Emma vs lucia

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Emma vs lucia

Unread post by the funny girl »

Standard match
Win by DQ, Submission, Count out or Pinfall

The music starts playing from the speakers making the crowd excited as the lights start to flash from red to white until finally it came out, the white haired girl appeared on the ramp and on her face she had a slight smile and a determined look She slightly moved her hip to the side causing the fake demon tail to move a bit, her red eyes looked forward to where the ring where she and her opponent were going to fight was specifically.


emma started walking towards where the ring was while her ears could capture the sound of the applause of the public, she simply smiled as she began to speed up her steps and began to high five with some spectators who were near her until she finally reached towards where the ring was and enthusiastically stretched out her hand to grab the middle rope and then climb with the help of it to then be on the edge of the ring, the white-haired girl sighed a little before entering the ring "let's see who will be my opponent today" uttered emma in a low voice as she went to a corner of the ring to wait for her opponent as she did so she thought of strategies to defeat her opponent
Last edited by the funny girl on Tue Mar 07, 2023 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

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Lucia the dominant
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Re: Emma vs lucia

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Last edited by Lucia the dominant on Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Signiture: Double Underhook Piledriver

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the funny girl
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Re: Emma vs lucia

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Emma was waiting for her opponent as she did so, she was planning various things but when her opponent's entrance theme was heard, she decided to see Quiren would face and…it was another blonde, the white-haired girl lightly looked at her opponent who was quite tall and well that was not something new since he always fought big opponents "another blonde? This is the fourth one I've faced, well I hope this one is as strong as the previous three Emma whispered since this seemed like a joke to her that she had to face another blonde haired woman, even the white haired girl began to think that she was a blonde girl magnet but she was not going to complain at all since the three of them previous gave him a lot of fight


The bell had rung and Emma, ​​hearing the bell ring, did not doubt it for a moment and quickly attacked her opponent, this time she was going to attack and taking advantage of her speed, she would try to launch a lariat against her opponent's neck to cause some damage although if this didn't work, she would try to back off so that the blonde wouldn't catch her in some painful hold for her.
Last edited by the funny girl on Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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Re: Emma vs lucia

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Lucia met her opponent in the center of the ring awaiting the bell to ring. She noticed her opponent was also a few inches shorter than her. Lucia chuckled to her self feeling as if this would be an easy one. The bell than rang but before Lucia could even react the girl shot out an incredibly fast lariat taking Lucia off her feet onto the mat!
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Re: Emma vs lucia

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Surprisingly, the white-haired girl was able to knock her opponent to the ground, that was something rare for her since usually her opponent dodged one of her blows, but this time she was able to land a blow first, although Emma was happy about it, but Emma knew that she didn't have to trust himself in this match so she would keep attacking the blonde haired woman until she was powerless until she thought that "the demon eyes "or "the mach punch" would not be necessary in this match.

emma approached and ducked to pick up her opponent's hair to force her up and then she put an uppercut against her opponent's jaw and after that hit the blonde haired woman's stomach to cause more damage to her opponent and then go back since the white-haired girl was not the type to dominate people, she enjoyed the battles and more when she was dealing with strong opponents
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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Re: Emma vs lucia

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Lucia was suprised as she was brought down from a quick lariat. Before she could recover the girl grabbed Lucia by her hair and brought her up for an uppurcut to the jaw and then into her gut for more pain. Lucia hunched over holding her stomach. Lucia suprised that the girl backed away from her. Lucia would then wait for her opponent to approach and attempt to bring her down with a leg sweep!
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Re: Emma vs lucia

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Emma will see how her blond-haired opponent hunches over due to the pain in her stomach, the white-haired girl simply blinks for a few moments looking at her opponent, this is easier than she thought since certainly at the moment of hitting her opponent I managed to counterattack but this was not the case but well the white-haired girl clenched her fists and then began to walk towards where her opponent was, she knew that she did not have to trust herself and always be one step ahead of her opponent because if she was not well in the long run it would be complicated

Once close to her opponent, Emma raised her leg to prepare a kick but suddenly felt that she had lost her balance, She blinked as she felt that her only leg that was on the ground and that kept her balanced came off the ground "UHG" Emma fell to the ground due to a leg sweep from her opponent, the white-haired girl grunted slightly at that since she had fallen quite simply by the blonde-haired woman, she started to get up while slightly shaking her head.
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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Re: Emma vs lucia

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Lucia waited in a hunched position hiding her true intentions for when the girl approached. The girl approached with intentions of landing another move, Lucia quickly swept her leg from underher causing her to fall back into the mat. Lucia grinned as the girl was getting to her knees she approached. Lucia wrapped her arm around the girls head and delivered a quick DDT! Slaming the girl into the mat. This would stun her long enough for Lucia to hop onto her back and lock her into a camel clutch! Lucia was intent on wearing this girl down to make her less of a threat!
Last edited by Lucia the dominant on Sun Mar 12, 2023 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Signiture: Double Underhook Piledriver

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the funny girl
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Re: Emma vs lucia

Unread post by the funny girl »

The white-haired goat had a doubt in her head, she really hadn't learned anything from always being alert for an opponent's attack, well it seemed that she hadn't learned that and it seemed that she was going to learn it... but very badly, one on her knees emms felt a slight pain in the back of her head but she could bear it since she had received much worse blows than that but when she was about to get up she felt an arm put around her head "what the-" She couldn't complete the sentence when she realized that she was falling quickly to the floor of the ring and before Emma could do anything "AAAHHH!" The white haired girl let out a cry of pain as she crashed to the ground again due to her opponent sending her to the ground with a DDT, she grunted in pain as her head ached from the impact.

emma put her hands on the ground, she had planned to get up again to try to counterattack and try to gain some advantage in the fight but she felt a weight on her back and before she knew it her opponent's fingers were intertwined below her jaw and then forced her to lean back "ARRGH!" emma was in trouble as her opponent had put her in a camel clutch, she could feel her back aching as she gritted her teeth to endure this punishment her opponent was giving her
http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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