Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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Hentai handicap match in a sauna!

Win by orgasm KO

As Miyuki pushed the door to enter the sauna, the heated and humid air immediately covered her skin with a thin layer of moisture. The champion sex fighter took a few deep breaths to get used to the heat. It was hard to breathe at first, but after a few moments Miyuki acclimatized. This wasn't the first time she fought in a sauna, last time she was in Finland a wonderful young couple gave her quite the contest in their traditional wood cabin sauna. She did hope that she would have a chance to cool off though, switching between the humid heat and a frigid cool pool was such an exhilarating feeling!

The sexy curvy woman took the robe she wore off, tossing it aside before climbing into the wrestling ring. It was very small, barely a quarter of the size of a traditional ring so that it could fit inside the steamy room. Which was ok, since this match was meant to be all about close contact and tight grappling. They didn't have to stay in the ring either, there were still wooden benches all around the ring, though getting rough out there would hurt far worse. Miyuki wanted to avoid that if possible.

After fixing her bra, pulling up her panties, and making sure the long white stockings she wore were all in place, Miyuki took her position in her corner, leaning against the turnbuckle facing the entrance. A small smile played at the corners of her mouth. She was about to go up against two hottie's at once, not a new experience for her, but one that would prove incredibly enjoyable. She hoped the two members of Heart Connection would be able to satisfy her. She had watched their most recent match, enjoying the way they utterly dominated the two bunny girls they faced. If they could dominate her the same way, that would be super hot!

"I wonder how long they will last," Miyuki thought, playing with her hair a little as she eagerly awaited the arrival of both her opponents!

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Re: Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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Another day, another match for the cute angels of Heart Connection who in reality were Devils in disguise. Veronika Noir took a step outside the spa where the match took place. She had used the day to relax with Sachiko before their proposed match. And in this case they would'nt need to do any innuendos because this time it was supposed to be a fullblown Hentai match!

Holsing Sachikos hand and always looking for close bodycontact, the blonde bombshell and selfproclaimed "brains" of their team, Veronika Noir took a step out, the sensation of her naked feet touching the cold stone floor of the outside sending a shiver through her already excited body.

She turned to Sachiko and put her hand on her shoulder as they walked on. "That was a nice day, huh? Now we have another stupid broad to fuck as crowning finale.",she grinned. "Giving us two handicap matches is like feeding a mouse to two hungry snakes. And thats why they do it. The people scream for it and they give them what they want...",she snickered and looked down onto her heartshaped praline box.
"Let's see how long this one lasts...",the Queen of Hearts purred and stepped into the already warm room.
They looked up and saw their newest opponet. Veronika licked her lips as her head moved to Sachikos. "Thats another hottie. Have'nt seen her around...must be new. Let's give her a good LAW welcome then.",she chuckled as they approached the ring and entered between the ropes. Veronika gave Miyuki a wink before turning to Sachiko, pressing against her as both started to play with the belts of their robes while their lips met, Heart Connection not only getting ready for the match, but getting their bodies ready too as their lucious forms mushroomed into a each other's while a hot kiss shared by both of them sent audible moans and gasps into Miyukis way as both now opened the robes and dropped them to reveal a swimsuit that was nothing more then a few straps.

They ended their making out session and posed for Miyuki. "Hello! My name is Veri-chan. So nice to meet you babe. You want some nice chocolate before the match? Usually they are for the fans but as this is a private "celebration"...", she said with the innocence of a perfect actress and held the praline box into Miyukis direction.

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Re: Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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This was the life. When Sachiko learned she had been booked in a sauna match, she was as eager as ever to accept. While it was a new concept for her, it didn't take long for her to see the appeal - getting to relax the day away in a spa, on company time, and to cap it all off with getting to dominate a hot girl both physically and sexually to prove the dominance of the Heart Connection against any foe? The only way it could've been better was if she got to share the sauna with a bunch of other cuties, and she had tried that anyway - Veronika would have more than once needed to steer Sachiko away from peeping on their fellow spa-goers, lest her antics get them into any trouble that might compromise their match. But it didn't matter to Sachiko, either way. At the end of the day, she still had the match to look forward to - and she still got to hang around Veronika the whole time, which well made up for it!

