"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Yokohama, Japan...she's the galaxy's STARCHILD, ready to shine across the grand stage of LAW...AOI HOSHINO!!!"
The bright-eyed, purple-haired young woman would make an explosive entrance as she performs a series of backflips, sticks the landing exquisitely, and stands tall at the top of the ramp. She is showered by applause, chants, and praise from the audience on both sides as she makes her way down to the ring. She stopped at the apron, posing for the spectators and her fans, blowing kisses out to as many as possible. Something about this just made Aoi feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. The lightweight hypes the crowd up after running down to the ring, making quite an energetic performance out of her entrance as she slides between the ropes and quickly springs back up to her feet. She runs around and blows kisses out to the entire crowd. The audience felt quite enthusiastic as the atmosphere within the arena was positively ELECTRIFYING, made even brighter by the shining smile of the young rookie Aoi. She walks to her corner and stands atop the turnbuckle, cheering the many fans in the crowd back as she pumps her fists into the air, dedicating this match to them as she'd do her best and fight her hardest.
No matter how often she won or lost, the ring and the audience always made her feel at home. Recently, they've been taking her more seriously. Their applause gives Aoi a much-needed ego boost. She was still looked upon as a bit of a jobber but less so now...she was fighting tooth and nail to get her face out there, just to be taken seriously, showing the crowd that she was there to fight...She took a deep breath...and called out to her opponent. "Let's go!!!! I'm ready and waiting!!!" She cheered with a vigorous attitude.