Unconditional Love: Octavia Venus (D) vs Kurokage

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Unconditional Love: Octavia Venus (D) vs Kurokage

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

'Love Incarnate', Octavia Venus vs the 'Terror of the Shadows', Kurokage
Match Type: "Hentai."
Win by forcing your opponent to have an orgasm.
Hentai Rules are enabled, allowing for more sensual moves and provocations. An orgasm is required to win the match.
Disqualifications are on, Count-Outs are on, and the forced orgasm must occur INSIDE the ring. Any pinfalls, knockouts, or submission tap-outs will not be counted.


Is it possible to love something if that thing is so malicious, so vile, so cruel, and so spiteful? Is it possible to endure the misgivings and wrongdoings of a person simply because you love them so much? For an Italian woman, she believed so. There was no greater force in this world than love, and Octavia Venus considered that a fact. From the day she was born, she always carried this attitude of warmth and caring for everyone she met, whether for better or worse. She wasn't a doormat for anyone to walk over as they pleased, but she didn't harbor any hatred or ill feelings for anyone she had met, regardless of who they were. When she was assigned her first opponent in LAW, she was excited. She couldn't help but look them up and try to set up a meeting with them to discuss a few things before their match set for later on that night. She was facing a woman by the name of "Kurokage"...A mysterious Japanese woman with a penchant for violence and sex that was disguised by a charming, innocent-looking demeanor...In a way, both Kuro-chan and Octavia weren't too different in that regard.

However, Kurokage seemed like the antithesis of Octavia. Where Octavia saw herself as the embodiment of love, she felt nothing but rage and anger from Kurokage when watching her matches. There was this unbridled fury within Kurokage. One that seemed as explosive as dynamite and as corrosive as acid. Once the metaphorical mask came off, Kuro-chan's attitude took a drastic turn. She seemed to be quite a violent opponent. Strangely enough, Octavia was enamored with her...there was this weird fixation, a type of desire...Octavia wanted to help ease some of the woman's frustrations and rage. What better way to quell hate than with love? So she scheduled a meet-up with her opponent backstage. It was set a half hour away from their match's scheduled time...Late in the afternoon, love was in the air as Octavia felt butterflies in her stomach while her jelly legs wobbled uncontrollably. She was excited but worried...this crowd was far grander than what she was used to. All those eyes on her and her opponent in such an intimate 'battle'...Not to mention this wasn't your typical debut. No, no...this was a HENTAI match. The idea intrigued Octavia, and she immediately jumped on the opportunity to have a match like this. It was everything that the masochist could've hoped for in a rule set. Still, her pre-match jitters were getting to her...she was really hoping for her opponent to show up...


She had just finished getting into her gear, admiring herself in the mirror as her custom attire made by LAW's finest tailors had finally made it in time for the Italian's debut match. Although she looked stunning, it was clear that the woman's mind was elsewhere. She was stuck focusing on the potential meeting she was about to have, assuming her opponent would even show up. All she wanted was to introduce herself to Kurokage and present to her a "deal"...It was nothing fancy, of course, just a little compromise that would be beneficial to both of them.

Octavia wanted Kurokage to indulge herself in whatever way she liked. The Italian woman wanted to offer her body to the woman as a service to let her sate whatever urges she had. She wanted to express her love and affection for Kurokage by giving her a unique experience. After all, she loved the woman so very much...And she only wanted the best for her...However, if Kurokage never showed, Octavia wouldn't be able to pour her heart out to her...She crossed her fingers and silently hoped that, at any moment, her opponent would walk through those doors and into the locker room. "Hmm...I do hope she arrives soon. Sweet, sweet 'Terror of the Shadows'...come out of your dark hiding place, please. I only wish to tell you that which I feel in my heart. A yearning that cannot be contained, a passion so immense that it outshines the sun itself...Please, oh please, show yourself...Kuro-chan." She said, whispering to herself.
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Re: Unconditional Love: Octavia Venus (D) vs Kurokage

Unread post by dlamp »

Lately, LAW wasn't turning out the way Kuro was hoping it would and she just couldn't get a good idea on what to do about it.

To say her original plans of making it in this league as a cutesy idol icon were dashed was an understatement. Getting a grip on her emotions playing the sickly sweet villainous ninja didn't cut it, it couldn't cut it anymore. She being cute, playing to the crowd, acting the fruity little idol ninja she tried to embody worked on stage, but once the actual fighting started it felt like everyone and their fucking mother wanted to see her rage out and bite their heads off before beating her into a crying mess.

Frankly, she was pissed about it.

But... it also started to give her a reputation. A sinister lightweight that could flip a switch and go from ninja idol to ninja vile at the drop of a hat. It oddly got her some fans, but it wasn't something she planned for.

Well, it didn't matter, she had another match and another chance to feel more of LAW out. More importantly, a chance to scope out the competition beforehand.

Kuro was hesitant at first, but she after getting some more info on this Octavia girl from her network she felt a little safer in accepting this little meeting.