" it that time already?" Sachiko had been lounging in a sauna of her own, her hands behind her head, when she heard Veronika guide her toward the room their match was set to take place in. Still, she was quick to slip on her robe, staying close at Veronika's side - and giving the blonde a quick smack on the rear on the way out for good measure. And when she heard Veronika describe what lay in store, she could only grin wider - Veronika had a way of making anything sound enticing. "Pssht, yeah...when it's two against one? They might as well be handing us the victory!~" She grinned a little wider, elbowing Veronika in the side before following her into the next room. When she turned her head toward the door, she could feel her whole body tingling with excitement. This, she knew, was going to be one to remember.

The first thing Sachiko noticed when she walked through the door, of course, was Miyuki herself! Her eyes went wide in wonder as her gaze ran up and down their opponent's bountiful curves, taking in every detail. Already, she could tell this match was going to be fun - one look at Miyuki was all it took to confirm that. "Oh, damn, babe...lookin' good!~" she cheered, winking in Miyuki's direction. And she could only grin wider as Veronika pulled her closer, wriggling up against her to press her breasts and hips close against the blonde's own - the two of them meeting in a kiss just as Sachiko's robe dropped, leaving her clad in a swimsuit that left little to the imagination, her curvy body already glistening with sweat from the heat of the sauna!

Sachiko still moaned softly as she stayed in Veronika's arms, savoring the warmth of her embrace, but eventually the two would break away, and Sachiko would turn to face the brunette with a grin and a cheerful wave. "And I'm Sachi-chan! I bet we're gonna have lots of fun...~" By this point, the Heart Connection's innocent act did little to hide their true nature from the fans, who had grown quite well acquainted with the depravities they had unleashed on all their opponents. But even if she'd found the whole thing horribly embarrassing at first, even Sachiko had grown to have some fun with it. And it worked to lull her opponents into a false sense of security, too. Now, as Veronika offered Miyuki the chocolates, the grin on her face could only grow wider as she leaned in close against the dancer's side. She had to stifle the urge to giggle - she couldn't wait to see how Miyuki was going to fall into their trap!
Last edited by CaptainL on Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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Miyuki only had to wait for a moment for her two opponent's to arrive. As expected, they were two beauties, one a tanned blonde and the other a punk-ish sukeban. After seeing their previous match Miyuki knew what to expect from the dastardly duo, though they acted nice she did not think they would play fair. Though when Veronika openly offered her the aphrodisiac-laced chocolate, even Miyuki was surprised.

"Do they really think I have no idea what they're on about?" she thought. Still, she took the chocolate without hesitation. "Aww thank you! You really are too nice," Miyuki said, popping it into her mouth, chewing and swallowing. "Better eat it quick, otherwise it will melt!" she said, smiling even as she felt a hot burning feeling starting to spread through her body. It would be hard to tell in the heat of the sauna, but Miyuki was immediately feeling the effects of the aphrodisiac, her face turning slightly more flushed than it was before.

"I'm Miyuki!" she said, reaching out and taking both their hands, "I'm really happy to be facing two hottie's like you tonight. Love your attire by the way, it really doesn't leave anything to the imagination!" She hungrily eyed both Sachiko and Veronika's bodies, locking her lips as intrusive lewd thoughts crossed her mind. "Yes, let's have lots of fun tonight!"

Miyuki release their hands, taking a step back as she looked at both her opponents. "Well then! Shall we get started?" she asked, holding open her arms, "Which one of you will come first? Or should we really have some fun and have both of you come at me at once?" The look in her eyes showed that she really wanted the latter. After all, she was a defensive tank, the unsinkable aircraft carrier. One of these two wouldn't be nearly enough to even dent her, aphrodisiacs or no!

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Re: Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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Veronika and Sachiko could be best described as the two scheming and evil siamese cats from this old Disney movie, they were pretty, elegant and always at each others side, not to mention to chaosspreading delinquents who dominated their opponents through brutality and lust. And with Veronika the plotter and Sachi the muscle of the operations, the two had formed something out of a team that no one had any hopes about.

