Isaac leaned silently against the ropes, observing his chunky opponent stretch like a dog with his buttox in the air. He didn't seem too concerned his opponent loomed behind him. He should be! Isaac had studied both their strengths and weaknesses. He was 95% sure there was a 75% chance he would win... Probably...
Ding! Ding!
Isaac instinctively crouched forward ready to lockup. The Chubby kid just leaned deaper into his stretch, grunting with satisfaction. His back still turned... *Whatever* Isaac thought stoically. *The bell rang so it's fair game!* He suddenly closed the distance and locked his arms tightly around Kyle's plump belly. His muscular arms sunk into the boys Doughy muffin top. His bulge pressed tightly against Kyles cheeks. His body jolted in surprise just before Isaac heaved his chunky opponent clear over his shoulders. He flew a foot overhead before...
He landed sharply on his head and shoulders. The jolt sent spittle from his lips before his jiggling body flopped like a pancake on the mat.
Isaac, justifiably cocky at this point, leered over his handywork. Having caught the newbie off guard his move was 100% effective! Kyle was laid out in the center of the ring. His belly rapidly rising and falling as he sucked in shallow breaths...
Isaac finally couldn't wait any longer. He pressed his chest against Kyle's and hooked one of his noodle like legs deep. He couldn't help but notice his opponent tight speedo produced a hefty blue bulge. Isaac cackled as he slapped the big boys belly like a drum. "Ref?!"
The ref suddenly slid into place. A newbies herself she counted slow and methodically. "Oneeee!"..
"Twooo!"... "NO!" Kyle suddenly groaned as he swung his shoulder off the mat. Isaac certainly wasn't surprised. His opponent may have been sloppy but he was built like a boulder!
Before Kyle could assess the situation Isaac was already behind him... In an instant his arms coiled around the Boys thick neck. His meaty bicep pressed snugly against his throat while his second arm acted as a lever, ever tightening the hold...
Both fighters were kneeling. Already stunned Kyle was easy pickings. He pulled meakly at Isaacs airtight grip as his vision blurred. Sensing weakness, Isaac whipped his Ragdolled victim back and forth. The boy suddenly went limp, his arms hanging to the side like two meay pendulums.
*He's done* Isaac thought gleefully before going for the kill... He pulled them both to the ground and wrapped his legs around the Boys beach ball belly. By now Kyle was literally snoring, drool dripped from his grinning lips. She lifted the KO'd boys paw and let it flop to the mat. She tried again and his sweaty hand smacked limly on the mat. "Oh no..." As a formality she lifted his hefty arm up one last time. Interesting... This time hist hand curled into a fist and... *BOOM!*
Kyle used his very last bit of energy to Swing his fist square into the refs pretty little jaw. Her head whipped back as spittle flew. Her eyes crossed before she flopped onto the mat. She would be out for a while...
Kyle soon joined her. His eyes going white as his cows tongue rolled out of his gaping mouth. "Shit!" Isaac exclaimed. The clever kid had effectively paused the match. He gave the little punk one more iron squeeze. His body gave off a pleasure filled spasm before Isaac rolled him a side with a bit of disgust... He was a bit too amped up to hear two hefty lads crawling just below the ring.
With surprising grace they slipped under the ropes to either side of Isaac without making a peep. Suddenly sensing the danger he sprung forth! But it was too late... He was going head to head with a runaway freight train in tight blue shorts.
He took a hellish lariat straight to the chest. Isaac somersaulted in the air before smacking chest first against the mat. The rest of hist body followed as he flopped around spread eagle. Isaac groaned in protest as the two giant interlopers surrounded him. "Not fair..." One of the men chuckled as he grabbed Isaac by the hair, dragging him to his feet.
Dazed, he was easily sent running into the ropes. As he rebounded he noticed blue trunks ready to hit him with another lariat. Isaac laughed as he easily ducked under his swing. Just as quickly he came face to face with orange trunks.
A well timed heel kick sent the top heavy man tumbling over the ropes. With a hard THUD he hit the ground and sprawled out like a starfish. Isaac observed him for a moment. *He's out cold... I think...* He thought too long however. Blue trunks was already behind him and seized his neck in an instant. Isaac was trapped in a meaty prison. The man's broad arms smooshed tightly against his face, smothering just as much as they choked.
Isaacs slender neck was no match. At first he fought ferociously! He clawed at his captors arms but he wouldn't budge. He flailed his legs towards the ropes but there was no referee to break things up.
His fighting spirit quickly collapsed. His eyes fluttered as his vision blurred... *Warm... Sleepy...* Suddenly the sound of muffled protests turned to gentle snoring... Isaac went limp leaning against his attackers chest as his legs have out. Amused, blue trunks gently lowered them both to the ground and let Isaac take a little cat nap in his arms. At this point he was keeping the pressure light. Keeping the redhead weak so Kyle could finish him once he had regained some strength...
After playing the part of Isaacs Pillow for a few minutes Blue trunks lifted him up by his speedo, the stretching elastic clearly showing his morning wood. Kyle, pissed and fully alert, spread his legs wide and slapped on his thighs. His friend understood the signal and shoved Isaacs head between his glistening thighs. The massive boy raised his palms into the hair before dramatically seizing ahold of Isaacs red speedo. With stunning power the boy used his wedgie leverage to swing Isaac up, his dome pointing to the ground. He kept him there for a few moments... Letting the blood rush to his head.
He dropped to the mat, Drilling Isaac with a Piledriver. A jolt of lighting ripped through his body. *UGH* His legs went erect before splitting down the middle. His arms were limply draped over Kyle's thighs. He gave Isaacs tights another pull and cackled as the broken man's body sheddered with pain and pleasure. Seeing the ref was finally coming to he let Isaac flop over into his back.
Kyle planted his plump ass against Isaacs face, using particular care to cram his bulge in his opponents gaping mouth. Isaac, dreaming he was at a sausage eating contest, sloppily gargled and nibbles away. For added humiliation Kyle grabbed both of Isaac's legs and pulled them towards himself. Isaacs flexible yet muscular body pressed tightly against Kyle's, belly to belly, crotch to face. His thighs straddled Kyle's ears as his erection pressed tightly against his lips. *SOMEHOW* Isaacs speedo slipped, allowing his cock to fall into the hungry bullies mouth. As the ref warily approached to count the pin he went hog wild.
"Oneeee!" With greedy vigor he rowed his head back and forth... Snorting with extacy!
"Twooo!" Isaac unconsciously tightened his thighs around Kyle's head. There was no backing out now...
Isaacs body suddenly seized up as he exploded in Kyle's mouth, his cock slammed balls deep.
In an instant Isaac had lost the match but incidentally gave Kyle a touch of revenge. His sudden load was too much for him to choke down. With cum bubbling from his lips and nose he blacked out himself. He flopped on top of Isaac seizing up as he climaxed in his speedo.
The ref knelt beside the squirming mountain of meat called Kyle. With a big huff she shoved the Ragdolled boy, with a loud smack he unstuck from Isaac and rolled onto his back. She leaned over the two KOd men with a perplexed look in her eyes.
"Well... Congrats I guess... You won Kyle."
Isaac Vs Kyle - Chunky Chaos
- WrestleGuy
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Isaac Vs Kyle - Chunky Chaos
Last edited by WrestleGuy on Thu Mar 09, 2023 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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I have a Fanbox where I post FVF wrestling Manga. Access is very cheap and there's a lot of pretty fun content
On LAW I like to focus on MVM and MVF wrestling. I'll also write my own standalone stories at times. Feel free to hit me up if you've ever got an Idea for me. (Discord is WrestleGuy#7894)
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