Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

Unread post by Lederface »

Fight type: Hentai Match
Win condition: Bring your opponent to orgasm 3 times, or force him to surrender after an orgasm.

Carmelina wouldn't deny that she wondered sometimes how she kept getting this kind of fights...... but the situation had to go on, so sighing a little and putting aside everything she had thought, soon Carmelina would enter the ring, with the sound of her entrance theme she would greet everyone, walking and waving to the audience.
So she would finally step into the ring, breathing and closing her eyes as she would wait in the corner for her opponent to arrive.

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Re: Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

Unread post by NoChill27 »

Hoshiguma brushed her hair, making sure she would look perfect for her second match in LAW. Surprised that she's getting another match as soon as as after her debut, Hoshiguma excitedly agreed. This time, she's going against a beautiful dark skinned lady from Mexico, one called "The Muscle Fortress". Tying up her bikini top and doing the finishing touches, Hoshiguma stomped towards the arena. Her theme music played, which was followed by the loud cheerings of the audience .
She moved towards the ring with utter confidence, her breasts clad in skimpy black and white bikini, jiggled with every step she took. She hopped into the arena and finally was face to face with her opponent for night. She sized up Carmelinaz enjoying the view of those strong abs. She licked her lips in excitement for what will go down tonight.
Last edited by NoChill27 on Mon Mar 13, 2023 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

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Carmelina saw her opponent, she clearly looked confident this woman.... yukari had commented about her in her debut had done a great Show.... which would make Carmelina swallow saliva, but at the end her opponent being in the ring with her, carmelina offered her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Carmelina... I hope we have a good fight tonight."

she would say a bit nervous and blushing as she felt strangely different having this kind of fight and her swimsuit really made her look like a sweet rookie.

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Re: Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

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For once in her life, Hoshiguma had to looked up at someone. She was used to be tallest one among her gang members back in the day, and the people of the Tokyo Backstreets were always intimidated by her unnatural height for a Japanese woman.

But this time, she was the shorter one. Whether this would be something bad or not remains to be seen. She extended her own hand to shake Carmelina's

"Hoshiguma Bushida. New here." The green haired woman shook her rival's hand. "..and likewise."
Last edited by NoChill27 on Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

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Carmelina when she saw herself in front of her opponent could tell that she indeed had at least the height totally in her favor, so perfectly this would give her some advantage when attacking, so once she released the handshake, Carmelina would give a small puff of air slowly, thus then stepping hard to enter her fighting stance...... She would be directly challenging Hoshiguma to a duel of strength as soon as the bell rang, so she would wait to see her opponent's response.

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Re: Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

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Seeing that her opponent was getting ready to fight, Hoshiguma followed with her own fighting stance. When the bell rings, she charged straight to Carmelina. Hoshiguma would slam towards her body-to-body, trying to get a feel of how powerful this so called 'Muscle Fortress" is.

She would rub her toned abs against Carmelina, grinding them against each other. But what Hoshiguma is most confident is that her chest is much more superior than her opponents's. Their weight and density overpowering Carmelina's pair easily.Their nipples rub against each other, only separated by thin clothing.

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Re: Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

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Carmelina knew how this would happen, so when the bell rang she and Hoshiguma would ram each other at the same time, leading to a duel of forces, Carmelina clearly seemed not to have a problem getting into stamina mode, if she had something that set her apart, it was that her damn body was made to drag out a move or situation, was that her damned body was made to lengthen a movement or situation, something that she would take advantage of to discreetly use up her opponent's energy, although she would soon blush as she felt the nipples of both women rubbing against each other and above all being crushed by Hoshiguma's breasts.

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Re: Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

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Unstoppable force meets inmovable object. That's what Hoshiguma would describe her situation right now. When both her Carmelina rammed into each other, none budged from the middle. Their hard muscled bodies impacte with one another. And had their bodies were literally made out iron, it would have a made loud sound that could silenct the entire ring. She tried to push Carmelina back, but the taller womam proved her mettle by standing her ground, definitely living up to her nickname.

But Hoshiguma didn't have just physical strength. Lessening the force on her legs, hoping it would caught Carmelina off guard when suddenly stopped pushing back. Should it succeed, her chest would land right on top her bigger breaast. She would then trapped the mexican beauty in a Bearhug. Then began rubbing their breast together and smacking their hard abs against one another She would even maybe add some ass spanking in between!

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Re: Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

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Neither of the two women seemed to give up their Pocisiones, fighting for dominance, Carmelina held firm to her stance as resistant as ever while Hoshiguma tried to break her position, but it was clear that at this pace if she did not make a breakthrough Carmelina would gain the advantage.

That was when Carmelina noticed that Hoshiguma began to push with less and less force, that was a great advantage for her, if it wasn't for the fact that soon Hoshiguma would put his chest crushing hers, putting her in a bear hug, moaning as she squirmed and tried to get out.

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Re: Castle Defense - Fortress against the Oni

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Hoshiguma grinned as her planned worked perfectly. The mexican beauty was now trapped completely in her bearhug. She then proceeded to slowly tighten the hold, to knock out as much air from Carmelina's body. But her strong muscles made it rather difficult. No matter she had another plan

Hoshiguma grinned as her arms raced past Carmelina and over her back, pushing the latter's body up against her own in an effort to enclose her arms beneath her bulky muscles, with her back pinned against the ropes. Hoshiguma's huge tits practically engulfed hers as her crotch nuzzled into against its counterpart in a provocative manner.

"How does it feel, Carmelina? Are you enjoying it?" Taunted the green haired woman.

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