And now they had their own fans, won their first two matches together with dominance and were on the rise. But this here today, well this was different. They still wanted to win but this was an outright hentai match, Sachikos first one and Veronika wanted to share with her what she already had been notorious in the league of LAW.

They were pressed against each other their breasts squished together, making them almost double in size as they stood arm in arm looking on as Miyuki swallowed their spiked treat. Veronika smiled and noticed a shimmer of red appearing on Miyukis face that was'nt coming from the shower...
And with that she looked to Sachiko, giving her another kiss, pulling on her lower lip. "Now...",she whispered and both charged forward, their arms together as they doubleclothlined Miyuki to the ground.

If they managed to do it then Veronika would move quickly, getting behind Miyuki and putting her into a rear naked choke as she presented her body to Sachiko.
"Buffet is open babe...",the european beauty grinned as she tightened her arms and legs around Miyukis frame.

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Re: Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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Hearing Miyuki's reaction, Sachiko couldn't help but giggle. She looked between her opponent and her partner, only squeezing her tighter in their firm embrace and pulling herself up closer against Veronika's chest. "Oh, man, this is gonna be fun," she muttered to herself. When Miyuki swallowed the spiked chocolate, Sachiko began to tremble with anticipation, something that Veronika would surely be able to feel with how closely their bodies ground into one another. Already, she was playing right into their trap. But even if they hadn't set Miyuki up to fail, Sachiko would have been thrilled to have the chance to get in the ring with her - especially in such an intimate and steamy setting, both literally and figurative. She was cute. She was energetic. She had a mind for enjoyment. And she liked their outfits, something that Sachiko was particularly flattered by, as she flashed her a wink. "Aww, thank you! And don't worry..." As Sachiko fidgeted with anticipation, her barely-clad form only rubbed up closer against Veronika's. "I know we're gonna have fun~"

Sachiko looked back at Veronika, awaiting her word on which of them was going to put themselves up to the challenge first. "Well..? You call dibs, or me?" But as would soon become apparent, Veronika already had a plan. A plan that, as they moved in for another kiss that sent a rippling rush down Sachiko's spine, soon came to the delinquent's mind just as loud and clear as if Veronika had said it herself. Almost instinctively, she understood it, and she nodded her head quietly to Veronika to tell her as much. They wouldn't wait to take turns - they could share!

Moving in unison, Sachiko and Veronika took off toward Miyuki in a charge, both of them raising their arms simultaneously to drop her to the floor! There, Veronika circled behind their foe, grabbing her by the throat - and pulling her head back into a choke to keep her well secured under her control. At that same moment, Sachiko dropped down onto her hands and knees, facing the other two girls with a hungry grin. Now, Veronika had Miyuki well under control - and that meant Sachiko had her all to herself, something she was no one to turn down!

"Don'cha mind if I do, babe!~" Sachiko wasted no time in lunging forward, looking to tackle Miyuki against the floor and scramble on top of her. If she could, her fingers would circle around her breasts, giving them a firm squeeze, while her hips bucked up and down to hump Miyuki's own! The match had barely started, and already the Heart Connection was getting ready to do what they did best!
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Re: Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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Through the haze of the aphrodisiacs clouding her mind Miyuki could see her opponents eagerly plotting her demise. It didn't seem to bother her at all, though that might just be because of her drug-addled state. Or it could be that the horny sexfighter really wanted Veronika and Sachiko to come at her at the same time, taking her down and roughly using her body. She was incredibly confident in her defensive ability after all, and to her it would take both of them to even make a dent in her armor.

The sudden frontal charge was as expected, though Miyuki did nothing to try and stop them. She did lean backwards as the combined lariat struck her chest though, softening the force of the blow as she made a controlled fall backwards. To Veronika and Sachiko though it would look like their plan had worked perfectly, as it did bring Miyuki down to her back with a wet splat!

