Match Type
Victory Conditions
Pinfall, Submission, or KO
If that was what they wanted, they were certainly getting it tonight. Angela Belti vs. Alicia Soto. The story told itself: After Alicia had handedly beaten the younger, inexperienced Desdemona in their shared debut, the mother was going to get a piece of her, showing the up-and-comer what a veteran of the sport could really do. Youthful vigor up against seasoned focus, the elder stateswoman and the hungry rookie.
There was electricity in the air, and the voltage increased when Angela’s theme music came out over the loudspeakers. The stage lights dimmed and red lasers darted around the ramp, as a thick fog came wafting through the curtains. The unmistakable frame of an Amazon came through the gloom, and as the music picked up, Angela Belti emerged.
♪Well, this old town,
All the light came down
La Donna Perfetta
They had no way of knowing, for instance, that Dizzy and Alicia had met a week or so ago and had a little ‘training session’. They couldn't know about Dizzy lying to her about it. They certainly weren’t aware of Angela coming into the gym to find her daughter suckling on the Hollywood Siren’s legs, nor could they know about how her daughter and her newfound friend insisted that they had been putting up a serious effort and not just rolling around for a couple hours.
Angela was skeptical of it all, and there was a part of her, a real part, that wanted to just ignore it all. Let Dizzy live her own life, cast her off, accept that she could do whatever she wanted. But there was another part, still, that had to protect her daughter, knowing how wild LAW could be, and wanted to get the full measure of anyone she spent time with. And then there was the part of her that simply did not like the way Alicia Soto looked at her, wanted to deck the disrespectful rookie, and was happy to have any excuse.
Either way, she would be satisfied, though she couldn't say the same for her daughter. She spied Desdemona as she came down around the corner of the ring, seeing her sitting in the front row, leaning on the guard rail. The last week had been more trying than usual between them, with Dizzy not quite getting what a match with Alicia was supposed to solve and pouting about it. She couldn't blame her for the misunderstanding. Despite being raised alongside the business, she had only recently become a part of it, and the unwritten rules were a mystery to her. The moment Alicia defeated her daughter, the two of them had been put on a collision course, and this was just the inevitable outcome. Two women with two different views and two different goals - for wrestlers, there was only one way this could go. Maybe, after today, it would all make more sense to her.
Angela stopped in front of her daughter, meeting her annoyed look with a solemn one, then turned away and made her way up the stairs, sliding through them as the lights came back on. With her fist held high, she marched towards the center of the ring and roared to the crowd, claiming her win before the bell even rang. ”VITTORIA!”