brawny, busty, tag team champion to stay down here, most fans watching and even some of the staff filming this audibly rallied behind Kat as she proved her grit, her power, and her skill to The Morgans!

Mina and Cynara had allowed themselves to believe that Kat was nearly helpless! And as Katherine rose up with Mina in tow, the both of them reacted with shock! For a moment, Mina's Headscissor hold and Katherine's strong, impressive frame were the only things keeping Mina airborne! The heavyweight blonde adjusted her grip! With Mina still upside down, Kat seemed to set up for a Belly to Back Piledriver! If she hit the move quickly and remained seated on top of Mina, Kat could very well have closed this contest out quick, fast, and in a hurry! The difference in weight and power would see so that, surely, Kat and many viewers thought to themselves!

Kat took a moment to catch her breath after positioning her smaller foe for this Piledriver! Normally The Super Kitty would be able to move in crisp, hard-hitting fashion, especially with dynamic moves like this. The luchadora was still feeling the effects of the low blow and the rapid strikes to the back. She was mere seconds from hitting the move. But she wanted more! Kat would turn towards Cynara, who was seated on the couch! She wanted to send the apartment wrestling legend a message! A message in the form of hitting this massive, possibly match-ending move right in front of the architect of this diabolical match!

Mina's long, blonde hair would reach the blue mats below them as the girl hung upside down here! Kat steadied herself! She began to tiptoe in preparation to jump! But even while she was in this precarious situation, Mina proved that she inherited her mother's resourcefulness and instincts! And those qualities complimented her savage fighting style!

"AHHHHHHH!" Hart would howl out loudly in pain when Mina dug her nails into The Super Kitty's thick, beefy quads!

Unlike Mina, Kat wasn't wearing any stockings or anything to cover her legs. Even if she was, such thin layers would probably do nothing to help. It didn't take long for everyone to take notice of exactly what Mina was doing to inflict such pain. The cameras zoomed in on her hands as she clawed Kat good! Streaks of pink and red would run down both of Kat's mighty thighs as Mina dug those sharp nails in! For most, this would come across as an act of desperation, cowardice even! But fighting Mina right then and there in this very moment gave Kat the impression that this wasn't just an attempt to reverse her fortunes! This wasn't something that occurred to Mina as a desperate act. No, this was instinct! This was just the type of fighter Morgan was!

Having been caught off guard and having been slowed down by Mina's initial offense, Kat would release her grip on Mina's legs and allow them to swing backward, letting Mina land on a more natural, nearly supine position, rather than on the crown of her blonde head in a Piledriver. The scratches on Hart's thighs would start to well up soon. No doubt that even in this position, Mina would still keep her talons hooked in deep here! Kat would quickly catch herself. The Super Kitty would grit her teeth! She'd quickly reach down between her thighs and grab Mina by the head with both hands! Once again, Kat would look to leverage her formidable muscles and some of her technical ability! The legendary luchadora would pull Mina up! Kat would look to thread the middleweight between her thighs and bring Mina in front of her! She'd try and hoist the girl up to her feet in short order! If Hart managed to force another face-to-face confrontation, she'd abruptly look to grab hold of both of Mina's wrists as if to chastise her for earlier! Sure scratching was legal under Cynara's imposed stipulations, but that didn't mean it sit well with Kat!

"MINA!" Hart would begin with a glare into Mina's purple eyes if things went her way and she managed to seize the smaller woman's wrists with an overhand grip!

"I didn't come here to catfight with you!!!" Indignation would well up in Kat's expression and tone of voice! Her grip on Mina would tighten as she reprimanded the debuting LAW wrestler! Slowly, Kat would turn her own wrists outward, no doubt imposing pain and discomfort as she tried to rotate Mina's smaller arms as a result!
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Mina Morgan (D) vs Kat Hart - Well-Laid Plans

Unread post by CaptainL »

If Kat had closed out her piledriver, there was almost no doubt about it that she would have won here and now. Her strength was formidable, and when Mina was considerably smaller than she was, she didn't have the bulk to absorb such a blow. When even women Kat's size would have a hard time shrugging off the piledriver, Mina wouldn't stand a chance. And even if the mats spread over the floor would have provided some protection, the floor was still firmer and less forgiving than a traditional wrestling ring, something that could only make the landing hit even harder! Kat knew all of this, of course. She had chosen her strategy with great purpose. It wasn't just about taking Mina out - it was about sending a message, too. When she walked over to the sofa, staring Cynara dead in the eye, it was her way of telling her that she wasn't going to play by the former champion's games. She had caught on to what Cynara's plans were, and she wanted to deny them with extreme prejudice, as harshly and as publically as possible.

Most people - even those who had respectable careers in combat sports - would have panicked if they found a 175-pound heavyweight with the record Kat did staring them dead in the eye with a look of pure hatred. But Cynara looked back up at Kat, and all she did was smirk. No matter how much the Super Kitty wanted to prove otherwise, she was the one in control. This was her home turf, and she was calling the shots. She knew that Kat was on to her - but if anything, she just found it amusing. If Kat thought she stood a chance, she was surely mistaken.

The roar of pain that ripped through Kat's lungs as Mina's nails dug into the soft flesh of her thighs brought a satisfied smirk to Cynara's face. The luchadora let go of Mina, but even as her feet touched down on the mats, she wouldn't let go - she just buried her nails in even deeper, intent on causing Kat all the more pain! Like a shark tasting blood in the water, Mina had seen weakness in her foe. Her screams of pain told her that Kat was vulnerable; that she could be hurt. And she was going to pursue that to the ends of the earth.

Kat had her own way of fighting back, however. She grabbed Mina by the head, hauling her back up to her feet. The blonde hissed in frustration, clawing up along the inside of Kat's thighs to get all she could out of her position, but eventually, she was forced to release her grasp as Kat brought her straight up. And Kat was quick to grab for her wrists, twisting at them as hard as she could! Mina's teeth locked into a grimace, her face contorted in pain. Against the pressure that was bearing down on her from the Super Kitty's legendary strength, she began to sink lower, her feet drifting apart as her shoulders buckled. She knew that with such force weighing against her, she wouldn't be able to stay upright much longer. It would only get worse the harder Kat twisted at her wrists, causing her to let out a roar of pain...or perhaps one of rage. Mina had no way of pulling herself free from Kat's powerful grasp, and with her arms caught and her legs focused on keeping herself from falling over, her options for launching a counter-attack were considerably reduced. But Mina was determined to win. She would take whatever measures she had to - and she would suddenly ram her head forward, attempting to slam it into Kat's sternum!

All the while, Cynara heard Kat's exasperation, but all she did was shake her head. "Sorry, honey," she chided, "but what my daughter wants, she gets. Doesn't matter if you like it or not."
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