"Oh!" Miyuki gasped as she fell. She didn't stay down for long, sitting up just in time to feel Veronika's hot tanned body pressing up against her from behind, arm snaking around her neck to lock in a rear naked choke. Miyuki's hands quickly shot up, grabbing and gripping tightly to keep her air from getting fully cut off. Her body was left open though, and judging from the hungry look in Sachiko's eyes Miyuki was about to be ravished!

"Unf!" Miyuki grunted as Sachiko leapt on top of her. The curvy Chinese babe moaned as Sachiko's hands found her massive breasts, the firm fondling really getting her going. Sachiko began humping her as well, hips grinding down between Miyuki's spread legs, hot barely-covered pussies grinding up against one another to sent electric jolts of pleasure through both their bodies. Given Miyuki's drug-addled state, she was quickly getting sopping wet!

But despite her arousal, Miyuki found plenty of opportunity to fight back. As Sachiko ground into her from above, Miyuki pressed her hips back, grinding her luscious ass right up into Veronika's sex to give the hot tanned blonde some pleasure as well. She also flexed her shoulders, using her tightening back to press and grind up into Veronika's breasts, squeezing and teasing her nipples through her swimsuit. Meanwhile, to deal with Sachiko, Miyuki planted her feet and began to match her movements with her hips, bucking up when Sachiko released her pressure, grinding back deeply into the sukeban's hot sex each time she needed a little break. Though Miyuki was the one trapped, being squeezed between two hot women was exactly where she wanted to be!

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Re: Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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Veronika Noir was a woman who knew a good scheme. The aphrodisiac waiting in the delicious chocolates was'nt traceable after an hour, even if the effects where still present. It was costly yes, but that was'nt her problem, even if she could afford it herself, which she could, she decided to take the easier route and just "borrow" from Harmonia who spent her money on all kinds of exquisite things, especially since she and Molly dated.

All the more for her and Sachiko, as the chocolates they caried to the ring had became part of their stick and had made a big impression in their match against the poor jobber team, The Part Timers. Veronika was sure they could have beaten them fair and square but Sachi and her just loved to spread chaos and play some tricks and so they kept it.

Miyuki was one fine girl and Veronika was assured this would be another big victory for the Heart Connection, the team no one had faith in. Sachiko and her started off strong with their breasts and booties swinging in motion as they brought their opponent down to the canvas. Veronika did'nt lose any time and jumped right down, grabbing the chinese bombshell in a rear naked choke, making her open prey for the other member of their infamous team.

When Sachiko came down on top of Miywuki, adding to the weight put on her, Veronika groaned a little, but not because she wanted them off of her, quite the contrary, when she felt the pressure, the hot, sweaty bodies and the risinh heat , the Queen of Hearts did' nt need any aphrodisiacs herself as wave of pleasure surged through her body and soon she mirrored the humping movements of the other two. She thanked the lord for her long legs as she released Miyukis midsection and wrapped them around the both Asians, pulling them in.

The thrust of their hips against each other resounded through the room and the soft sounds of moans could be heard, first whispered then louder. Veronika released one arm from the chinese womens neck to pull Sachikos head down. Both met next to Miyukis ear and started to messily kiss each other while holding their opponent captured, fucking her from the front and behind.

"Mhhhhahhh...gosh...that...that escalated quickly, huh bitches?",she panted between kisses and bit Sachikos lower lip. "Fuuuuck...",she hissed as she wrapped her legs tighter around her opponents. "That is amaaaaziiiing~"

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Re: Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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As she watched Miyuki plummet to the floor with her footing swept out from underneath her, a grin flashed across Sachiko's face. Just as she'd hoped for, the plan had worked out magnificently, and Miyuki was at their mercy. Even better, though...was the fact Miyuki was at their mercy! As long as she was down, there was nothing stopping Sachiko from getting on top of her and feeling every inch of her gorgeous body grinding back and forth underneath her own. Sachiko was practically trembling with anticipation already. From the moment she first set eyes on Miyuki, she'd been eagerly awaiting her chance to get up close and personal with her. Now, that opportunity had arrived!