If what her information network dug up turned out to be right for once this Octavia girl made herself out as "The Purest of Lovers" or some shit like that. She didn't get it nor did she want to, but apparently she also had a sort of iron woman reputation. A woman so durable and iron willed that could endure almost any punishment and keep on fighting, kicking out of pins, refusing submissions, and other such as if some weird masochist. A weird as hell gimmick, but Kuro was one to talk all things considered. It could also be an ambush, but Kuro was prepared for that. She had plenty of smoke bombs on her and a few other tricks as well. She's survive this if things got ugly.


"Hm..." As her mind buzzed with ideas on her way to the public locker room, stopping at the door and placing an ear next to it, listening for footsteps and voices.

"Hmm...I do hope she arrives soon." Only one voice and one set of footsteps. A good sign. "Sweet, sweet 'Terror of the Shadows'...come out of your dark hiding place, please." Wait... was she really...? I only wish to tell you that which I feel in my heart. A yearning that cannot be contained, a passion so immense that it outshines the sun itself... Oh gods, this chick isn't actually trying to- "Please, oh please, show yourself...Kuro-ch-"






"Kuro is here! Kuro is hereeeee!" She pushed the door open, practically falling into the locker room before quickly catching herself and regaining her balance. "Tavi-chan doesn't have to hold her passion anymore, because Kuro. Is. Hereeeee~ ♥" She gave a quick twirl and wink at the girl. "Buuuut, we should save the passion for the match! Kuro'll have fun doing a super sexy showdown with you~""

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Re: Unconditional Love: Octavia Venus (D) vs Kurokage

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Upon hearing the door to the locker room open, Octavia was greeted with QUITE a surprise entrance. Well...her guest was expected, but the way she entered had a pleasant twist that made the fair-skinned woman smile. Octavia was keenly aware of what lay beneath that mask, but she wasn't too threatened. She welcomed Kuro-chan with open arms and a warm, passionate smile. "Ah!! Kuro-chan!!! How splendid! I've wanted to meet you for so very long. It's an honor, truly! I thank you for taking time out of your schedule to meet with me. It's very much appreciated. You likely already know my name, but introductions are still in order." She said, giving Kurokage a sweet and gentle curtsy as she bowed respectfully. "I am Octavia Venus, the living incarnation of 'love' itself~...It's nice to meet you. I asked you here today because I have a proposition for you. That is...if you'd be willing to hear me out?" She asked kindly.
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Jiyuu June:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Secondary Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Re: Unconditional Love: Octavia Venus (D) vs Kurokage

Unread post by dlamp »

Kuro blinked her eyes toward Octavia in cutesy fashion, lightly tapping a finger on her chin. "Huuu? Tavi-chan wants something from Kuro?" Kuro's mind buzzed with ideas and predictions. She didn't have much of a grasp on Octavia's personality aside from what she was seeing, but she acted nice enough. Given the few bits of info she had on Octavia both as a person and wrestler a few concepts came to mind. A suggestion for a pure sex fight, perhaps, fitting her 'incarnation of love' nonsense. An sexual endurance match might also be a request given what Kuro knew about her iron woman reputation.

"Hmm..." Kuro swayed on her heels, innocently glancing around the room. No recorders or wire taps anywhere... no camera's either. "Well... Kuro can hear you out, buuuut... no promises!" She smiled, bringing the hand tapping her chin toward her face, making a hand sign. "Us ninjas aren't really honorable. Kuro might do something sneaky before she leaves~"

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Re: Unconditional Love: Octavia Venus (D) vs Kurokage

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

After Kuro's response, Octavia felt elated as her smile grew. What a joyous day, indeed. Things were going in the way of the incarnation of love's desire, just as she had hoped for!! She composes herself and maintains that warm but soft smile, giving Kuro a reassuring look. "Of course, of course~...I don't intend to keep you waiting for long. Far from it, in fact. My goal tonight is simple...I want you to treat me in whatever fashion pleases you. Play with me however you like, and don't stop until you are finally satisfied. I want...No, I yearn for you to use me to fulfill your needs and desires to your heart's content. She said, pausing momentarily to let her words sink in before continuing.

I wish for defeat once you are satisfied and filled with love. As the incarnation of love itself, I feel this urge to ensure the joy and pleasure of those I come into contact with. I love everyone so much. I hate to see even a single person go without some love in their day. That's why I want to help you. This offer isn't for my benefit, but rather...for YOURS. I want to ensure that this match offers you everything you could ever hope for in an interaction of this nature. Any stress or frustrations, release them all to me and allow me to be the vassal for everything you want to discard. I will take in all that negativity so that you can feel as loved as you should feel~...That is my promise to you. All you need to do is accept my offer, walk out to the ring, and I will be all yours. Of course, if you do not want that, I can comply. It's your choice, and I shouldn't rob you of a fight if that is what you are looking for. I leave my fate and the fate of our match this evening up to your whim."
Main Roster Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Mikuma Sato:

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Jiyuu June:

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Miyuki Iwata:

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Yamato Ayase:

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Kaeo Amarin:

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Tori Taylor:

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Lilith Lenoir:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Secondary Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Kyoko Matsumoto:

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Emelie de Toussaint:

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Noah Nichols:

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Roxy Hartbrooke:

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Dominique Heiani:

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