Settling into place atop her opponent, Sachiko already began to tremble when she felt the warm, soft surface of Miyuki's skin press into her own, a tingle running down her spine and causing her hips to twitch. And now, as she began to press in closer and grind against Miyuki, Veronika's legs snapped into place around the two of them, locking them in their embrace! Encouraged by the close contact they shared, with the warmth of their embrace stoking the embers of desire in her heart, Sachiko would only speed up her motions - she leaned closer, her chest and hips rubbing up against Miyuki's own as her heart thumped in her chest, practically hard enough for the Chinese woman to feel. She let go of Miyuki's breasts, freeing her hands to push herself up even closer against her foe - and with Veronika pulling her closer for a kiss, she put those hands to good use, running them along the dancer's tanned back and squeezing at her rear as they wandered every curve and contour of her form. Her moans were muffled into Veronika's throat, and the eager impulses running through her body at the warmth and passion of the embrace caused her to press and rub even more firmly against Miyuki. In securing the position of the two of them, Veronika ensured Sachiko would be able to get closer to Miyuki than ever before - and there was nothing she could do to get away!

"Mmmf, babe..." Sachiko whispered, at last drawing back just far enough from Veronika to whisper a few words in a husky voice. "Did I ever tell ya you're waaaay too good to me?" She flashed her a wink, then looked back at Miyuki. "This bitch isn't even fighting back...this is gonna be a snap." Little did Sachiko know, she was playing right into Miyuki's plan!
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Re: Sauna handicap match! Miyuki Tachibana vs. Heart Connection!

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While being put into a totally submissive position wasn't exactly the best place to be, Miyuki honestly did not mind being sandwiched between Veronika and Sachiko. The two hottie's came onto her real hard after all, and being pressed up against both their bodies felt so good! A part of that came from the aphrodisiacs working their way through Miyuki's system, though given the dose she had taken the Chinese sexfighter knew she would be able to handle it. During her European trip she had taken far more potent "fight drugs", what these two deviants gave to her was nothing compared to that. And for now at least the two hottie's were content to sandwich her between them to try and grind her down, with the only roughness coming from that pretty skilled clothesline takedown they executed on her right at the very start.

"Mmmmm..." Miyuki moaned as Sachiko ground into her body from above. She bided her time, conserving her strength as Sachiko and Veronika eagerly attacked her from all angles. The sukeban was most enthusiastic, eagerly grinding her hips down from above, her motions speeding up as she got more and more into the sexy position. Veronika was an eager participant as well, her legs wrapping around both their bodies to squeeze them in close, leaning over Miyuki's shoulder to give a hot sloppy kiss to Sachiko as they all ground together. The sounds they were making showed just hot hot and bothered they were getting. Miyuki smiled, at the rate they were going, she wouldn't even need to fight back to get them cumming all over themselves!

Of course, that didn't mean she wouldn't fight back. Her hands and legs were still free after all, even of her body wasn't. Miyuki planted her feet against the ground, her hands reaching behind Sachiko's back to hug the sexy sukeban even closer. "You two are so hot when you make out like that," she whispered into Sachiko's ear, "Don't leave me out of it!" She gave Sachiko's neck a few small kisses, then nibbled her ear. Each time Sachiko's hips ground down, Miyuki pressed her hips back, using her plush ass to grind into Veronika's sex to tease the tanned blonde. Each time Sachiko's pulled back, Miyuki pushed upwards, her hips chasing Sachiko's crotch to continue grinding and pleasuring the sukeban. Miyuki sucked in a deep breath, using her impressive bust to grind deep into Sachiko's chest, feeling her big boobs squish and dominate her opponent's. She didn't let Sachiko relieve the pressure at all, hugging her chest in close to keep her locked in place. She even pushed backwards, her shoulder blade deepening their grind into Veronika's chest, feeling those hot tanned tits flatten against her back. Even though she was the one being squished between the two hotties, Miyuki could squish them back all the same. And she was confident enough in her defenses and her mental toughness that she could come out on top, even under this kind of immense sexual pressure!

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